The Letter..

“That went better than expected. I’m so proud of you, baby girl.” Luke hugged me immediately we stepped out of the conference room. I smiled and hugged him back.

He pulled away before dragging me to my office.

“You have a press conference soon too. Now that you’ve been accepted by the board, the world ought to know you.” Luke said.

“How sure are you…” The sound of my phone ringing cut me from finishing my sentence.

Checking the screen, I see that it’s a call from Vicky. Oh, no…I completely forgot about Liam. I answered the call immediately.

“Hey, Vicky…how’re you?? How’s Liam?” I asked at once.

“Hey, McKenna. Sorry to bother you.I’m okay and Liam’s good but he insisted I call you.” Her voice came through.

“Can I speak to him?”

“Yes, of course.”

Then I heard his voice. That small angelic voice. My little brother is my life. I love him so much.

“Hello, McKenny.” He said.

“Hey, baby, how’re you feeling?”

“I feel better now … I just wanted to hear your voice .”

“Aww..thanks, baby… I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner, I was in a meeting.”

“I know. Go work now.”

“I’ll be home early, okay?”

“Okay, bye.” And the call ended.

“Is he feeling better?” Luke asked.” He sounded a little weak when I spoke to him this morning.”

“He feels better now, I guess.” I said. “Can we hurry up with the meeting so I go home on time?”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll just go inform everyone.” He nodded and left.

I sat back in my seat and suddenly remembered how I didn’t know Dixon was one of the shareholders in the company.I picked up the files of the board that Jonah prepared for me just as a knock came in.

“Come in.” I said without looking up.

“McKenna, Sir. Luke just called and he said the conference starts in 30 minutes.” Jonah said. I raised my head looking at him.

“Is there something I should know before going?” I asked him.

“Not really but the reporters may try to test your knowledge a bit. They’re a little twisted like that.” He said. “But other than that, you should be fine.”

“Thanks, Jonah.” He smiled at me.

“It’s no problem at all.” He said and left my office.

I looked at the file in my hands trying to take my mind off the fact that the whole country will be watching me in a few minutes…

“I think you’ll be falling off a cliff if you didn’t have me, babygirl.” Luke said as he entered.

“Yeah, I think about doing it everyday, trust me.” I responded with a smile.

“Do you always have a comeback?”

“ Yeah, for you…always.” I said chuckling as he pursed his lips.

“It’s time to go, boss.”

“Seriously, now? I thought it started in 30 minutes.”

“Which already passed 2 minutes ago.” He said checking his watch.

I stood up and followed him to the conference room. I swear I’ll give anything to just go home and chill with my brother, anything at all. A sigh escaped my lips as I felt the headache kicking in.

“You okay?” Jonah asked.

“Yeah, just can’t wait for the day to be over.”

“You’ll be done before you know it.”


Luke opened the door and I stepped in to see lots of cameras and reporters ready to question me. Have confidence, keep your head up and you’ll do good. I took a deep breath before taking my seat in front of the room.

I got the signal from Luke to start;

“Hello everyone, I’m McKenna Wright, the Acting CEO of Wright’s Enterprises Inc. “ A woman from the back raised her hands. I guess question time has started, go girl.

“Yes, please.”

“We heard that the CEO, Mr. Ian, who I’m guessing is your brother was involved in an accident. Is that why you’re here?”

I nodded.

“Yeah, Ian is still recovering and till he fully does, I’ll be taking his place temporarily.” Another lady raised her hand.

“Why did you show your face now? I mean we knew you had a little brother, how come you were hidden from the public? Are you an illegitimate child?”

“Excuse me, I don’t think…” Luke tried to say but I beat him to it.

“I wasn’t hidden from the public. My parents wanted to give me freedom, they wanted me to see my position in this company as an option not as an obligation. I wanted to explore the world a bit before joining the company. I’m not illegitimate, I just love to keep my business private and my family understood that.”

He nodded in understanding.

“I’m sorry for your loss. What are your plans for the company?” A guy said.

“Thank you. Ian was a good man, a good boss. All the work is almost done. I just need to add a few touches here and there and maybe go through his future plans. Thank you all for coming out here today. That’ll be all.”

I said and made my way out of the room.

“You were so cool out there, baby girl. I’ve always knew you’ve got spunk.”

“Seriously, I keep doing things I didn’t even know I was capable of.”

“You know, Kenny, sometimes you just need to step out of your comfort zone. Which was what you did.”

I smiled at him before entering the elevator.

“Good job, McKenna. You looked good on television.”

“Thanks, Jonah.” I smiled at him before asking Luke. “Are we done? I can leave earlier?”

“Yeah, sure.” He said absentmindedly. I rolled my eyes cause I knew he was probably flirting again. We stepped out of the elevator and I stopped in my tracks as I saw her.

“Adeline?” I asked. She immediately turned to face me with wide eyes.

“I thought I was dreaming but I’m definitely not. It’s really you. You’re the boss.” She said.

“Hey, Adeline.” I said chuckling. The look on her face is a killer.

