The Breakup.

Luke left the hospital around 3pm with Liam. He asked to take care of him for the day which I don't really mind at all. In fact, I needed the space.

I stayed in the hospital for 2 more hours before going home. Seeing my uncle today actually lifted my spirit a little bit.

When I got home, the door was slightly opened, making me wonder what happened. I do remember locking it before leaving. Walking in, I felt my heart beating really fast out of fear. The house is empty and there was no sign of anything suspicious. Walking into our bedroom, I noticed something was off. The suitcase Jason used when we first moved in was missing. I checked the closet and I noticed his things gone.

What could possibly be wrong? Where is he? Did he travel without telling me? I took my phone from my back pocket, wanting to give him a call.

Unlocking it, I see a voicemail from him. With trembling hands, I clicked on it and brought the phone closer to my ear;

"Hey, by the time you're listening to this, I’ll be gone. I know you're going through a lot right now but I can't stay, I can’t comfort you. I’m not the person you want me to be. This just proves that we ain't meant to be. I'm sorry for hurting you, McKenna. I do love you but not enough to stay. I wish you well, babe. My regards to Liam and your brother too. I hope he gets better soon. Take care.”

Wow it's official, this guy is an asshole. I can’t believe he'll do this to me. He promised to always be there for me but he left. He left when I needed him the most. Tears began rolling down my cheeks as I started hyperventilating.

The room suddenly feels so small and I know I'm having a panic attack. My chest is closing in on me, my hands are trembling and I feel like I’m going to die. I have to call someone, anyone. I need someone here or I’m going to die.

I called Luke still trying to control my breathing, he picked up on second ring;

"Kenny, how're you? Liam's actually having...Kenny, what's wrong? Why are you breathing like that?”

"Luke, I... can't... breathe"

"Baby girl, listen to me, calm down. Listen to my voice, only my voice okay? I’m coming to you.” I nodded, with tears still clouding my vision. "Calm down, take a deep breath. Look at your surroundings, focus on one thing.” I did everything he told me to, feeling myself calm down little by little.

I don't know how long I sat there for before feeling some tiny arms around me. Raising my head, I saw Liam in front of me trying to hug me. I immediately wrapped my arms around him, knowing it’s only the two of us against the world. Funny how perfect everything was two weeks ago and today, well it's been hell.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" I didn’t even realize Luke was by my side. I wrapped my hands around him and just cried. I cried for my parents, I cried for my brother and I cried for Jason. They all left me without a warning. Now I have to learn to survive on my own.

After some minutes, I finally spoke;

"He left too, they all did.” I said. Luke looked at me in confusion.

"Jason.” I said. He nodded.

"I'm not surprised he did, I knew this will happen sooner or later. Trust me I expected him to have done this a long time ago." He scoffed.

"I didn’t like him too." Liam said. ''He always seemed strange.” I looked at the small boy in front of me in wonder, how can he be so mature?

"That's my boy, always so observant.” Luke smiled. "Forget him, Kenny. You deserve better."

"Thanks, Luke. Thanks Liam" I said, hugging them. " I guess it's the three of us against the world.”

"You gat that.” Luke said.


After our little emotional time in the bedroom, we decided to watch a movie to while away time. Liam fell asleep somewhere in the middle of the movie. Luke spoke up then.

"Kenny, The company needs your help.” I turned to look at him, surprised he's telling me this. Ian has been the CEO ever since dad retired to spend more time with mom.

"I know you're going through a lot as it is, but the company can't keep going without someone to actually supervise the projects we had before this tragedy befell us. Most of the investors understands that the CEO is in a critical condition but their projects has been with us for some months now. They want to withdraw them.”

"So you want me to leave Ian and Liam and face the company? Is that what you're saying?"

"No, Baby girl, that's not what I meant. You know I will never say that. It's just that losing those deals can result us into going bankrupt." He said sadly.

"Why? Why can’t they wait a little longer? Ian will wake up soon and continue the so called projects." I shouted, making Liam steer a little in his sleep.

"You know it doesn't work like that, Kenny. Ian needs time to heal and that's what these people don't have: Time. Time is money to them. Every minute wasted is worth millions to them. Just think about it. I'll respect your decision all the same but I can't let your parent's and Ian's hard work go to waste. I'll protect the company with everything I have but there's only so much that I can do.” He said and continued watching the movie as I started thinking.

Even though I can’t really remember my parents and how they were before my accident, I do know that they cherish their work especially my mom. I remember how proud dad was when Ian became CEO, how his smile was so wide when he scored his first multimillion dollars deal. I've never seen him like that and I do know he loves his work. If he were alive, he'll definitely want me to continue to live up his legacy. I have to make them proud no matter how uncomfortable it makes me feel.

