The Tragedy.

Life is good. Life is perfect. I can't wish for anything more. I'm happy. A sigh escaped my lips as I laid down beside my handsome boyfriend, Jason. Today is our anniversary and I plan to make it a memorable one.

I’m giving my virginity to Jason. Jason and I have been dating for almost two years now, he's the most caring guy I've ever met. It’s about time I do that to show him I appreciate him cause I do.

I remember how we met like yesterday;

"Shit" I cursed under my breath, realizing how late I am.

I really hate mornings, I mean I've always hated them but I think my hate just got worse.

I ran, hoping to make a journey of 15 mins shorter. I bumped into some wall or rather, someone.

"Fuck, I'm sorry.” He said.

I shook my head muttering "It’s okay". He bent down to help me gather my assignments that are now littered all over the floor. He handed them over to me and I felt myself being drawn to and captivated with his beautiful green eyes. His eyes are literally the most beautiful green I've seen, it had a little mix of gold and blue streaks in them.

".... okay?" He asked, making me realize I've been staring longer than usual.

" Uhh..uh... Sorry, what?” He stared at me with a smile, obviously enjoying my distressed state. I cursed under my breath knowing he probably finds me crazy.

"I was asking if you were okay?"

"Ooh, yes. Ehh, I'm fine. Sorry about that, I was in a rush." As soon as I said that my eyes went wide as I remembered I still had to be in class in... I glanced at my watch... 7 minutes.

"I’m sorry but I've got to go.” I said, stepping away from him.

"Can I walk with you to you class, then?” Looking over my shoulder, I saw him following me. I don't really care, I’ve got to be in class in a little less than 7 minutes. He was by my side in no time. Well, he just had to be freaking tall, I thought mentally to myself.

"What's your name?" He asked as soon as we got in front of my lecture room. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I stopped in front of the classroom.

"The name’s McKenna." I answered, ”This is my stop, I guess."

He nodded and held his hand out.

"It's Jason, hope to know you more.” I snorted trying to sniffle my giggles at his horrible pickup lines.

"Nice meeting you, Jason.” I smiled at him and took his hand. He smiled back.

"I have to go now, class is starting soon." He nodded in understanding.

"I have to go too, I have practice." he said.

Of course, a hottie like him has to be athletic. ‘What did you think, McKenna?’ I can feel my mind rolling her eyes at me. ‘Don't you roll your eyes at me, bitch.’

I can't believe I'm having a conversation with my mind right now in the presence of a guy, a sexy one at that.

"Yeah, okay. Thanks again." I said and he smiled.

"It's not everyday I bump into a beautiful lady in the hallway." he winked while flashing his pearly white teeth at me. I think I died right there and then. My cheeks are flaming hot from me blushing like an idiot, ooh, shut up, you...

"Do you mind if I ask you to go out with me?” He asked with hope in his voice.

"I'll love to." I said smiling. He smiled back handing me his phone.

"Type in your contact." I collected it from him and type my number in. I saved it as 'McKenny' and handed it back to him. He let out a slow chuckle when he saw what I did.

"McKenny huh?" He asked with an eyebrow raised, his eyes staring at me with an hint of amusement.

"What? It sounds hot, I've always wanted to do that" I replied with a smile.

He burst into laughter with his head thrown back. I took this chance to really study him. He is a 6'1 foot tall sexy male with dirty blond hair and beautiful pair of green eyes. His lips looks so soft and rosy and his hair looks like he ran his hands through it a million times. His hair looks so soft and I find myself thinking of running my hands through it too. I shake my head trying to get rid of such weird thoughts.

"I'm glad to meet you, McKenny." He winked.

"Pleasure’s all mine, I have to go in now...thanks for the chat, I guess." He nodded, walking backwards all the while still looking at me straight in my eyes.

"I'll text you the details of the date, I guess I’ll see you soon, babe.” He saluted and turned on his heel walking straight to the field.

"Bye." I all but shouted in the hallway. He looked at me over his shoulder and winked.

I shook my head, a smile appearing on my face. I entered the class right before the professor walked in.

Lucky me.

It really is like yesterday. We started dating six months after meeting each other. We moved in together after college. We've been dating for two years now and it's the best two years of my life. I couldn't really ask for more.

I felt him stir in his sleep, and lifted myself with my elbow watching as he opened his eyes slowly.

"Morning, babe. Happy anniversary. Did you sleep well??"I asked, moving closer to place a kiss on his lips.

“Happy anniversary, babe.” He smiled, "Huh, you know I sleep better with you beside me.” I smiled shaking my head. Some things just never change such as his cheesy line.

My house bell dinged making me raise my eyebrow at him in question,

"Expecting someone?" He shook his head, furrowing his eyes in confusion.

"I’ll go see, you stay here.” I rolled my eyes at his overprotective side.

”Don’t you roll your eyes at me. You stay here okay?” He placed a quick kiss on my lips.

I nodded and watched as he stood up to wear his shirt and leaving the room. I stood up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. Coming out after my shower with my hair slightly damp, I saw Jason sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands leaving me confused. He's never this quiet, only if his team lost a game.

"Jason? What’s wrong? Why are you quiet? Who was at the door?" I asked wondering why he was like that.

He looked at me with sad eyes "Babe, I’m sorry.” I looked at him in confusion.

He didn’t cheat on me, did he? He can’t do that. Today’s our 2nd year anniversary as a couple. He wouldn’t hurt me, would he?

"For what?" I asked with my heart in my mouth.

He took a deep breath, "That was the police, apparently there was an accident in the early hours of this morning. The victims were rushed to the hospital but the couple died on the way and the last person in the car ended up in a coma."

Whew!! He didn’t. Of course, he won’t hurt me. He loves me and I know it. I need to stop being delusional.

"That's sad, no one deserves that, but why did they come here?"

"Cause, was your family in the car.”

”What are you talking about?”

”Babe, I’m sorry, okay? But your parents are gone and your brother is in a coma.”

I felt lifeless as if I’ve been punched in the chest. Suddenly, I heard a loud scream. Not realizing it was from me.