It's been 3 days since Carlo had a duel with Nexie. Nexie became Famous after their fight because Carlo Vien is one of the undefeated here. He should have been in the Supernal section because of the strength of his power but he was not a royalty so he stayed in Dwale.
"Ouchhhhh!, it hurts" I shouted after Sky hit me
"Hey you idiot brother, lunch is ready, let's go" he said
"it is aleready launch break?, time flies so fast" I said.
"yes brother let's go" Sky said said and we went straight to the Cafeteria.
Of course until now they still look at us, but something has changed now since Nexie won the duel, they no longer give disgusting looks, but happy faces. I'm happy because it won't be hard for us to live with them,Im happy because in the short time we'vee been here they accepted us, even though I know we'll soon leave here again I'm still happy that even for a short time I felt the citizens welcome us here.
Soon we reached the cafeteria, and immediately sat down near the royalties table.
"Sky, can you order our launch , mine is still the same " I said.
"What do you wan Nixie" Sky ask
"still the same " Nixie said
"the same with Nixie" Cloude said
"Ayieee love is in the air" Beamsaid as Cloude and Nexie's faces turned red
"You look like a fool" Nixie said and glared at Beam
"Beam and me will eat Lasagna, Mac & Cheese, and sparkling water for drinks" Forth said and kissed Beam on the cheek and his face turned red.
"Where are Chase and Lam," Beam asked
"I just ordered them to do something thats why they a sent to the class today" I said
"okieee, I will order na " Sky said and left.
"Yeah, bro, aren't we going to the underground bar now ?, What's the plan?" Forth asked.
"that's why Chase and Lam are not here, because I ordered them to take a picyure of the bar before we act" I said
"and I'm saying this now, this night will be a long night" I added
"Then what are we going to do", Cloude asked
" can we talk later, we can't talk about such things here, only later when we get home"
"Yes, Boss" they said at once
Hours passed and we finished class today. We immediately went home to plan what to do tonight.
"Is everyone here yet?" I asked
We waited a few more minutes before it arrived. It obviously only woke up because of the messy hair and the sour saliva on the side of its lips.
"Good evening prince sky" i said mockingly
"Luh sorry na ,i was only late for a few minutes eh"he said and pout
"What a few minutes?, we've been waiting for you for about half an hour now , and besides, don't pout , it down suit you, you look like a motherless monkey " I said and rolled my eyes
"I'm sorry brother, let's start" Sky said and Chase immediately spoke again. Lam immediately laid out the picture he was holding. And these are the pictures they took of the bar that I ordered them to take
"This is the door that only VIPs can enter, there is nothing suspicious except this door" said Chase
"Did you find the blue-print of this underground" I asked
"sorry boss, we didn't see anything" Lam said
"Umm boss, you remember when you were comatose, Umm....aside of being busy with Beam, finding the maps of the buildings here is one of my hobby while you're asleep" Forth said with a smile "and I think one of the things I saw was the blue print of that underground" he added
"I would have praised you but you still included your boyfriend in the conversation" I said mockingly
"Is there a problem with that , i thimk his boyfriend isn't here, thats why his bitter" he whispered
"What did you say" I said
"Nothing, I said your handsome " he said with a sour grin on his lips
"Get the map that you're saying, so we can talk about the plan" I said and he immediately left to get the maps he said. Soon he arrived with a box
"It looks like that box is heavy, is that really how many maps you got" I asked
"It's not just a map and blueprint of the school, here are also the maps I found while we were going here" he said and immediately sat down
"That's really what I like about you" I said with a smile. When Forth saw the blue print of the underground bar he was saying he immediately opened it and laid it on the table.
The blueprint will set out the design of a bedroom and building. We saw here the rooms inside the underground and what the rooms are here.
"Here's the VIP, boss" Cloude pointed out in a room on the side of the blueprint
"That's because its the only door with the bodyguard " he added
"this is the VIP? It's only the size of a bathroom cubicle?" astonished Beam said
"wait boss, why do we need to know what is the inside of a VIP room" He asked
"That's not why I had to see the blue print"
"if that the case brother, what's the reason why you needed it?" Sky asked making me sigh
"My suspicion is correct" I said smirking
"What suspicion" Beam asked
"That that room (VIP Room) is one of the portals to the Council headquarters"