I am here now in our quarters and lying down, until now I still do not forget what Kim said. I know it's not right, because I love someone else, hays
"guys, I think someone will stay in the other quarters"Daryll said
"May I see"Kimmy said
"Its almost a year ago when that building was built, no one lived there, but suddenly someone moved in" Zindy said
"Aren't they the ones who sits next to us in the cafeteria?"Kristine asked
"Yeah they are"Said Benedict
"come on, let's go to them"Zyren said so they ran to the door.
"I thought you were going there?"I asked Kristine
"What, you will come with us, idiot!"Kristine said to me and pulled me, I felt butterflies in my stomach,my crush pulled me ayieeeee.
Xyrus stop that, it's gay, I said to myself
When we arrived, their belongings were still scattered outside, they were obviously coming.
"You will live here."Benedict asked
"Yeahh why"Kim replied
"Nothing."Benedict said
"Wait, your the nerd that beat the Fang brothers ? right?" Zindy said
"are you referring to raven and his brothers??? If they, its me, why?"
He replied and I was surprised
If he was that nerd, it means he was the one I talked to, in the garden.
"That's you"I shouted
"You are the one I talked to in the garden"I said
"Yes I am, you're so full of yourself yesterday ahh" he said
"Now who is more handsome, me or you"
He said and approached me and I could hear my heartbeat
"By the way what are you saying zindy?"he said and walked away from me which loosened my chest
"Ahhhhh, I just curious what is the reason why you are in disguise?"
Said Zindy
"Do I have to explain to you",Kim said and he gave zindy a cold look
"Do you need help?" Kristine changes the subject
"We are ok, but if you want you can"chase said with a smile
"We will help"Kristine said
"Right Xy?"Kristine said to me and they all looked at me so I just nodded
"So what can we do to help?"Bently asked
"Are you talking?"His twin Benedict said mockingly
"Are you talking?"
His twin Benedict said mockingly but Bentley just looked at him
"here Bentley"I said and handed him the bags of groceries.
" Please bring these groceries to the 5th floor, please put them in the refrigerator, thanks."
I said to him with a smile
"Hey you two, go in the Weapon room and clean that room, oh this"
And i gave them the box that full of swords and other weapon
" There is a label on what weapon will be hung on the wall, okay Understood"I said and they just nod their head
"Of course, no sex will happen there, you both know what will happen if i see you having sex on that room."I threatened Beam, and he just smirked at me
"Luh, i thought-"
Beam said but i cut him off
"Later in the room, the rooms at this building are all Sound proof"I said smiling
"Really !! Forth hurry up and get that sSowe can go to the bedroom"
Beam said excitedly.
"Lam, because you're a Bookworm, go and fix the library"I command him
"aye aye captain"lam said with a smile on his face
"you Nexie and Cloud, what are you going to do?"I asked
"I'm gonna go with the Arcade"Nexie said
"I'm also want in the arcade big bro"sky said
"ok , go there"I said to him with a smile in my face
"You cloude-"
"Im fine with the Cinema room"He interrupted what I said and immediately took the items to be placed in the Cinema room
I continued what I was going to do when Zindy spoke
"Hey, how can i help?"
"Grab that box and go to the fifth floor. Clean and organized the things inside that box." I said
"I will go with you Zindy"
Kimmy said cutely
"Are you going to help?"
I asked them
"Hey where do i put this"
Xyrus asked and picked up the box containing the armor
"On to the armour room in the 1st floor"I shortly said.
"Go first, i will follow later"I told him
"Me, how can i help?"
Kristine asked
"This box contains kitchen utensils, on the 5th floor, where Bentley is" i said
"You Benedict are you not gonna help?"
I asked him
"There is a rooftop there, I'll go there"
He said
"Sorry but you are not allowed there."I said briefly
"Ummmm in the ..... In the ... In the library .... Right in the library heheh"
He said and scratches the back of his neck
"Ok on the 2nd floor at the end of the hallway, Lam was there, just tell him that I said you gonna help him" I said this and he left immediately
"I picked up the remaining boxes and went up to the rooftop to put them there"When I finished, I immediately went down to go to the armor room
When I arrived, he just finish one armor and the second was being assembled.
"Oh you already finish one armour?"I said
"Ahhh yes, these armours are weird"He said and smiled at me
"Where did you buy it and it seems like no one is selling something like this on Xyryll?"
He asked
"Ahhhh that came from a town I passed before I got here." I answered and adjusted my armor
I would have ended up observing that there was not a single piece of armor here in the box I had placed.
"Xyrus did you see a part of my armor?"I ask him
"Ahhh I put it in the top of the cabinet because I should finish that one but armour is the most difficult to install" he said
"Ahhhh" i said
I would have taken the remaining parts but it was too high for me so I took a wooden staircase to reach it but when im on the fifth step I broke it which cause me to fall i was waiting for my back to reach the floor but someone catched me. When I opened my eyes I saw Xyrus' face.he has red eyes and gray hair, she has a perfect face and women are obviously drooling for him.
"Done checking my face"he said with a smirked and my cheeks turned red
"Ahhh, you can take me down, th- t- thank you, I'm in the kitchen, here I will eat, I'll just cook for you".