"I'll do it.” I said after a long battle. Luke looked at me with a broad smile and I know Dad will be that proud of me too.

"I'll do it for Dad, Mom and Ian, I have to continue their legacy.” He hugged me tight.

"I know, baby girl and I’m very sure they are really proud of you. I know I am.” I smiled.

He ruffled my hair still smiling broadly.

"What about Liam? Where will he be?" I asked.

"Well, I was thinking you guys should move to Ian's penthouse. Your dad's driver, Dimitri, will be back from his vacation next week...he'll be in charge of taking Liam to and from school. Martha, his housekeeper can look after him after school or we can hire a nanny." He said.

"That doesn't sound bad at all." I nodded. "What about the company?"

"That won't be a problem at all, I'll inform the board of directors and they'll finalize everything.” He said." I'm so proud of you, McKenna."

"Thanks, Luke." I smiled at him.


Today's the day I'll finally resume as the CEO of Wright Enterprises Inc. I feel really nervous, but I have to make my family proud. Luke will be here in 20 minutes to accompany me to the company. We'll be moving to Ian's penthouse later this evening. Dimitri will take Liam to school too. Everything's going according to plan.

I'm currently in front of my vanity mirror trying to perfect my makeup. I went shopping yesterday to get some new makeup and professional outfits. After I was done with my makeup, I decided to wear a high waisted pencil skirt, a crop top before putting a brown blazer over it. I look cute.

"MCKENNA, I NEED MY FOOD.” Liam shouted.

"Coming.” I yelled back.

Putting on my black stiletto heels, I picked up my bag. Entering into the dining room, I saw Liam ready to eat his breakfast. I quickly placed a kiss on his head muttering a "morning" and quickly made Liam's favorite pancakes.

"Here you go.” I said.

"Thank you. I love you.” He said and continued eating his meal.

"I love you too.” Just then, the bell rang. I went to open the door to see who it was. Luke and Dimitri.

"Morning.” I greeted.

"Morning, McKenna.” Luke said kissing my head, before making his way to Liam.

"Hi, you must be Dimitri, I am McKenna and that's Liam.” I said, pointing to Liam.

"I know who you are, Ma'am. I've been working with your father for a long time." He said with a smile

"Ohhh..." I said knowing exactly why I can’t remember him.

"Ready to leave?" I heard Luke ask and I nodded picking up my bag. I stepped out of the house with the others.

"Liam, baby, I'm so sorry I can’t come with you. Big sis has to go to work. Be a good boy for uncle Dimitri, okay?" I said.

"I know... I promise to be good.” Liam said and hugged me "I love you, McKenna. Have a good day at work.”

I smiled at my little brother's affection. "I love you too, Champ... you take care okay?" I kissed his head and he kissed mine in return. I smiled at him. Standing up, I looked at Dimitri " Take care of him, please.” He nodded leading Liam to the car. Liam waved at me and I waved back till his car disappeared.

"Let's go." Luke said. I nodded, following him to his car.


Getting to the office, I'm surprised to see that everyone was already waiting to welcome me. Some gave me flowers and they all gave their condolences concerning my parents. I smiled knowing they all cared. Though, Luke didn’t tell them I was taking up the vacant CEO position in the company.

Suddenly, I tripped over my toes. I mean when don't I? I'm far too clumsy for my own good. Waiting for the collision, it never came. Instead, a pair of arms around my bare waist causing slight tingles to erupt, reminding me that I’m wearing a crop top. ‘Wow, muscles... all muscles’... shut up, you're being way too creepy.

Looking up, I saw a pair of the most mesmerizing and beautiful grey eyes that I've ever seen causing my breath to cease in my throat. Standing at such close proximity allowed me to see the tiny streaks of gold in his eyes. I was captivated, they look so familiar and foreign at the same time.

He was tall and muscular, my head just barely reaching the top of his wide chest. His dark brown hair was styled messily on his head, looking like he ran his hand through them a couple of them. He had a strong jaw that seemed to be cleanly shaved, as I can faintly smell his aftershave.

Suddenly, his eyes seemed to widen, like he recognized me which took me by surprise. I'll definitely remember seeing this handsome man somewhere. Faces like his are hard to forget.

Realizing how close we are, I took a step back, away from his embrace. I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment and I'm sure my face is as red as tomato. There was silence as he continued to stare at me with a look I can't decipher.

"Uhm, thanks." I said clearing my throat. " Your eyes are really pretty.” I blurted out, my eyes widening as I realized what I said. "I-I mean... sorry, bye." I said as I ran to the elevator, where Luke was looking at me with amusement in his eyes.