Liam's sick?

I laid down on the bed ready to pass out any moment from now.

Dinner ended 30 minutes ago. Liam fell asleep 10 minutes later,I had to carry him to his room after Luke left. That boy is growing so fast. Before Luke left, he showed me everywhere I needed to know in the house.

Thankfully, he managed to arrange most of our things before I got home. He even chose our rooms claiming he knew I and Liam’s taste, and I got to say he was right about everything.I guess he’s not that useless after all even though I know Vicky had a lot to do with that.

Speaking of Vicky,I got to know a lot more about her during dinner. She seems like a nice person. She works in a magazine publishing company, apparently she loves taking pictures. I saw some of her photos and I must say they all are fantastic.

A cold breeze swept around the room reminding me that the window is opened but I’m too tired to stand up to close it so I closed my eyes earning my one way ticket to wonderland.


The light is too bright,I thought to myself.

“Put it off.” I whispered trying to use my hand to cover my eyes. Who on earth is trying to disturb my beauty sleep?

“McKenny!!” Someone said shaking me. I groaned feeling the small hand trying to wake me. Noticing it’s Liam, my eyes flew open and I sat up straight.

“Baby, why are you up this early?” I said looking at the red numbers from my alarm clock. 4:30am.

“I had a nightmare, can I stay with you?” He said with a small voice. I brought him to my chest and kissed his forehead.

“Of course, baby …do you wanna talk about it?” He shook his head and buried his head more into my neck.I rubbed his back trying to assure him of my presence. Slowly,I felt his breath becoming even and his body a little limp telling me that he’s already asleep. I placed him carefully on the space beside me. I know I can’t go back to sleep not when I have to resume work by 8am and I have to get Liam ready for school too.

I laid down beside Liam watching as he slept so peacefully, making me remember Ian. I haven’t been able to visit him much lately. I reached for my phone that I placed on the nightstand the night before and called his personal nurse knowing she’ll be on duty now.

“Hey,Kenny…what’s up?” She greeted me cheerfully.

“Hey,Sophie…I’m good, how about you?”

“I’m splendid.”

I shook my head at her enthusiasm and chuckled.

“How’s Ian doing? I called to check on him.”

“Wow, you really know how to hurt a girl’s feelings, hun.” I shook my head not wanting her to feel bad. Remembering she can’t see me,I spoke

“No, no…not at all. I just felt bad for not visiting much lately.” I said.

“I was just kidding, girl.” She said chuckling. “Your brother is okay, he’s stable…not too much has changed.”

I nodded my head feeling the tears threatening to break through. I swallowed down the lump in my throat.

“Okay, thanks Sophie…I’ll try to stop by later.”I said. “Take good care of him, please.”

“He’ll be fine, honey. I just know it.”

“Thanks, I’ll see you later…bye.”

“Take care, bye.” She said hanging up the call.

I threw my phone on the bed and placed my head in my hands. I hope he gets well soon,I really miss him and I know Luke is trying to be strong for all of us, he misses them just as much as we do. Speaking of them,I haven’t visited my parent’s grave since the funeral. Making a mental note to go soon,I looked at the time.6:20am.

I made my way to the bathroom getting ready for the day. I brushed my teeth and took a long relaxing shower. Stepping out of the shower,I dried my body with the towel and putting on my robe. I stepped out of the bathroom going straight to my closet. I chose a white lace shirt pairing it with a high low burgundy skirt.I decided to wear my burgundy wedge shoes.

I immediately rubbed my body with my favorite lotion before dressing up.I did my make up which consist of mascara, a smokey eye and some nude lipstick.I took out my mom’s silver earrings that she gave me on my birthday and put them on. I made my way to Liam wondering why he’s still sleeping. He’s a very light sleeper, so he ought to have woken up.

“Baby, you’ve got to wake up now.” I said trying to wake him up. He stirred a little but didn’t wake up fully. I tried waking him again this time I noticed the beads of sweat on his forehead and how he keeps shaking under the blankets. His temperature is far too high.

