"big bro," yieeee
We dont know that you have a love life here"sky teased
"I just teasing him nothing special"I said that because that is the truth
"Where are we going?"
Forth asked
"Here we are"I said
"What are we going to do here"Chase said impatiently
"I will give you a tour"I said smiling
"Yeheyyy !!!"
they say like a fool
"Hahaha"We laughed and the students looked at us and whispered.
"We are in the middle of this academy and the students here call it central X."I said
"let's go to north first"
I said smiling
"Here you will find the arena and training rooms in this academy."I added
When we got there we saw the arenas and rooms on that site. And in the middle of it, there was a spring.
"Why was there a spring in the middle?" Forth's question
"You will know that next week cause we will do our mission immediately. cause you guys are already here." I said with a Serious face
"luh, mission? we just arrived." Nexie said and he gave me a are you kidding look
"Is it my fault that you want to have fun first instead of doing the mission. If you have joined me in going here, we have been done for a long time." I said angrily to them and they just bowed their head down
"I'm sorry na"Sky said and hugged me
"Ohhhh why are you huggin me?"I said
"Don't be mad at us na hehe."I was smiling when sky said that, he didn't want me to be so angry. Last time I was angry, he almost did not approach me because he was already scared
"Will we continue or not"
I said
"Go ahead, big bro."
Sky said and hold my arm. This is really how he is when it comes to me because he wants us to be always close. Only now are we separated because he wandered around first
"This first arena at the end of our left, it is called "Gio ferido arena"."
"the first contest is being held here at the Mpire Academy which takes place on the first day of the student's week. Student week is an annual celebration for the anniversary of this academy. to find out who are the best students in this school"
"If in the human world "Pagent" is the contest being held on the school's anniversary, here it is called "HUFFHIZY" but the difference is, in the mortal world their contest is to find out who are the people with beautiful and brain, here we are contesting who is the strongest individual. That means that the game is to find out the strongest student. Whoever is the last student standing he wins"
"The arena at the far right is the "Jesmar Yuan arena".
"That arena contained a maze. And you should have a partner when you participate in that contest. Because that maze is full of riddles. So the council agreed that two people would side with each other in that competition. But I don't know if the council will allow that game because last year many people died in the explosion inside that arena. And until now it is not clear who the culprit is but I think the perpetrator is also inside the school. Anyway, this contest is being held on the second day of students week and it is called "UPHOLSTERY"
"I thought they have tight security here ???"
Nixie asked
"That's why I think this school was the culprit in that explosion because I'm sure there are still strong barriers surrounding this school".
I answer
"Hey, he just said that, are you listening? "Chase said to Nixie
"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't hear that part"Nixie answer
"Enough, until now, you two have not changed"
I said they were silent
"Go, continue the tour big bro"Said sky
"Ok so next is the arena at the end on the right, which is parallel to the jesmar yuan arena it is called Christian heyme arena"
"there the third contest called "MAHAHONY" takes place. It is held on the third day of students week and it is a group competition and should consist of 8 members and it is the same as huffhizy but the only difference is that the group will participate in this contest"
"For me, this is the best competition of the three". I added
"The arena on the left, parallel to the Gio ferido arena, is the Kimmon hallow arena"
"and this is where levelling takes place, there you know what level of power you already have. That levelling is called "FLATTEN"."
"What level are you, big bro"Sky asked
"I am now level 15 because I need to be low profile until you guys are not here"I answer
"Ahhhhhh" they said
"At that levelling, they will know if you improved or not when you get stronger you can go to another section."
I continue to explain to them about flatten
"We are in the 2nd year of the college of this school and there are 5 sections. First the supernal, second the dwale, third the novattigo, followed by dysphoria, and lastly our section is Labyrinth." I added
"When your level is 1 to 20 you will fall in the labyrinth. 21 to 40 is dysphoria. 41 to 60 is in novattigo 61 to 90 is in dwale you go straight and the last one where the royalties are 91 to 100 and you go to supernal. Only royalties can enter the supernal in this batch. It is held on the fourth day of students week."
"Ok interesting"
Sky said and smiled
"Lil bro I know those smiles"I said yo sky
"Dont try to stop me brother"He said and smiled
"Okay "I said and smiled because I already knew what he was going to do he wanted to keep up with the royalties
And I agree, my body also hurts when I always rest
"Maybe you noticed that the names of the arena are purely human names?"i said
"Yeah"They said at the same time
"But who are they?"Nixie asked
They are the ones who "saved Xryll when Daisy and Krim attacked the enemies of the King and the Queen and I also know that they are also my opponents by chance."I said seriously
"Okay, the story is over. Let's move on"Said forth
"hey forth he's telling a story'Beam said
"Sorry babe(ba -be)"Said foth smiling
"Enough with the sweetness, so these are the training rooms where you can training, of course, it is for the students of these schools. And there is a building between Gio ferido and kimmon hallow arena those are the quarters of the royalties where they also sleep and train their weapons and vigor(power). Of course, there is also the other side between jesmar yaun and Christian hemye arena. That 7-story building is for us, I asked housemaster as soon as I got here because he already knew we had a mission here."
