The Move.

It’s official; today is the longest day ever.

I spent all my spare time going through different project that are yet to be completed and a few unattended. I have never felt so stiff and rigid in my life. I just need a nice, hot and steamy bubble bath and my bed right now.

Lucas called a moving company to help move our stuffs to Ian’s penthouse after seeing how tired I was.

I’ll help lessen your stress anyway I can, I remembered him saying before he went to Liam’s school. Although I’m pretty sure he did all that so he could escape helping me with the work Ian left in the office.

A sigh left my lips as I felt the headache coming in. I leaned back on my seat bringing my finger to my temple, pressing it slightly hoping to reduce the slight banging in my head. My phone ringing snapped me out of it. Reaching for it,I answered without looking at the caller ID;

“Hello..” I said not recognizing my own voice.

“McKenny!!!” Liam’s enthusiastic voice greeted me.

A smile made its way to my lips involuntarily. Hearing his voice is definitely the best part of my tiresome day.

“Baby, how’re you? How was school?”

“I’m okay…where are you? Uncle Luke said you’re too busy to come home for dinner. Is that true?” He said. I smiled as I can picture his pouty lips and the cute puppy face he was making.

“I’m still at work, hun…I’m leaving soon though so I’m definitely going to make it to dinner. What are we having for dinner anyway?” I asked him while trying to gather some documents and tidy my desk.

“Uncle Luke said since you won’t be coming home, we’re going to have some ice-cream.”I heard Luke yelling at Liam in the background. “Dude, that was supposed to be a secret.”

Rolling my eyes,I said “Liam, sweetie , can you give the phone to Uncle Luke ?”

“Okay…I love you.” I heard the whispers going on between them and I knew that Luke was trying to not talk to me.

“Heyy…how’s my favorite niece in the world doing?” He knows he’s in trouble, good.

“I’m your only niece, Luke.”I said rolling my eyes.

“Exactly my point. So, how was your day?”

“Can I know why you told my brother I’m not coming home and that you’re planning to give him ice-cream for dinner?” I asked him.

“Well…you see…I didn’t exactly say that.” He let out a nervous laugh.

“You know what, I’m on my way. And I mustn’t find any junk food in my apartment.”I said picking up my bag and making my way to the elevators.

“But I’m starving.” He grumbled.

“Eat food then...”I said hanging up the call.

The office is silent and deserted reminding me that I was too distracted to notice the time.

“Excuse me, Ma’am…I didn’t know anyone was still in the building.” A man who looked to be in his late thirties said.

“Ooh..yeah, sorry,I lost the track of time in the office so I’m just leaving. Why are you still here?”I asked him. Looking at him, he looks tough and bulky. He had thick muscles almost like he’s a wrestler or a bodyguard. Luke didn’t tell me I’ll have a bodyguard.

“My shift started 20 minutes ago…I work in the security department.” I nodded in understanding. I really needed to meet everyone in the company.

Wanting to be polite,I introduced myself to him.

“I’m McKenna. I work here too, today’s actually my first day.” I said offering him my hand for an handshake.

“I’m Tony, nice to meet you.” He said smiling.

“Uhh, I better get going.”I smiled and made my way to my car.Punching in the address Luke forwarded to me,I started the car and made my way out of the company.

I got home in 20 minutes. The hotel is actually closer to the company than my former residence making me understand why Ian chose this place.

I drove into the underground parking with ease. Seeing Luke’s car in a reserved parking spot,I decided to park my car beside his.I gathered my belongings and got out of the car.The repeated flashes assured me that the car is locked.I made my way to the lobby seeing the receptionist almost immediately.I passed her a smile once I reached her desk. She smiled in return.

“Hi, welcome to Wright’s Hotels. How may I help you today?” She said with a small smile.

“Oh, hello…I’m actually the new occupant in the penthouse.” I said softly.

“I see. You’re Ms. McKenna Wright?” She asked looking up from her desktop computer. I nodded in return.

“I’m sorry,Ma’am..I didn’t recognize you.” I shook my head letting her know that it’s no problem. “We’ve been waiting for you actually not until Sir Luke said you might not come home tonight.”

That guy is really unbelievable. I thought to myself.

“I just got delayed at work. It’s nothing.”I said.

She nodded in understanding.

“Okay, Ma’am…I’ll just get someone to take you up to your floor.” She said dialing on her telephone.

“No, it’s okay…I’m sure I can manage, just show me where to go.” I said. She look like she’s about to decline. “I can manage, I promise.”

With that, she smiled and handed me 2 cards- one is like platinum card and the other is gold with a special inscription on it. I’m guessing the gold card is the penthouse’s key.

