The Board Meeting.

I got to the office exactly around 5 minutes to 8am. For some reason, I’m thankful I wasn’t late.

I walked into the building feeling slightly nervous. My first meeting as an acting CEO didn’t go too well. I wondered what they’d think about that; will they think I’m some daddy’s girl who doesn’t deserve the luck she got? I know yesterday was a failure but that doesn’t mean I make a bad leader. I just hope they’re willing to take a chance on me.

“Good morning, McKenna. Running late again?” Tony asked with a small smile on his face.

“Hi, Tony…Yeah, something came up that made me lose track of time. Again.” I said.” Weren’t you here last night? Why’re you still here?”

“Uhh, I have a double shift this morning but aside from that, today’s the day we meet the new boss. I’m pretty curious, y’know.” He said.

I nodded my head.

“I get the feeling… so I’m gonna have to buzz off now,I’m pretty late as it is.” I said.

He smiled and nodded. I started making my way into the building after giving him a small wave.

A few people said hi, some wondering who I was and I them. I guess that introduction is highly needed. I waited patiently for the elevator which arrived about 2 minutes later. I went in with about 5 people with me including a guy that kept looking at me like I was some chocolate cake he couldn’t wait to devour. I mean I’ll devour any chocolate cake, who wouldn’t? It was made with heavenly deliciousness. My stomach grumbled reminding me that I skipped breakfast this morning. He’s pretty cute with his jet black hair that was styled perfectly with gel and his hazel eyes.

“Hey, beautiful…you work around here?” The cute guy asked.

Is that even a question? Why will I be in a multi-billion company on a Tuesday morning dressed for work and in an elevator if I don’t work here? Some people are just a higher definition of stupid. Seriously, who invented that crappy pickup line. Is that suppose to sweep me off my feet and make me fall for him? I mentally rolled my eyes at how stupid some guys can get.

“Hey, is it that obvious?” I asked with a small smile.

“Yeah, I know. It’s definitely not one of my finest moments.” He said chuckling.

“Yeah, it really isn’t.” I smiled at him. Just as my phone dinged with a text. Thinking it was probably Vicky calling with an update for Liam, I hurried to check my phone.


Where are you, baby girl? I called Vicky and she said you left almost half an hour ago.


I’ll be there in a minute.

“Uhh, this is my stop… I guess I’ll see you later?” The guy said.

I totally forgot about him. I smiled up at him and nodded hoping I didn’t come off as a sassy person when I answered Luke’s text.

I reached my floor in a minute. The elevator dinged making me step into the hallway. I made my way to my office after politely responding to Jonah’s greeting.

I opened the door to my office seeing Luke at my desk with his legs on my desk. This guy never fails to come up with ways that makes me want to pull my hair out. He’s so annoying. Looking after Liam is so much easier than being with Luke and that says a lot considering my brother is just 5. Though deep down in me, I know I wouldn’t have him any other way.

“Seriously? My desk? Why on earth are you in my office?” I asked with my arms akimbo looking at him with a raised eyebrows.

“Hey, sissy…I definitely miss you too.” He rolled his eyes and stood up from my comfortable heavenly seat.

“The day I start missing you will be the day I start wishing Liam’s goldfish never died.” I smiled sweetly at him making my way to my desk. I placed my bag on the table before turning to face him. He had a confused look on his face which I found really cute.

“But you hated Sushi, you can never not wish him dead.” He said in confusion.

“Exactly my point, Lukey.” I smiled and patted his cheeks with my two hands. He swatted my hands away before throwing me a playful glare.

“You’re a very mean child, McKenna.” I laughed before going round my desk to take my seat. He sat in the seat in the front of me.

“Are you ready?” He asked.

“If I said no, can I go home to my brother so we can watch Netflix with a large box of pepperoni pizza?” I said.

“No, of course not.” He said looking at me like I’m a lost cause.

“Then stop asking me questions that you know answers to.” He rolled his eyes.

“ You’ll be fine, baby girl… there are just a few mean people but with your amazing personality, I’m pretty sure you can impress them.” He said.

“You know to other people, that sounded a lot more like a compliment but you and I both know it’s far from it. So to prolong your years on earth,I’ll take it as a compliment.” He threw his head back and laughed, His laughter sounding through the walls of the office.

A knock on the door had me sitting straight up.I muttered a ‘come in’ and Jonah came in. I’m guessing it’s time to face my judgment. They’ve got to accept me or I might not be able to help retain my brother’s position.

“It’s time, McKenna.” He nodded at me and Luke.Luke probably sensed my nerves ‘cause he sent Jonah out.

“Baby girl, you’ll do just fine I promise…they’ll like you.” He said trying to ease my nerves. I nodded before standing up and gathering my documents.

“Let’s go get it over with.” I smiled at Luke and he smiled in return. We made our way out of the office and met Jonah waiting for us in the hallway.

My mind is jumbled up with different scenarios. I have already thought of different ways these could all play out. I just hope that the 99,999 scenarios doesn’t come to pass. I leaned my head back against the cool metal of the elevator and closed my eyes. I’m doing this for my family,I’m the only one that can carry on the hard work now and I refuse to disappoint them.

