They Don't Deserve It.

It's been two weeks.

Two weeks since I received that horrible news, Two weeks since I lost my parents and my brother.

My parents, Alyssa & Alexander Wright are the best parents any kid can ever ask for. Even after 30 years of marriage, they are still very much in love. My family is wealthy. My dad is the CEO of the Wright's enterprises. My mom is one of the best interior designers in the country, she's really respected and together, they're known as the golden couple. They have 3 kids- Ian Wright, Liam Wright and I.

We were rich but very humble. My mom is from a very poor family, she was bullied all her life and she vowed to teach her kids how to always respect and help anyone in need. We didn't go to elite school like most rich kids, we lived a very normal life.

When I was seventeen, I had an accident and lost most memories from my childhood. I was on my way home from the library, didn't see the pregnant woman in front of me on time. By the time I saw her, it was too late. I swerved off the road and crashed into a lamppost. My head hit the window hard smashing it before colliding with the steering wheel.

I was unconscious for a month and woke up with most memories gone. I didn't remember anyone except my brother, Ian. My mom gave birth to Liam a month after I woke up from coma. Seeing him so small and cute made me want to remember the beautiful memories I had with my family.

Getting my memories back was hard, especially memories with my family but Ian was there for me all the way. My parents also never gave up on me and slowly I started to remember but it was only the memories of my family. I never remembered my friends, my teachers, hell I didn’t even remember ever going to school.

Ian helped me study and keep up with school. He was really my life saver.

Soon, it was time to go to college, I knew I couldn't stay in that town. So I went to UCLA as soon as I learned that I was accepted.

The day they had that accident that brutal took their lives, they were on their way to my house from the airport. A truck lost control and crashed into them. They went on a vacation to Italy for their 30th anniversary and I agreed to look after Liam. Ian offered to drive them from the airport.

"McKenna? Where is mom? You said she's coming back soon." Liam asked breaking me from my thoughts.

I fought back my tears as I looked at my 5 year old brother. He doesn't deserve this, he's too young for this, I thought.

"Baby, c’mere." I said as I opened my arms for him. He came to me as I felt a tear drop from my eyes.

"Why are you crying, McKenny? It makes you look ugly." I laughed as I looked at my baby brother.

"Baby, you know big sis loves you right? I’ll do anything for you." He looked at me with his baby blue eyes that held so much innocence and nodded his head. I felt the urge to protect him with everything in me and that's what I'll do.

"I know that, McKenny and I love you too." Liam said.

"Excuse me, miss." Ian’s nurse said to me. "You're free to go see him now."

"Thank you, ma'am." I smiled. She gave me a sad smile in return, leaving me with Liam once again.

For the past two weeks, I've been depressed. I spent every hour of the day by Ian's side. I knew he needed me. He was there for me, now is the time to return the favor. Today is the day I plan to tell Liam everything. He deserves to know no matter how much I wanted to protect him from this harsh world.

"Liam, Baby, you remember I told you we're going to meet someone." He nodded. "We're here to meet him.”

"Okay, but what about mom and dad? Are they here too?" I shook my head as more tears fell.

"Come on, we don't want to keep him waiting.” I stood up, carried Liam on my hips and made my way to Ian's room. I opened the door immediately seeing him in the same position almost lifeless.

"Who's that, McKenny?" Liam asked innocently.

"That's Ian, baby. Our brother." I told him with a sad smile on my lips. I saw his eyes glistering with tears, It hurts to see my baby like this.

"Baby, mom and dad are gone. They went to a better place and aren't coming back.” He hugged me, sobbing quietly. Even though he's only 5, he's the most understanding child I've ever seen.

"Is that why you've been sad and you stopped talking to anyone?" I was shocked. I thought I did a good job hiding it all from him but I guess not.

"Will they be happy where they are?" He looked at me with his eyes full of unshed tears.

I nodded and he smiled showing his missing front tooth. He hugged me and what he said next gave me the strength I have been waiting for since the accident.

"I'm happy if they're happy. I'll protect you like I promised them." I laughed and stepped closer to Ian's bed.

"Why is he not waking up?" He asked me.

"He was put to sleep because his brain couldn't handle the crash." I said.

"Will he wake up?" I nodded, still looking at Ian.

"He will, he's too stubborn not to." I smiled remembering how stubborn Ian can be sometimes.

My phone ringing cut through the silence and I excused myself after telling Liam to not touch anything. I stepped out of the room answering the phone.

"Hello, who's this please?"

"Kenny, it's me, Luke.”

"Luke?" I said with my voice breaking.

"Yes, baby, It’s me. I’m in town, I came as soon as I heard what happened. I’m so sorry, hun. Where are you? I can come meet you.”

"We're at the County Memorial Hospital. Luke, I'm scared."

"I know, baby, don't be... 'm on my way, okay?"

"Okay, bye." I went back into the room. Liam is already asleep on the chair, his hand gripping Ian's tightly. I carried him and placed him on the couch carefully so as not to wake him up.

Luke is my mom's immediate brother and my favorite uncle. He was among those I remembered on time after my accident. He's the current COO of my dad's company. My dad trusts him with his life considering he's a good man.

I haven't heard from Jason all day. I know I haven't been fair to him lately but you can’t really blame me, I lost my parents in a day and I don't even know the fate of my brother. I sighed when I remembered the argument we had this morning;

"You're being really selfish, McKenna" He said "You need to suck it up, I know how you feel but you can’t just keep ignoring me and shutting me out.”

"What the hell are you saying, Jason? You want me to have sex with you while I'm mourning my parents? Are you crazy?" I yelled at him.

"Look, you're sad I get it and I’m asking you to let me take the pain away. I've waited two years for this, we were supposed to do it that night then your parents just had to die.” He rolled his eyes.

"Are you serious? What on earth are you saying? Is that why you stayed with me? For my virginity?"

"What? no, that's not what I meant. Fine, I'm sorry." He then hugged me.

"It’s okay, I gotta go." I said pulling away from him.

Ever since I can remember, I've always wanted to give my virginity to the man I love. I love Jason, he's everything I ever wanted in a man which was why I promised to give myself to him on our 2nd year anniversary that was supposed to be the exact day my parents died.

I dialed his line and it went straight to voicemail, I guess he's really busy. A knock on the door broke my thoughts, I raised my head to see Luke coming in.

"Baby girl, are you okay?" He asked.

I ran to hug him. He hugged me back while I started sobbing.

"They did not deserve to die, Luke. Why did it have to be them?"

"I know baby girl, I know. Everything will be okay, I promise." He kissed my hair.

After some minutes, I calmed down and we sat down silently beside Ian.

"How's he?" He asked.

"The doctor said he must've hit his head real hard which resulted in the swelling in his brain and they had to put him in a coma till it reduces.” He nodded in understanding, and took my hand running small circles on it with his thumb.

"He'll be okay, don't worry. Ian is a fighter."

"Have you explained everything to Liam?" He asked. I nodded.

"He took everything better than I did" I said.

"He's more matured than you, everyone knows that." I smiled, knowing he's right. " I'm always here for you guys, you know?"

"I know that. Thanks, Luke.." I said.