They were about to run there when I stopped them.
"Hey later, let's go to central X so we can go to the east of this school"
I said and teleported to central X. One by one they arrived using teleportation.
"So we are here again because, on the fifth or last day of the anniversary celebration of this academy, this is where the student booths are placed. This placed is full by the booths of the students of different year and section all day long and at night there will be a ball and the call is Vintage ball and we need to wear traditional clothing."
"I'm so excited in students week". Beam. Said
"Me too, my hands are itching. I want to kill or hurt somebody"
forth said and smirked
"I was also excited, we traveled for 10 months just to get here so I hope I can break someone's bone"Chase said with a smirked
"That's enough, let's go east."I said and started walking. We also arrived immediately and the excitement was obvious on their faces.
"Do you see that structure?"I pointed to the arena in the middle
"The Veryll ball is held there and it is surrounded by amusement parks, malls convenience stores, restaurants, potion shops, armor shops, and anything else related to magic."
"Let's go guys, its time to go to the west."I said
"Hey boss can we buy first"Lam said cutely
"The idiot is acting cute"
Chase said
"why are you suddenly acting cute, bro"
Claude said
"Hey, boss can we buy first mmnp mnpp."
Nexie imitating lam that made lam red and we laughed
" boss, we haven't even been here for 10 minutes, then we are leaving na."
beam said
"All right, but .. buy snacks first, we'll just go tomorrow for shopping. Let's have a picnic in the garden first after the tour."Smiling when said.
"Wew, I thought we are going to shopping"
cloude said
"What If I hit you on the head!.,You and Sky are the same"I said yes
"Luh how did I became involved in this conversation"Sky said and pout
"Don't pout, it's ugly"
Said forth.
"So harsh baby."Beam said and kissed forth's cheek
"Ewwwww"We said at the same time
"Let's go, cloude".Nexie said
"Ough ough Cloude, do tou have plans to tell him"
Forth tease
"Tell him, what you wnat to tell, your so slow"Beam said.
The both of them blushed. I'm also confused about the two, obviously, they have feelings for each other but they do not want to level up.
That's enough, let's go
I have them
We immediately went to a nearby convenient store to buy food. When we finished, we headed straight west.
"So, we are here and it is obvious that the west is the rooms of students from elementary to college. And the Fountain with the statue of the king and queen you should avoid because when you are hit by that water you can become a rock and the only medicine for that is the whale tears that can only be seen in Devine City but no one has ever been there and remains a myth."
"let's go to the last destination, South, here we come"Nixie said happily and ran and we ran as well. And we immediately arrived .
"So, guys, this is the south where the dorms of the students and teachers of the academy are."
"This is also where the quarters of the teachers and housemaster can be seen that I am sure that you already seen."
"here also can be seen the river of memories. It is dangerous to take a bath there because you can drown because the current under it is strong even though this surface looks peaceful"
"Here are also the most beautiful gardens in the whole academy".I said
"Where are the council quarters?"Sky asked
"Look up."I said and they looked at each other.
Said Nexie
"No one has climbed there yet except the headmaster". I said
"Why?"Beam asked
"There is a barrier that protects that structure."i said
"That means they are hiding something because they will not put a barrier if they are not hiding something."Claude said.
"Bro,You have a brain??"
Nexie tease
"bro?" Cloude saod
"Owwww, friend zone."
Chase tease
"That's enough, let's go to that garden so we can have a picnic."I said and pointed to the most beautiful garden.When we arrived we laid out the blanket I was carrying and put the food down and sat down
"Hey guys, i think North is the most interesting and most beautiful in this whole academy." Cloude said
"Me too"
Forth added
And I understand them because both of them loves to fight.
"I love east, beautiful shopping malls, as well as amusement parks". Beam said smiling
"Me too haha, tomorrow is probably my happiest day here in this dimension"Sky said cheerfully.
And I know, I will pay for all the things sky bought so, sometimes when they go shopping malls I will not go but, this time I will threat him , even if it is just a waste of money, I miss that side of him.
"You Lam, what is your favorite place here".
Cloude answered
Lam says briefly
"Why is that? , You have many choices, why the classrooms ".Cloude asked
"The school library is there."He said, he is being a bookworm again.
"As for me, I really enjoy the beautiful scenery here and this place is the peaceful one."Nexie said
"Mee too, I am exited I will beautify the gardens here."Chase added.
I understand why they like it because of their vigor (power) humus or soil. I remember when we were still living in our world. They both beautify all of the gardens there.
"Hey big bro, what do you like best about this academy". Sky said.
"For me it is all, I always want to go around the whole academy but if I choose one I will choose south"Smiling when said
"Ha! You don't like nature, do you?"Nexie said to me and seemed surprised by my answer.
"You will know it on Monday"I smiled and said that they were disappointed.
L"et's finish eating so when we can move our things to the quarters"
I said