The Meeting.

Luke excused himself while I made my way to my office. The meeting officially starts in 10 minutes, I've got to be prepared. I plan on making a good impression. A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts.

"It's time, Ma'am, they just arrived and are waiting in the conference room." He said.

"Really, Jonah? Ma'am? Seriously?" I asked with my eyebrow raised. He smiled.

"Just call me McKenna." I said and waved my hand to dismiss him.

"But..." He said.

"Don't worry, I’ll be there in a minute." I said. He nodded and left.

I looked around the office and sighed. There's no going back now. If I plan to make my parent proud, I have to do it the right way and learn to trust myself. This is step one to greatness. Please, guide me mom and dad. I need your strength, Ian.

I took all the documents I needed, my laptop and my phone. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the room where I saw Jonah patiently waiting for me. He collected my things and started leading me to the conference room. I followed behind him slightly nervous.

He led me to the elevator and pressed the 58th floor. I was slightly confused but I am too nervous to say anything.

"We need to give you a tour 'round the building and you need to officially introduce yourself to the board. Though, Luke spoke to them, it's only proper that they meet you too. Then you will have to meet the employees too.”He said trying to make small talk. "The conference room is actually on the 58th floor, that floor is dedicated to meetings only. It's actually the only floor in this building that is restricted.”

I nodded just as the elevator opened revealing the 58th floor. I stepped out with Jonah on my tail. Jonah stepped forward leading me to the conference room.

We arrived in front of a big brown door. Jonah opened the door and stepped in, opening the door for me to come in. I took a deep breath and stepped in.

Looking around, I saw different people seated waiting for the meeting to start. I saw Luke talking to a tall man, I think he's 6'4 ft. His shoulder are really broad and looks like it's going to tear his suit jacket apart. If his back is this gorgeous, I wonder how his face will look like.

Luke saw me and smiled beckoning me to come closer. I smiled back and started making my way towards them. Halfway through, the universe just decided to be so nice to me and I found myself tripping over my feet.

Why do I have to always be so unlucky every time? I closed my eyes waiting for the fall but it never came, instead a pair of arms are around my waist making it the second time in a day. The arms felt so strong and soft against my skin sending slight sparks through my spine. I opened my eyes to see the same foreign yet familiar pair of grey eyes from this morning staring at me with a strong intensity.

"We really need to stop meeting like this, Princess.” His voice is so deep sending tingles all through my body. I stepped back from his arms feeling embarrassed. Geez, I feel so loved, Universe...Thanks a lot, note the sarcasm.

"Sorry, I didn’t mean to.” I said putting a stray hair behind my ear. He’s doing it again. He's looking at me like I'm some lost treasure that he tried so hard to find. I'm not a mind reader or anything but I'm very good in reading people's emotion with their facial expression. I don't know how I do it but I seem really good at it.

"Ummm, guys, I understand you guys can’t wait to jump each other's bones but we have a meeting to start please." Luke said smiling.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the seat beside Jonah. Feeling someone tug my arm, I turned around to see Luke. He had that naughty smirk I really wanted to punch.

"But Princess, your seat is over there." He said nodding his head in the direction of the seat beside that hot and grey-eyed stranger. I still don’t know his name. I sighed as I made my way to the seat I was assigned to. After I was sat, Jonah placed my materials in front of me and sat by my side ready to take notes.

The meeting started almost immediately. I really should thank Jonah for giving all the important informations if not I'll be so lost. A young guy looking to be in his thirties stood at the front of the table.

"I think the contract should just be terminated." The guy said.

"And why should we do that, Simon?" Luke fired back.

"The last contract was not really beneficial to the Greene Enterprises, Our customers complained more than usual and most of all, this company is very likely to go bankrupt." The guy, Simon said with a evil smirk on the corner of his mouth.

"How can you even say that? Ian tried his best for your company. Without him, we all know what would've become of you guys." Luke replied with frustration and anger laced in his voice.

"Well, there's nothing Ian can do now, is there? He's as good as dead.”My heart broke hearing what he said. I miss my brother, he didn't deserve what he got. None of them did. I didn't know when the tears I was desperately trying to hold in fell. I wiped it off immediately not wanting to come off as weak in front of this guy.

"ENOUGH!" A deep voice growled from beside me. "You will not talk about him or anyone in this meeting like that. You're fired. Leave before I do something I’ll regret."

I looked at the grey-eyed stranger wondering why he'd do that for my family. He's known to be ruthless and heartless but from I've seen so far, he's just a man that wants to be loved.

"This meeting is adjourned. I'll contact you with the details of the next meeting." He said and stood up, walking out of the room.

"Baby, are you okay?" Luke asked with concern laced in his voice making me look up at him feeling the tears rushing back to my eyes.

"Yeah...excuse me." I ran out of the room trying to catch up with that grey-eyed stranger. I don't know why but I need to see him. It just feels like the right thing to do. I saw him about to step into the elevator.

"Hey, excuse me." I shouted still panting from my short run. He turned to me, looking at me with a questioning look.

"Thanks for what you did back there. You didn't have to fire him though." I said smiling.

"I didn't exactly do it for you, you know. He's always been a pain in my ass and I've been waiting for the opportunity to do that. it just happened today." He said, smiling.

"Thanks all the same." I smiled. He nodded.

"I guess we haven't been introduced... I'm McKenna Wright." I said extending my hand to him.

"Ohh, so you're the Wright princess? Ian loves talking about you. He adores you." He said with a small smile on his face.

"You know Ian?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, you can say that. He's a good friend." He said.

"Ian is like that with everyone. How come I haven’t seen you around?"

"Well, you don't exactly visit and I've always been too busy." He replied."I'm Dixon by the way, rings a bell?"

"I think Ian and Luke mention you from time to time. Why haven't you visited Ian yet?"i asked.

"I have seen him, I just happen to go when you ain't there." He replied shrugging his shoulders. "How's Liam? I miss that champ." He said smiling.

"Well, he's Liam... The guy is a bundle of trouble." I said.

"I can imagine." He said laughing. "I've got to go, 'twas nice talking to you McKenna."

"Me too...take care" He started walking away with his back.

"You too." He said smiling and left.

"I've always known you two got the hots for each other." Luke said making me turn to look at him.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew him or better still that he's your friend?" I crossed my hands in front of my chest.

"You never asked." He shrugged.

"You're so annoying." I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever. so, your first meeting turned out to be a disaster." I groaned.

"Please, don’t remind me... I wanna go home.” I said making my way to my office.

"You can’t ... there are tons of paperwork you need to go through.”

I groaned. This is a very long day. I can’t wait to go home.

"Fine...let's go."