“Baby, come on now. Why are you burning up so much?” I said trying to lift him from under the blanket.

“McKenny, it hurts. My head hurts..” He said with a small voice trying to snuggle into me.

“You’ve got the flu, baby. Hold on,I’m coming.”I said placing him back on the bed and into the blanket. I dashed into the restroom getting a bowl of cold water and a towel.I made my way back to the room kneeling beside the bed and placing the towel gently on his head.

I picked up my phone and called Luke. He picked up after three rings.

“Morning Sunshine.” He greeted.

“Hey, morning.” I said. “Luke, Liam has a fever. I just noticed now. Can I stay home today?”

“Is he okay? I don’t know if you can, McKenna. After noticing your free schedule today, I scheduled a meeting with the board of directors today. After that, there will be a press conference to officially announce you as CEO.” He sighed.

“Can’t I cancel? I can’t leave Liam all by himself.” I said.

“I know. Why not bring him to the office?”

“He has a flu, Luke. You know how contagious that is especially on the first day.”

“That’s true. Okay, you know what? I’ll call Vicky and ask her to babysit him for the day. Is that better?”

“I suppose, yeah. Doesn’t she have work today?”

“I’ll ask her, whatever she says I’ll get back to you.”

“Okay, thanks… bye.” I said cutting off the call.

I sighed changing the face of the towel. I have to go cook something so he can take some medicine. After making sure he was okay, I made my way to the kitchen. Looking through the fridge,I checked if I have all the ingredients for some chicken soup. Knowing I do,I started the stove.

I’m not that much of a cook but I know my way around the kitchen. Mom made sure we all knew a thing or two,God bless her soul.

I added the homemade broth and noodles before closing the pot and allowing the soup to boil a little. I transferred it into a bowl and made my way to the room. Liam is still very much asleep. I placed the tray on the nightstand and tried waking him up.

“Baby, c’mon, take something.” He stirred a little before opening his dull baby blue eyes. How did I not notice that he’s coming down with something.

“Hey, Champ…you okay?” I smiled at him before helping sit up a little.

“Yeah, I just feel tired and sleepy.” He said with a little pout on his face. I nodded.

“C’mon, you’ve got to eat something so you’ll have a little strength.” I said just as my phone started ringing.I picked it up before answering the call.

“Hey, is he feeling any better?” Luke asked.

“Yeah, I just prepared some soup for him. Did you get Vicky?”

“Yeah, she agreed to babysit him. She’ll get there in about 10 minutes time.”

“Okay then,I’ll just see you at work then.”

“A’ight…take care, hun.”

“I will…bye.” I said cutting the call.

“Was that Uncle Luke?” Liam asked softly. He sounds so weak, I wonder if he needs to go to the hospital.

“Yeah, he says hi. Will you eat now?”

He shook his head.” No, I just want to sleep.” He said closing his eyes.

“I know, baby…just eat a little bit okay?”

He sat up leaning his back to my headboard. Opening his mouth,I gave him the first spoon just as Vicky came in.

“Hello, McKenna.” She said sitting on the bed. “How are you feeling, Liam?”

“I feel a little better now, thanks.” He said.

“Vicky, thanks so much for agreeing to stay with him today. I would’ve stayed with him but I have series of meetings today.” I said.

“It’s no problem, I absolutely love Liam and I’m more than happy to watch him. You can go to work now,I’ll take things from here.” She said smiling.

I nodded my head putting on my shoes. I picked up my keys and bag.

“Hey, baby, I hate to leave you like this but Big sis got to work so I’ve got to go.” I said carefully stroking his hair.

“It’s okay, I know.” He said weakly.

“I love you, Champ…get well soon, okay?” I said.

“I love you too, McKenny.” I smiled at him kissing his forehead. Facing Vicky,I hugged her.

“Thanks so much for doing this, I’m really grateful. Please, take good care of him and make sure to call me if you need anything, okay?”

“Alright, I promise, I will. It’s best you start going now, it’s almost 8.” She said. I nodded, already heading towards the exit of the room.I looked at Liam waving at him one last time before finally making my way out of the house.