Take It Slow.

Dixon’s POV.

She’s even more beautiful than I remembered.

My first love. My best friend.

McKenna Maven Wright.

She has grown into a very beautiful and strong woman. I’m more than proud of her. She doesn’t remember though but I have memories of us that I’ll always cherish and hold dear to my heart.

I remember when I saw her again after 14 years. That day she crashed into me at the lobby. My day started like every normal day until I saw her.

“Here’s your coffee, sir.” My assistant, Jonathan said.

I nodded going through the papers scattered on my desk.

“Do I have anything special for today,Jon?”

“Yes, sir … actually you need to go to Wright Enterprises. You have a board’s meeting there for 10am today.”

“Yeah, that meeting.” I said checking my watch. “Can you tell Steve to meet me in front of the entrance with the car in 10 minutes?”

“Yes, sir.” He turned to leave.

“You’re coming with too, Jon.” I said and he nodded.

I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes, willing myself to rest. I watched as the residents of New York are parading around the city without a care in the world. There was a time I was so carefree like that. A time when I had a friend. A time when it was so much easier to smile but I lost it all now.

When I was 16, I was diagnosed with Leukemia. My parents were so scared of losing me and decided we leave the United States. Originally, my mom is British so settling there doesn’t take too much. I started chemotherapy and boy was it the most painful thing any child can experience. After 2 years,I was cleared. I recovered but I lost my best friend.

I became so closed off because I felt the more I try to open up to people, the more they’re likely to leave me or I them. A particular guy was different though no matter how hard I tried to push him away, he always came back stronger and even more determined.

He became my best friend buh he could never fill that void, the spot in my heart that has always been for her.

“Sir, it’s time to go.” Jon said breaking me out of my thoughts.

I pulled my suit on before making my way outside.

30 minutes later, we pulled in front of the Wright’s company. I got out of the car and made my way into the building. A lady missed her steps and almost crashed into me. My first instinct is to stop her from falling and I did. I instinctively wrapped my hands around her waist holding her up. She had her eyes closed and her lips were in a pout. She looked really pretty up close. Her blonde hair was pulled into a high ponytail, her face had little or no makeup. Her nose are really small and cute. Her lashes must be the longest I’ve ever seen in a woman and that’s saying a lot.

She opened her eyes slowly probably wondering why she hadn’t died yet. I was greeted with most beautiful blue green eyes I’ve ever seen.This lady is unique. She’s perfect. She feels so familiar , I feel like I’ve seen those eyes before, with McKenna. My best friend, McKenna had these same set of eyes. The 14 year old McKenna. My eyes widened in surprise as I stared at her. The more I look at her, the more I see little McKenna in her. The green in her eyes sparkled under the light.

She jumped from my hands when she realized how close we were.

“Uhm, thanks.” She said clearing her throat.”Your eyes are really pretty.” Her eyes widened after she realized what she said out loud.

“I..I mean…ugh, bye .” She all but ran to the elevator while I stood there still trying to understand if she’s really McKenna. Different questions are running in my brain especially why she doesn’t remember me.

“Sir, we got to go.” Jon said.I nodded and followed him to the elevator.

No matter what happens, I’m never letting go of her again if she’s my McKenna.

Ever since I found her again, I’ve been so excited and depressed. I mean I’m so happy I got to see her again but the fact that she’s so near yet so far is killing me.

”Dude, I’m all down for guys night but you have to be in the mood to have fun, y’know.” Adam, my best friend said breaking me from my thoughts.I asked him to come to my place after the board’s meeting this afternoon.

I met Adam in the hospital when I was 17. His elder sister was also a cancer patient in the hospital I was admitted in. I was in the playroom while my mom left me to go get something to eat from the cafeteria when a boy with jet black hair and green eyes approached me. He tried befriending me but I was too closed off to even acknowledge him.

He never gave up though. He kept coming every single day and even told my mom and almost everyone in the hospital that he was my best friend. Even though I always pushed him away, he stood by me no matter what. He and his twin sister Adeline.

I smiled at him, “Sorry, dude...I just don’t know how to get close to her again. She doesn’t remember me at all.”

Adam and Adeline knows all about my undying love for McKenna. Adeline mentioned a particular friend of hers in the university who bears the name McKenna but I never really took her seriously. I don’t even know why I didn’t, I guess I already gave up on ever seeing her again. So I never listened to Adeline.

”I understand, man. You’ll find a way but just give it time. You gave up on looking for her y’know, then somehow fate decided to surprise you by bringing her back into your life. My main point is don’t rush anything. Just let things work themselves out.” He said patting my back.

I nodded, “Thanks, man.”

”No problem, can we watch the game now?” He said enthusiastically almost jumping off his seat.

I chuckled, “ I’ll just go get the beers and popcorn. You want anything else?”

”Nah, I’m good. Be quick or I’ll have to start without you.”

I made my way to the kitchen going through my cabinets looking for the popcorn. I eventually found it at the bottom cabinet. I took it out and put it in the microwave.

”Dude, did Adeline call you? I’ve been trying her line all day.”

”She’s your sister, man. Why do you think she’ll call me when she didn’t even call you.” I said just as the microwave dinged. I took out the popcorn and made my way to the living room with the snacks and beer.

”You two are pretty close. She might’ve...we can’t say for sure.” He said taking the beer I passed him from me.

”Well, She didn’t. I’m sure she’s fine. I didn’t even see her when I went to Wright’s today. She’s 25, man...you need to stop being all over her.”

”I’m not all over her. I’m being her big brother.” He said in defense.

”Yeah, you know you’re only a minute older right?”

”So, it’s still something.”

I raised my hands in surrender chuckling. He turned the game on and we both watched that for 2 hours straight.

What Adam said is true. I’ll just wait for things to work themselves out but one thing I’m definitely sure of, She’s the love of my life.