"Big Bro,wake up , it's morning, we're going to the mall". I shouted at my older brother's room
"Sky, I'm still sleeping".
He said with her eyes closed
"Bro, wake up"
I shouted
"5 minutes"
He said
"I tell papa you did before you came here"
I said
"Ok im awake now". He said and stood up and I looked at him with a smile.
"You, go out and I will take a bath".
He said and he obviously badtrip
I went upstairs and just wait there . Soon he arrived and obviously he take a bathed and dressed.
"Come on guys. My older brother is awake"I said
Hey wait, aren't we going to have breakfast
Big brother said and his eyebrows met, he obviously badtrip
"They said we gonna have breakfast at the mall"I said smiling
"Ok come on, I'm hungry". Big bro said and walk out
"Brother, will we walk again?"
I asked
"Who told you we were going to walk?"
Kim said
"I don't see any car here?" I said
"Vehicle here is only allowed on Saturdays, Sundays and students week, those are the only times we are allowed to ride and use the vehicle".Bored said older brother.
"So we have a car?"I asked again.
"Yes, let's go to the lair, the cars are parked there"big brother said
"where are the cars here?"Forth asked.
"Press the red button"I said briefly and Chase pressed it. the cabinet next to the monitors opened
"Wowwww the cabinet is a door cool'My twin said in amazement
"Come on in, hurry up, I'm getting hungry". I added
When they enter, they approach the Lamborghini and Mustangs parked there. There is no such thing as a vehicle like this in the world of Xyrill. You can only see the SUV here. I brought those cars here because they want that kind of car.
"Wow brother, is it still from the world of people".Sky asked again
"Yeah"I said and approached a Lamborghini SC20
"How long have this cars been here?" Lam asked
"Yesterday while you were taking care of things." I said and started the car
"If you ask me who the one who put the cars here is Raven and his brothers, my bullies." I said
"And why do I have bullies, thatd none of uour bussiness." I added
"Okay, obviously you have already chosen. You know how to operate that. Let's go." I said and got on the boat.
When I arrived I immediately parked and went out. I was ahead of them. Only later did they arrive one by one.
"Why are you guys take long, im hungry?" I said
"Hhaha we got lost" Cloude said
"Is it ok, you dont left anything right?." I asked
"Nothing"Nexie said
"Your wallets?"I asked again
"I did not bring mine ,big bro."Sky said
"Who will gonna pay for your expenses?"I asked
You said its on you
He said and pout
If you hadn't woken me up and let me sleep first, I would've treat you.
I said
"Luh brother"He said and clung to my arm
"By the way, I'm already hungry lets go to Dean's" I said and walked into the mall.
When we entered, they everybody is looking at us while whispering.
"Friend , omg handsome'
"Bess I saw my future son's father"
"Mr., Be mine"
"they are the transferees " - girl 1
"Yes they are" - girl 2
I hear there from labyrinth" - girl 3
"I don't care, they're handsome" - girl 1
I hear whispers like they are not whispering.
When we arrived at Dean's, they were still staring at us and making fun of us, but we just ignored them
"Hey Brother, please treat me, i dont have my wallet with me"sky said like a child
"Ok , shut up , im gonna treat you".
I said
he shouted like he just win a lottery
What is your order sir
He cashier said politely
Sky, what about you
I will ask
Spaghetti with chicken, fries, and large float. Said sky
What else sir.
Same ms.
ok sir
Said the cashier
This is my credit card ms.
I added
Spaghetti with chicken, fries, and large float, and he's your credit card sir, enjoy. Said the cashier
"Thanks"Sky said smiling and we sat at a long table that could accommodate 8 people.soon they arrive one by one.
"After we finish what store are we going to"Beam asked
"Zen's boutique"i answered
"Is there no Gucci store here, Zara, Louis Vuitton?" Sky asked
"There is no such store in Xyryll Sky, you are not in the mortal world ". I said
"What are the famous stores here ??" Nexie asked
"Zen's botique", "pink botique" and "blue botique". If you like shoes, "Hallows and Claws". If you want to buy a tuxedo at "tux botique" we ". I said at length.
"If we have accessories in" dream "we". I added
"Awww why did I see some gucci and LVs in your walk in closet?" Sky asked
"It's from the mortal world, " I replied
"Unfair", he said and pout
"Why you left your things there and you pack only 5 pairs. Are you gonna take a vacation?". I said annoyed
"But don't worry after student week I'm sure we have a mission there". I added
"Ahhhh ok, let's just do a mission immediately so we can go shopping". Sky said.
"Hurry up and eat so we can shop as soon as we can". I said
Later when we finished we agreed that we would shop at the blue botique.
"Good morning sir. What are you looking for?" The store staff asked
"Kindly assist my brother miss" I said
"Ok sir" The staff said and my brother followed.
Soon there was an old old store that attracted me. I left the store and went to the store I saw. When I got to the front of the store I read the name of the store.
"Souvenir shop". It looks like the store is not interesting but there is something strange about this store. I went in and saw an old man in his mid 60's
"God, thank you, someone has entered my store". The old man said cheerfully
"Ahhh I'm just going to buy a souvenir. My brother just came here and I'm going to buy a bracelet" I said to the old man
"Ahhhh this I have a lot of bracelets here". Said the old man and give me a basket of of bracelet
I looked at the bracelets and something that caught my eye, a dark blue bracelet with the letter S initial
"What is your name iho, I am Sovit, call me Grandma Sovit . Grandma sovit said
(Iho is a tagalized Spanish word of hijo or son , iha is also a derived from Spanish hija or daughter)
"Kim, my name is Kim."I introduce myself
"Ahh this,"I said and I took the dark blue bracelet with the S initial
"That's free"The old man said with a smile but I was looking at different direction, I was looking behind him, I saw a door that seemed to be powered by technology.
