The New Job.

"Don't even dare say it.” I snapped at Luke who has a smug smile on his face.

"I didn’t even say anything." He said.

"Yeah but I'm sure you were planning to.”I said just as the elevator dinged and we stepped out of the elevator.

I saw a guy that looked to be in his mid-twenties behind the front desk. He has a beautiful pair of hazel eyes and blond hair that he styled perfectly with gel. All in all, he looks cute. I gave him a smile and he smiled back.

"Jonah, this is McKenna Wright. She's the one replacing Ian for the time being...Kenny, that's Jonah. Ian's personal assistant." Luke said.

"Hi, Ms.Wright. I look forward to working with you.” Jonah said giving me a handshake.

I took his hand in a gentle handshake. "Pleasure meeting you, Jonah...I hope we'll work well together" He nodded.

Luke cleared his throat reminding us that we had company. "Is the office ready, Jonah?"

He nodded, " Right this way, sir.”

He led us through the hallway heading straight for the room on the far end. He opened the door and stepped aside for me to walk in first. Nothing really prepared me for this sight.

The office is really spacious and definitely the biggest I've ever seen. There was a big white couch with accented pillows and a small table sitting in the corner of the room. Two additional white chairs stood facing the table and the couch. Wow, cool, I can sneak a nap or two once in a while.

The windows are floor to ceiling facing the streets of New York and being on the 60th floor, I'll enjoy this view so much especially at night. In front of the window was a big modern desk where I can work most of the time. The leather chair had a blanket thrown around it, making it look very comfortable. The whole office is covered in rugs.

Looking around, the decorations really suits my taste and the walls are painted my favorite color; blue. I knew instantly that Luke had a hand in decorating this office. I smiled at him hoping he gets the message that I loved it. He smiled back.

"Okay, let's get to work, alright?" Luke said. I immediately went behind the desk to sit on the leather chair. I almost moaned out loud at how comfortable it feels.

"So, Ms. Wright, You have a meeting scheduled with Mr. Greene, CEO of Greene Enterprises for 2.30pm later today. Apart from that, you're free till tomorrow.”Jonah said looking up from his iPad as I stared at him with my mouth opened.

"Honey, you're cute but opening your mouth like that is totally unladylike."Luke said making me glare at him as he shrugged his shoulders with his hands in his pockets.

I turned to look at Jonah, " I have a meeting with that sex god? Dixon Greene, the same Dixon Greene?" I asked him. He looked at me in confusion but nodded his head all the same.

"Really, Kenny? That's what you're bothered about?" Uncle asked.

"Yeah, why? I'm a single lady who appreciates the hot guys that have oh-so graciously graced this planet. It’s not my fault you ain't one of them.”

"What? Well, I’m proud to tell you that a lot of women think I'm hot.”

"Yeah, that's probably cause they all have their head in their asses." I sassed as I smirked.

"You know you're really mean...all I've ever done was to love you unconditionally, McKenna.” He said placing his hand on his chest feigning hurt. Jonah kept looking back and forth between us slightly amused. He was trying so hard to hide his smile.

"Yeah, I was saying the truth because I love you too, obviously.”I rolled my eyes at him and turned to Jonah.

"What's the meeting about, anyway?"

"That was what you should've started it in the first place.”Luke scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, apparently, Greene Enterprises is planning to renew their contracts with our hotels and malls, they also insisted that they go through the contract with us before doing that. And apparently, they want us to be in charge of their newly constructed office in Seattle." Jonah said.

"Hmm, so if i'm not wrong, Greene Enterprises own an aeronautical company and a fashion line. From what I think I know, they have their shoes line, clothes lines, jewelry line and their aeronautical company right? So that means they want to work with mom’s interior design section?" I asked.

"That's correct." Jonah nodded.

"Okay, so can I get their file so I can do my research before they get here?"

"Yes, of course...right away." He replied and stepped out of the room.

I turned to see Luke staring at me, smiling softly.

"Stop staring, it's creepy.”I said while putting a strand of my baby hair behind my hair.

"I'm not staring, I’m observing.”He said making me raise my eyebrows in question. "You really didn’t recognize him?"

"Who?" I asked in confusion.

"The guy you met in the lobby." He said making me even more confused.

"Ummm, no... Am I supposed to know him?" I asked him.

"No, it’s fine... I just thought you did with the staring contest you guys had going on." He smirked.

"Ughh, don't you have work to do? I'm the boss now so I can easily fire your ass."

"I got you the job, girl.. don't even think about it.” He said while I smirked picking up the phone.

"Try me.” He stood up and ran out of the room. I started laughing shaking my head.

Hearing a knock, I muttered a come in as I'm trying to access the computer on my desk. Jonah came in passing me the file I requested for.