“Why didn’t you tell me? I was super shocked when I saw you on television but then I didn’t immediately react to it and I was like hey guys, that’s my bestie and then I was like how is that my bestie and everyone now thinks I’m officially crazy and I think that’s it. I’m crazy, if not why won’t I know when my bestie is from a wealthy family or better still the CEO of the company I work for…”

“Adeline, Adeline…breathe, in out.” I said chuckling. She glared at me but did as I said anyway. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I’m never one to tell people who I really am. I didn’t want the attention that came with being rich. I’m sorry, hun.”

“Awww, baby..” She hugged me. “I’m not mad at you, was just surprised, yeah but I ain’t mad.”

“Thanks, Adeline.” I turned to Luke.

“Can I go now?”

“Why’re you asking me? You’re the boss.”

“Well, considering you’re the only one who is always against my decisions.”

He gasps feigning hurt making me roll my eyes. I turned to Adeline who seem to be in her own world staring blatantly at Luke and I snapped my fingers in her face.

“Hey, girl, you got a little something over there.” I said pointing to the side of her mouth chuckling.

“You’re so mean.” She said pouting. I made my way to my office while Adeline followed closely behind. I entered into the office and waited for her to come in before closing the door.

“Wow, I knew the CEO’s office is awesome and beautiful but nothing’s prepared me for this sight.” She said still standing in the spot she stood for the past 5 minutes.

I shrugged packing up my bag. “Are you planning to stay there all day?”

“Can you let me enjoy this moment in peace?” She said carefully taking a seat in front of my desk. “Why are you leaving early?”

“My little brother is sick. I didn’t want to come in today but I had to cause of the meetings I had.”

“Ohh, is he okay now?”

“I think so but I don’t think I’ll be at peace until I see him.”

“I get it. I’ll just walk you to your car then.” She said walking me to the elevator.

“That won’t be necessary. Thanks Adeline.” We stepped into the elevator where she pressed the ground floor.

“No, I insist..or how will they believe you’re my bestie if they don’t see us together?”

“That’s what you’re bothered about?” I giggled.

“Yeah, sue me…”

“No, it’s totally fine.”

The elevator arrived at the ground floor. Adeline looped our hands together and we stepped out together. We got a few looks here and there but no biggie. I saw Dimitri park in front of the building.

“That’s my ride. Thanks, Adeline.”

“It’s no problem, bestie. Just promise me we’ll hang out sometime.”

“I promise.” I said hugging her. I ran down the stairs in a flash excited to see Liam. I sat comfortably at the backseat and waved one last time to Adeline before Dimitri zoomed off.

“Hello Dimitri, thanks for coming.”

“It’s no problem, ma’am.”

“Just call me McKenna, Dimitri. I’m a young lady probably old enough to be your daughter so don’t you think ma’am is a bit too much?”

“Yeah, McKenna.” I smiled at him and nodded resting my head on the headrest and for the first time today feel the headache coming in. The ride was quiet and we got to the hotel in 30 minutes. I thanked Dimitri and made my way into the building.

Going through the lobby, I nodded in greeting to Ann while she smiled back. I got to the elevator and made my way to the penthouse. I swiped my card to the door and went in only to hear the sound of laughter in the air. I smiled to myself and closed the door. I made my way to the living room where I saw Liam and Vicky playing Call of Duty. I didn’t even know she was that kind of girl.

Liam noticed me first and ran to me.

“McKenny!!” He shouted happily.

“Hey, Champ… you feel better now?” I said laughing.

“Yeah, I still feel a little weak but I’m fine.”

“You shouldn’t be running if you feel weak, sweetie.” He rolled his eyes. “Don’t you roll your eyes at me, mister.”

“Don’t worry, Kenny… I feel okay besides I’m a man.” I laughed and looked towards Vicky who was quietly looking at us.

“Hey, Vicky..thanks a lot for today. I owe you.” I said smiling.

“It’s always a pleasure to look after Liam. He’s such a sweetheart.” She said smiling. “Lest I forget, a letter came for you earlier today.”

“Really? From who?” I asked in confusion.

“Daddy.”Liam said making me freeze in my spot. How can Dad send a letter to me? He’s been gone for almost a month now. I looked at Victoria wanting to confirm what Liam said, she handed me the letter instead. It’s truly from Daddy. This is his handwriting, I didn’t know when the tears fell, with shaky hands, I opened the letter;

Dear McKenna,

My sweet little princess, how you have grown into such a beautiful and loving woman. Each day I look at you, I feel nothing but pride that you’re my daughter. You have made your mother and I very happy and I want you to know that we are very proud of you. You’ve been through hell but you conquered all and stood tall. Words can’t explain how happy I am that I’m your father. I love you, princess. Your mother and I do very much.

I hope you know that everything I do is for your own sake. We love you too much to mislead you. That’s why I have a little proposal for you, honey. I want you to begin an adventure, you’ll understand why soon enough but in the meantime, just do whatever I tell you to. Inside this envelope is the key to one of my houses. The address is written in a paper inside the envelope. I want you to go to this house 2 weeks after you receive this letter, you’ll find the remaining clue for this adventure there.

I love you so much, Princess and I’ll love it if you’ll do this for me. I know it’s the best for you so please just trust me all the way. You’ll thank me later.

From Love,

Your Hero.