I thank him and said goodbye to the old man. I left and went back to the boutique.
"Hey Big bro , I'm looking for you , you need to pay the things i choose. Sky said frowning
"Ohhh the old man gave it to me in a store".He said and reached for the bracelet and immediately put it on
"Where are the ones you chose" I asked
And I was not surprised that ten people were holding what he choose .I paid for everything he picked from the store. And we would have come out but sky spoke
"Big bro how do i bring this "He said
"Raven where are you? go to me at the blue botique now."I said in raven's mind
"Yes boss will I come with my brothers?"
Raven asked
"Yes hurry up" I said and in less than 5 minutes the fang brothers were in front of me.
"Please take it in the car and come back here, don't worry I will buy you what you want." I said.
"Okay boss". Nicholas said and I just nodded. And they left shortly soon the siblings were by my side. They act so fast because my bullies are my vampire.
"Ahhhhh brother there we are at the pin-"
"Wahhhhhhh wahhhhhhh"
We heard people shouting outside and we immediately ran in the direction where people were shouting.
"What's the matter with you why are you screaming?." Sky asked the woman running in our direction.
"There's some" xechoristós attacking the amousment park " the girl said in fear
"Where are they coming from" I asked
"I didn't know they suddenly appeared behind the amusement park."
She says
"Thank you" I said and she ran out of place
"What is xechoristós?" Forth asked
"Xechoristós is a creature that can fly after separating itself from the lower half of its body. It eats babies and fetuses from a mother's womb it eats babies and means passing their long tongue through a small hole from the roof of their houses the sharp end of the tongue touches the mother's naval to suck the blood of the fetus or the unborn babies. I just wonder why they are here and there are no babies here. "I replied.
"The question is right, brother, they need help". Sky said
"Raven come with us we need your help". I said
"Yes boss". He answered and we immediately ran to the place where the xechoristós were attacking. When we arrived, we saw xechoristós destroying people's goods.
"Hey" i call the attention of xechoristós and they all looked at me. There are eight xechoristós here.
"I think you want to die,child. You are interrupting us, we are just getting food". The xechoristós man told me.
"You are disturbing our place. And when are you still eating such food. As far as I know you are eating babies in the womb. So why are you here? What is the reason why are you here". I answered him.
"Smart, kid. We smell fetuses here . And our smell ability cant be wrong, so leave us alone because we have not been eaten food for a days". The woman xechoristós told me
"Then beat us first". Beam said
" you are brave,kid but I'm sorry, you forced us to fight you" One of their colleagues said and rushed at us.
"Guys get ready". Nexie said.
"Wait how can we fight them they have no legs." Chase asked
"As much as you can, don't give up, they will use our tongues. Be careful because their saliva is poisonous". I remind you
And the xechoristós began to attack and they used their elongated tongues as their weapons.
They always target our feet. So I was so annoyed I made an ice sword and cut off its tongue. So I was very happy when I thought I had lost him but I was surprised because his now have a two tongue.
"Guys, don't cut thier tongue, it will increase ". I shouted at them and that is what they did.
"Target their wing.I shouted and i threw a lot of ice spikes at my opponent's wing ".
"Think , KIM, think, you have read about our creatures". I said to myself.
I did not realize that my opponent was going to attack. So I stuck his tongue in his foot and threw it in a store.
"Now kid,can you still fight me? "
The Xechoristós teased me
"Don't underestimate me, ugly creature". I said he was annoyed.
"You're annoying me kid. I need to finish this because I'm already hungry". He said
"I'm sorry, you fought with me, and I will never let that happen" I said seriously. And i threw ice balls in his direction. If the person with B to E class vigor ( power ) still needs to say words just to show their powers. But in an S class like ours, we have to do it because we already pronounce it in our brains.
I did not realize that xechoristós' tongue was already wrapped around my body so I could feel its pain.
"I thought, you're good, ". He said to annoy me more
Until now, I have been thinking about how to defeat the xechoristós.
Xechoristós was already holding my chest and I was sure it was planning to take my heart, which is also one of what they eat when there are no children.
"Nicholas" .I use Telephaty.
"Yes boss" .Nicholas replied
"bring your brothers to find the half body of these xechoristós". I said
"Look to the east. And tell me when you find it". I added.
"Yes boss" It said
The Xechoristós was about to bury his long nails in my chest when I froze myself, and he immediately released me when he could no longer bear my weight so I fell to the ground.When I fell and the ice immediately break
"Can you still fight ". He said mocking me
"Boss, we found the lower part of xechoristós body, we were going there". Said nicholas in my mind.
"I can ". I said and suddenly the lower part of the body of the xechoristós was in front of us. And when they saw it, they marveled. Immediately if my ice sword is released.
"Noooo"The xechoristós said. But it was too late because I had split their lower body in the middle.
Immediately they approached me.
"You're really good bro". Forth said. And I just smiled
"Guys. Where are the xechoristós?" Xyrus said suddenly appear
"They were already killed by kim ." Cloude said.
"You're a great boss". Raven and his siblings told me.
"You did a great job Nicholas. Just tell me when you will get your reward. But let me rest first. I said and darkness ate me.