"Thanks, Can I be alone while I go through this? I hate being disturbed while I’m trying to work."

"No problem, beep me if you need anything."

"Will do, thanks." With that, he stepped out of the room.

After my accident, I almost didn’t go to college. Deciding my major was hard. I got accepted to UCLA to study Pharmacy. After the first year, I gave it up simply because I couldn't catch up. At first, I thought my parents will be disappointed but they supported me. A year later, I got a better offer to study Business Management at Yale. My parents were so happy mostly because it's the family's pathway. I graduated the top of my class and I've never seen my dad so proud of me.

I decided not to work immediately I got out of college. I wanted to live life a little and spend more time with my family and boyfriend. Well, we can see how that worked out.


A knock on my door got my attention making feel the slight headache coming in. I muttered a come in rubbing my temples trying to ease the pain I’m feeling. Luke came in, looking all cool with his hands in his pockets.

Always the charmer. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Have you been here all along? Did you even eat lunch?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"Girl, I knew I should've checked up on you... I just didn’t think you'll forget to eat, you never forget to eat.”I scoffed.

"Well, I obviously had a lot to catch up on.”

"Yeah, I know...wanna go grab lunch?"

"Yes, please...I’m starved.”I stood up stretching my body that feels so stiff.

We made our way to the elevator. I noticed Jonah isn't by his desk, he must've gone for lunch, I thought.

"Where do you wanna go?" Luke asked.

"Let's just go to the cafeteria, I have a meeting in less than an hour." I said checking my wristwatch.

"Wow my baby is getting all bossy." He said, ruffling my hair.

"Go away." I said stepping out of the elevator.

I entered into the cafeteria noticing how everyone are chattering among themselves.

"Go sit, I’ll order our food.”I nodded and took a seat at the closest table to me. Sitting there awkwardly, I tried distracting myself by playing with my phone.

"McKenna? McKenna Wright?" I looked up to see Adeline, my friend from Yale.

"Adeline, is that really you? oh my God.”I stood up to hug her. She hugged me back.

"My God, Kenz, why did you just disappear like that? I tried calling and texting but nothing obviously.” I smiled immediately feeling guilty that I ignored her.

"I’m sorry, Ada... things just sort of happened.”I said pulling her to sit with me.

"I get it... it’s okay." she smiled. "I'm just glad I finally get to see you again.”

" I know, I’m happy to see you too.”

"So seeing as you're here now, I'm guessing you work here... so what department? I heard we have a new boss now... I wonder who he is... I hope he's hot, I need a boyfriend ASAP.”

I laughed at her joke. Back at school, no one knew I was the famous Wright's daughter. To them, it was a pure coincidence that I had their last name. Enjoying the peace it gives, I didn't try to correct them.

"Here you go, boss." I shot a glare at my Uncle who never know when to shut up.

"Hello, Mr. Walker.”Adeline smiled at him with a slight blush on her cheek. Oh, someone's got a crush.

"Hey, Ms. .." He raised his brows in suggestion.

"Smith, Adeline Smith.”She answered.

"Yeah, Ms. Smith...nice meeting you." He smiled at her. You see my Uncle isn't exactly old, infact he's just two years older than I am.. He's the kind of child that the parents didn't plan having. He's more of an elder brother than an uncle. He turned to me.

"Eat up, Kenny, we've gat work to do.” I nodded as I started eating the lasagna he got me.

"Ohh, can I have your number, Kenz? I'll really like to catch up." She asked looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"Yes, of course...type it in. And I’m sorry for how I disappeared. I guess I was scared." I said handing her my phone.

"You don't have to. I really like you as a person and I also want to be your friend" Ada smiled as she handed me back my phone." I don't know what you've been through but I know you do need a friend... just so you know i'm always here" I hugged her happy that I met her again. She has always been a nice person to me.

"Thank you... we should hang out sometime." I told her.

She nodded " I’ll love that... I’m sorry but I've to go. The new boss might be really strict, who knows? and trust me, I love my job." She chuckled making me smile. She hugged me and waved to Luke before running off.

"Wow, you made a friend that fast?" I shook my head at how dumb he really was.

"We went to college together, dummy." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh, I see, she's cute." He said clearing his throat. I didn't miss the way his skin looked flushed. Well, that's a good sign.. I smiled to myself. "She doesn't know you're the boss now, does she?"

"Nope, my identity was pretty anonymous in college so I’m not surprised." I said. "She'll know sooner or later but right now we need to get to that meeting. God, I can't wait for the day to be over"

He laughed and stood up helping me up too. We both made our way out of the cafeteria.

"Oh, baby, you just started." He said putting his arms around my shoulders.

"Why do I have a feeling your words have a double meaning?" He laughed.

"You'll see."