Save Log 16: The Festival is Nice I guess

We approached the crowd in front of the guild. People were cheering on something.

“You beat the crap out of him Subin!”

“No one can beat the combat king!”

“What the heck is happening?” I asked Lina, who is a resident of this town.

“Oh you know, Subin is probably taking down someone. Happens in every festival.”

“Subin is taking down someone?”

“Oh yes, if I remember correctly, it’s the hand-to-hand combat contest hosted by the guild. Remember that time I joined the event Dermin?” said Joro standing on Dermin’s hand.

“Yes, I remember. You, unfortunately, lost in that match.”

“Subin is pretty tough for a short guy.”

What the heck?! That guy even beat Joro in hand-to-hand combat?! He is stronger than I thought!

“I know right? He is damn strong. I was the first one who challenged him and was defeated miserably.”

“Why would a thief like you do in hand-to-hand combat? They are pretty weak at fighting right?”

“Don’t get so cocky. The rangers are weak as well. I challenged him just to steal that beautiful necklace he used to wear. He stopped wearing it for some reason. ”

What did I expect? She was after jewelry, not an actual fight.

“And Subin Subin won the match! Give a round of applause to Subin everyone.”

The crowd cheered for Subin, the champion of the event so far. Some people can’t beat him, I heard. One of them is…

“Alright, it’s time for me to join nya.” said the nekogin warrior girl, Gangerbang, Subin’s elder sister.

“Oh come on Gangerbang you are gonna ruin all the fun again. Your tiny bro is doing pre..”

“WHO CALLED ME TINY?!” Subin roared out from the battleground, which is the road in front of the guild.

“Well if it isn’t Hanjiro and the party. A pleasure to meet you all.”

“Yo ho, Dan! How ya doing?”

“Glad to see you too. Wait, weren’t you guys at some hill, training?”

“We did and it’s over. Also, we don’t want to miss this festival. It’s the time when everyone enjoys themselves. Hahaha!”

I guess everyone does enjoy this festival. I used to go to the shrine for the New Year Festival with my sister before. We don’t do that for a long time. I miss those times now.

“This guy is still so laughable as always.” said Joro standing on Dermin’s shoulder.


“Oh, I know, why don’t you go duel with Subin Hanjiro?”

“Wait what?”

Dan pushed me toward the ring where Subin was standing alone victorious.

“Ah! Looks like we have a challenger! I am not sure he has a death wish or something but this is..”

“Hanjiro Fujuriya! The guy who shot down the Demon general!” the two bros of Midlofhin Guild staff were announcing through the howler box.

“Hang on! I am not challenging or anything. This is a…”

“Ho! So it’s you Hanji! I knew you would show up.” said the squeaky voice I heard back when Celestia attacked, from ahead.

“I think Subin is going to win easily. What do you think bro?”

“I think Subin is gonna win as well. But, I guess Hanjiro has a chance or so.”

Everyone in the crowd was cheering on Subin. Only a few number of people were cheering for me. “Look Subin, I didn’t want to do this. Dan just pushed me to this ring and…”

“Stop using your mouth to talk, let the fists say what it wants to say.”

My fists want to say get the hell out of here before we break!

Some guys took all the weapons I was carrying to make sure I don’t cheat and use fists only. They gave me a staff which was allowed for the duel.

“Dueler in position!” Both Subin and I got into our position.




“You know what I am going to bet on Subin instead.” those were the words from the traitor Lina. At least have some hope on me god damn it!


As the two bros announced the duel had begun, I saw Subin dashing toward me with his tiny fists to beat the heck out of me.

People were still in the festival gossiping and buying things and participating in events. Some kids were running past us but stopped.

“Look! It’s that guy who fainted fighting Subin niichan.”

“God damn it you kids!” the brats ran away when I tried to chase them. Yes, just as they said, I fainted during the battle. Subin made the first attack and I tried to block it with my staff, but it cracked by the force Subin put on it. It was enough to let me know that I have no chance of winning.

“Lol! Even those kids are making fun of ya Hanji!”

“Sh-shut up! I bet you would faint if it was you.”

“I didn’t expect you to lose like that master.” said Zefira. Not you too.

“It was very disappointing. I thought you could at least land a hit on him but…” Furara was disappointed in me as well. I tried my best you know.

“Furara is right. That was really disappointing. You put a shame on our name.”

“I-I- I am sorry.”

Damn it, Dan! Just because of you I am in this situation. I respected you...

“Alright, how about Hanji treat us for losing like that.”

“Hai hai. If you really feel bad about yourself for losing like that, you have to treat us.”

God damn it, I knew this would end up here. Well, if that makes them feel good, I have no choice then.

“Alright, alright. I will treat ya two.”

“Yesss! Aren’t you gonna eat too?” both of them cheered together.

“N-no, I am fine.”

“Don’t worry Zeifra. You are going to eat with us as well.”


“I wonder where the others are at.” said Joro standing on Dermin’s shoulder.

“Would you like me to look for them?”

“Joro-sama!” a familiar kid’s voice yelled out from behind. Just like I thought, it was Shino. She was approaching us along with Masha and Aneca.

“Oh, Shino and Masha. Glad to see you three. Have you seen the others?”

“Everyone else is coming this way too!”

“We met with each other at the town center. We decided to head here since your presence was coming from here.”

What presence? Oh, right I forgot. The Oath of Servant can allow the bonded butler or maid to know where their master is. Kinda creepy if I think.

“Oh glad to know then.” said Joro.

“Although we haven’t seen Emona yet. She left us and never showed up.”

I wonder where that creep of a girl is.

“Right behind you.”

I got startled after hearing the voice behind me. I turned around to see the devil. Emona can read minds as well?


Now, this is a hell of confusing.

After that, we had lunch and went back to our mansion. We decided to come back to the festival at night. Lina said that’s where the real event gonna held. I wonder what kind of event will that be.