I said, I did not wait for him to say I immediately left
I went up to the 5th floor when I saw they were done
"Ohh you're done,"
I said
"Of course"kimmy said
"All right, you can have dinner here, I'll just cook for you"I said and went to the kitchenbI prepared a variety of dishes
When I finished, they came at the same time.
"Ohhh you sit down let's eat.
I said and they immediately sat down
We ate quietly as kimmy broke the silence.
"Ahhh kuya bat nga pala dit-"Kimmy would have said but I cut it short
"Kimmy can you please shut the fuck up, we even allowed you to talk to us earlier while eating, but dont dare to talk now, please respect the food Infront of you" I said annoyed
When we finished eating we went straight to the living room to relax a bit.
"What should you ask kimmy kaganina?"I asked kimmy
"It's not ok, I don't have that."
"Kimmy when we eat, we don't talk to respect the food Infront of us, this tradition we inherited this to our ancestors and
this is also what we are used to, so please if you have a question, ask when we are not eating. But sometimes we dont follow that rule So You can ask a question now."
Chase said at length
"I would just like to ask why you moved here?"
I asked this question.
"In the first place this building was built for us". I said smiling
"Huh? Why headmaster give a damn building for labyrinths?"
Zindy said calmly
"Its for us to know and for you to find out"
I said with a smile
"Everything that happens is already written"
I added
"Huh what , already written?"Xyrus asked frowning
"You know what I'm saying"I said and i smirked
"It's time to go home guys, let's go."Benedict said
"Yeah lets go"Kristine said and we accompany them to the door.
"Guys, did you bring the cards I gave you earlier?" I asked
"Ahhh yes big bro, we bring our card.
Sky answered
"Ok, let's go to the training room."
I said and together we took the elevator down.
"Are we going to train right now?"Nexie asked
"What is the Card for?"
Cloude also asked
"If you are training now?, Of course not. What is the Card for? For that".
I said and I swiped the card on the side of the painting attached to the wall of the living area of the training room, there was nothing to worry about because every time we train in the training room, this living room spontaneously had shields.
"Ohhhh a secret door"
Forth said and smirked
"Secret door that goes to our secret room"I said
"Swipe the card on the side of the door so you can enter."Sabi ko pa. And when we entered I immediately saw their eyes shining.
"Welcome to our lair guys."I said smiling
"Ohhh all the essentials are put here. Earlier I wondered why the important books were not in the box, you put it here to protect it right?"Lam asked
"Yes."I said briefly
"Why they're so many monitors here."Beam asked
"While you are away, that is what I did first, so that I will not be bored here. I installed almost a hundred cameras around this academy, so we can Observe who are the possible suspects."i said
"Guys look at the "blue rose" one of the petal falloff" Chase said and we looked at the monitor
"It seems like no one even removes the fallen petals." Said Beam
"in every fallen petal there was a written hint. and that hint give us a little impormasyon about the future"
Sky said.
"I think they do not know."
Lam said
"Because They burned the book of prophecy"I said.
"If they had not burned it we shouldn't have a mission here". Beam said
"Early in that morning I passed by the students council room. I observed them and find out that they will do something bad, they are just waiting for their master's order and I am sure that when they received thier lord order they were immediately take action. So keep your eyes on them, ok"I said
"Ok meeting dismiss"
I said and immediately went out to go straight to the bedroom.
Too much has happened today and my body hurts. I just closed my eyes even though I had not been sleepy. Soon my eyes became heavier and I was taken to dreamland
~ • ~ •• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~
Kristine POV
"Guys, I was wondering what Kim meant when he says that "Everything that happens is already written".
I asked
"Yeah gurl, i was thinking about that too"Daryll said, he is the gay in our group
"Yes, I also thought about it and he even said that we already know this, I'm just confused because I don't know what we know". Benedict said
"I didn't understand bro."
bently said
"I mean, I don't know what we know, what i know is we have discovered many things in the world, and I do not know which of them is kim referring to."Benedict said in length
"I'm still confused by what you're saying, but I know whats your point"
Bently said
"only the two of you can understand each other, kidding haha." Daryll said teasingly
"he mean that, of all the things we discover and we have known, which of those we know kim is referring to.am i right? Benedict?" Kimmy said.
"Yeah sorry im not good with words??hhahahhaha"Benedict said while laughing
"In 2 months, students week will start again, will we join?"
Xyrus asked
"Yeah last year we didn't join, and it was very boring at that time."
Zindy said
"Who will join ??"
I asked and at the same time they raised their hands.
"So we will all participate, which means we will join all of the competitions , right?" I asked
"of course"
"So starting Monday after classes our training starts ok?"I asked again
"It's ok"Kristine my loves said which everyone agrees with
So the training will start on Monday.
Let your body be ready, ok
After that gathering I immediately went to the bedroom and took a shower. Then when I take a bath I lie down and I suddenly look at the building on the other end where kim and his friends live and all the lights are off . I look at the clock to see 12
"Maybe they are asleep"
I Said to myself and went straight to bed and lay down. later the darkness engulf me.