
Hello guys,

CodeyVanilla here. This is long overdue and I apologize for my tardiness.

I want to thank each and everyone of you, both old and new readers for being a part of this journey with me. You guys made a dream come true. How I started this story is actually really surprising, I'm no professional and this is my actual first book. I know it's a bit weird when you first start but I promise you it gets better as you continue.

I apologize for the grammatical typos and errors, I'll edit as time goes on like I'm doing now.

For those who has been there since this book was released, I say thank you and keep supporting me. For new readers, I say welcome to the family.

Always feel free to share your opinions, I'm more than happy to hear from you guys. I thank y'all for the support and I hope for more as the story goes on.


Third Person's POV.

"That was easier than expected." He said, dusting off his shirt from invisible dirt.

"Yeah. Won't she find out?"

"She's not as smart as she looks. She's one of the dumbest people I know." He said as he watched the car enter into the ditch. Their screams gave him this kind of satisfaction which has him all over the moon. His friend who helped tapped his back in a friendly manner.

"I get why you're doing this, dude. But I'll advise that you tone it down a little. You wouldn't want to give her a reason to be suspicious."

"I get it, man. Thanks for coming out tonight. I'll take care of the rest, you can go." His friend nodded and left. He made sure the road was clear before making his way to the car that had an accident just minutes ago. As he approached the car, he heard faint sounds of someone screaming for help. He fastened his steps and got to the car in no time where he saw a young guy of about 27 years of age trying to open the door.

"Ohh, poor you." He chuckled wickedly and his eyes shone darker as the moon reflected on them. The young man was still trying to get his attention hoping he'll rescue him. He doesn't know this guy was out to get his life and is the cause of this accident.

The man bent down to pick up a stone. He aimed it at the driver's window and the window shattered into pieces.

"Help me, please. My parents... they ain't responding when I call them. Make sure they are fine please." The guy pleaded with all the strength he had in him. He felt his eyes droop as he felt so light headed from all the blood he lost. He used all his energy left in him to look at the man in front of him who seem to not care about his cry for help.

"You crazy psycho, what did you do to my family?" He said as his eyes widened when he recognized the person in front of him. The evil man laughed wickedly before squatting down to his level.

"Well, that went exactly how I wanted it to. I don't need you dead, Ian. You are an important piece in this game of mine too, but I also don't need you alive now so which leaves me to do one thing." He passed his hand through the broken window and grabbed the guy's head hitting it several times on the steering wheel. The young man screamed before losing consciousness.

What a fucking piece of cake, he thought as he left the scene without being seen.