With my newfound confidence, I stepped out of the elevator with Jonah and Luke. We made our way to the conference room. I felt my confidence crumble with each step I take.

“You okay?” Luke asked.

“To be honest, no but I’m not giving up without a fight. I can do this, I know I can.” He smiled nodding his head.

“I’m so proud of you, baby girl and I’m sure your parents and even Ian are more than proud too. Just so you know, I’m with you every step of the way.” I smiled and hugged him knowing fully well that I’m nothing without him.

“Thank you.” I whispered softly.

“Let’s go kick some a**.” I laughed just as Jonah opened the door. Well, this is it… wish me luck,Universe.

Stepping into the room, I felt goosebumps all over my skin from the cold temperature of the room. I felt the stares of each and every one of the people seated in this room digging holes into my soul. There’re about 30 people here but one of them stood out. He was staring at me with a small smile on his face, the expression he had was similar to the one my dad had when I graduated from college.


I never knew he was a shareholder in our company.I thought he has his own company, why was he here? But most importantly, why is he staring at me like that? He looks so effortlessly handsome sitting on that chair. He was wearing a grey three-piece suit which matches perfectly with his eyes. His hair is messily perfect with only a few streaks out of place on his forehead. From where I was, I could see his Rolex watch. All in all, his aura screams power and wealth. I felt a jab in my ribs bringing me out of my reverie.

“You know eye raping him isn’t the best thing to do right now.” Luke whispered. I felt my face turn hot and I knew I’ll be as red as a tomato for openly embarrassing myself like that. I bowed my head using my hair to cover my red cheeks.

“Let’s go sit.” I nodded as I allowed myself to be led to a seat directly in front of Dixon. Great, just great…don’t stare at him, look at anywhere but him.

A man in his early fifties spoke up.

“We’re going to start the meeting now.So about a month ago, we lost the board’s chairman and the company’s Chief Executive Officer to a ghastly motor accident. Alexander Wright who happens to be the board’s chairman is dead, may his soul rest in peace and Ian the CEO is also in a coma. This meeting is being held to assign the Wright’s next of kin and only qualified candidate into office.”

I felt the nerves build up inside me and all of a sudden,I felt like throwing up. Everyone here is an important personality in this company. Without them, this company will be forgotten. I know the man that spoke up now is the board’s secretary. I read about each and every one of the board members so I don’t know how I managed to skip Dixon.

Luke’s hand found mine under the table giving me a reassuring squeeze. I squeezed his hand in return before lifting my head up.

A woman spoke up, I think she’s the managing director of Walkers Inc., one of our major stockholders. Mrs. Eva Walker.

“How sure are you that you’re capable of being in this position? Your brother was one of the smartest mind I’ve ever seen and I know we can trust his judgment but I need to hear from the horse’s mouth myself.” She said.

I looked at her feeling confident all of a sudden. Luke and Ian believes in me. Liam believes in me. My parents believes in me. I’ve got to believe in myself.

“I’m not.” I said looking at her squarely in the eyes.

“What?” Another man said.

I turned to him too and smiled.

“I’m not capable of doing this, any of this.” I felt Luke squeezing my hands probably telling me to shut the hell up but I can’t. “I don’t know if I can but one thing I’m definitely sure of is that I will go miles for my family. All my life, I’ve looked up to my brother and my parents hoping that one day I’ll make them proud. I finally have the chance and even though I’m scared shitless that I’m going to fail them, I know they trusted me enough to make me the next of kin. They saw something that I can’t see. I’m asking all of you to please let me make them proud. I don’t know I’ll do it but I will with my dying breath.”

The silence is deafening. They all keep staring at me as if I’m some sort of two-headed alien who came to earth. I feel so ashamed of myself, I just had to open my mouth and talk. I bowed my head feeling the tears about to fall. All of a sudden, someone started clapping. Shocked, I raised my head to see everyone clapping after the lead of Dixon. I smiled. Luke squeezed my hand and I knew he was proud of me.

“Wow, that was strangely convincing.” The Board’s head director said. I think his name is Nicholas Russo.

“Yeah, I can’t believe I almost cried.” Mrs. Walker said. “ I always knew that Alex was a good and wise man but seeing how his children turned out, I respect him more. Welcome to the family, sweetheart.”

She stood up and made her way over to me. With shaky legs,I stood up and she enveloped me in a motherly hug reminding me of my mom. She released me from the hug as everyone clapped.

“You were so amazing. I’m so proud of you, honey. I know your parents are.” She wiped the tears that I didn’t even know has fallen and hugged me one last time before walking back to her seat.

“Well, even though I’m all for her taking Ian’s place, Is there anyone who thinks otherwise?” Mrs. Walker asked. I wonder how much power she holds in the board.

“I’m all for it too and I’m sure everyone else is.” That deep sexy voice said.


“If that’s all, then you are excused, sweetheart.” She turned to Luke. “Make sure she understands how things runs here, we’ll contact you at the end of the day.”

“Thank you.” I said. She passed me a motherly smile and I knew I’ll be just fine.