“The platinum card is for the elevator that leads to the penthouse directly. The regular elevator doesn’t go there. I think they did that for security reasons. The other one is for the penthouse. Come with me, please.” She said politely.

I followed her to the end of the hallway. We stopped in front of a golden elevator with ‘PRIVATE’ written boldly on top. I chuckled knowing dad went all out to make sure his hotels stands out. He always goes for the best no matter what. I felt a wave of sadness wash through me as I remembered him, I immediately pushed it down knowing he’s in a better place now.

“This is the elevator designed for you. You’ll just scan the card I gave you here and your fingerprint will be required over here. The doors will automatically open.” She said pointing to the spot I’m supposed to scan the card and the fingerprint scan area too.

“Okay, thanks a lot…” I asked hoping she gets it.

“Ann…Ann Winters” she smiled.

“Right..thanks,Ann” I smiled doing everything she explained to me. The elevator opened, I stepped in waving at her. She smiled waving in return.

The doors closed and I let out a tired sigh. I leaned my head to the cool metal and closed my eyes.I heard the ding sound and step out into the hallway. Seeing one door,I walked towards it and knocked the door.

A young lady in her twenties, she can’t be more than a year older than me, opened the door. She smiled at me and was about to say something.

“McKenny!!!” I heard his voice even before I saw him.I saw my brother running towards me with his arms spread wide and a broad smile on his face.I bent down to his height and carried him, placing him on my hips. Seeing him happy despite the calamities that befell our family made me so happy and cheerful.

“How you doing,Champ? I missed you so much.”I said kissing his forehead.

“I’m okay,Kenny and I missed you too.” He said kissing my forehead making me giggle.

“Where’s Luke,Champ?” I asked placing him down on his feet.

Liam took my hand and we both made our way in. The young lady that opened the door already left making me wonder who she is.

“In the living room. He’s watching the game he missed last night.”I nodded wondering why Luke will even try to miss a game.Liam ran off somewhere, the living room I presume. I followed the path he took looking at the house in wonder. I knew that we were rich and all but this is a whole new level of wealth. I have never been to Ian’s place, we usually just meet up at our parents house.

I got to the living room and noticed Luke on the armchair. Even the living room is like heaven. The chandelier is glittering, there are 2 armchairs, a five seater couch and a small bean bag on the side. There is a golden glass table with a flower vase in the middle of the room. There’s also a 60-inch plasma screen mounted on the wall with an artificial fireplace at the bottom. Everything screamed wealth and I just stood there gaping at everything like a fish.

“Why do you always do that? You know it makes me thinks an alien took over your body.” Luke said.

“Seriously? This place is out of this world. How come I never knew about this place?” I asked him ignoring his comment about aliens.

“This place was Ian’s idea…I guess you can say everything was practically his idea and he did well with the place.” Luke said with a sad smile on his lips. I know how close the two are considering they grew up together. I’ve always been close to Luke but he had always had a special bond with Ian.

“Hmm, he did good…I’m proud of him.” I said smiling in return.

“Sir, ma’am, food is served.” The young lady who opened the door said.

“Ohh, thanks Vicky…we’ll come over soon.” Luke

answered her making her nod and leave the room but not before smiling at me.

“Who’s that?”I asked Luke.

“That’s Victoria Maxwell, Mme. Maxwell’s daughter. You should remember her.”

“Mme. Maxwell, the cook? She has a daughter?” I asked him in disbelief.

“Yeah, she does, why do you sound so surprised?”

I shrugged my shoulders not wanting to answer his questions.

“Why is she here?”I asked him instead.

“Mme.Maxwell always help Ian around the house and even cooks for him occasionally but when she can’t make it at times or is on a vacation, she sends her daughter.” He shrugged his shoulders.

I nodded in understanding. I remembered I still have the files and my purse with me. I place them on the table.

“So…will you eat first or take a shower first?” He asked with a smile.

I rolled my eyes “You’re still in trouble, dude…I haven’t forgotten the fact that you lied to my brother and even offered ice-cream for dinner. Remind me to never ask you to babysit kids.”

“Come on, I just wanted him to have fun…ice-cream is fun.”

I looked at him wondering why I even bother with him sometimes. Shaking my head,I called my brother who seem to be engrossed with the toys he’s playing with.

“Liam, baby, food is served…let’s go eat.” I beckoned him.

“Yay, food …I’m so hungry.” He shouted and ran off to the dining area.

“He loves food too much. He’s gonna grow fat if he keeps it up.” Luke said chuckling at his joke.

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Like you’re any better.”

I left the room knowing I’ve rendered him speechless.