Mpire 15


"That room (VIP Room) is one of the portals to the Council headquarters" I said with a smirk

"huh !!!?" they all shouted with a shock face

"What has the underground bar got to do with the council?" Nexie asked

"I've been into council headquarters, once" I said

“How?” Lam said

“When I was comatose, I experienced the mirage” I said to their surprise

"Mirage?" Cloude asked

"but you can only experience the mirage once in 1000 years?" said Chase

"I don't know, I just found out that I was in the mirage when I was going to hit Sky but my hand just penetrated. I saw that I wasn't dead when I saw my body was still lying in the Hospital bed and the monitor says that my Heartbeat is still normal" I explained at length

"When I experience mirage I feel like i am a soul. And that was the time that i see what's inside the Council Headquarters" I said

"What did you see inside" forth asked