The Stranger's Invite.

The day is finally here.

The day I get to see what my Dad planned before his death. I have waited for this day with such expectancy and curiosity. I desperately want to know what the adventure he planned is all about especially after what his lawyer told me.

A tired sigh escaped my lips as I leaned further back into the comfortable seat. This week has been long and stressful. Dixon finally renewed his contract with our company, it was so urgent that we had to start work immediately. Dimitri is currently driving me to the house.

I had almost lost hope about the said adventure because I did not know anything about it. I was only given an address to go to, I felt like it was a trap until my dad’s lawyer contacted me.

Earlier that week….

The telephone in my office rang making me jump 2 feet’s into the air in fright.I grunted in frustration as the papers I was holding flew all over the floor adding to the already made mess I was trying to clean out. I’m super stressed at this point, I muttered to myself as I picked up the phone.

“Hello, Ma’am. Someone is here to see you.” Ellie said. Ellie is the CEO’s secretary, she’s a very bubbly and loving lady. Full of life and jokes. I employed her after seeing how stressed Jonah was especially after we renewed our contract with Greene Enterprises. He never complained but I saw how much it was taking from him so we put up an ad.

Ellie was the sixth person I interviewed and from just looking at her, I knew she was the right person for the job.

“Who is it? I’m a complete mess right now, El.” I said with my hand on my forehead.

“I know, Kenz, but it’s your dad’s lawyer. He said it’s really important he saw you.”

“Let him in then.” I hung up and hurried to make my office as presentable as possible. A knock is heard few minutes later, I quickly muttered a ‘come in’ still trying to clear the mess. I had my back towards the door so I didn’t see the person walk in.

“Hello, Ms. Wright.” I turned around to see a blond haired, square jawed and beefy built man with a pot belly and blue eyes, the only commendable thing about him. He was holding a black briefcase which he placed carefully on my desk.

“Hello, Mr…” I trailed off as he smiled showing off his set of yellow teeth.

“It’s Barrister. Eric Evans. You can just call me Eric.”

“Hello, Eric.”

“I’m sorry for barging in like this but I have some important message from your father.”

“I am terribly sorry for the mess. Been busy all week.Please, take a seat.” I said as I directed him to the couch placed on the corner of my office.

“Thank you. So,your dad left some instructions for you the day before his accident.”

“What happened was an accident, right?” I said in panic.

“Ooh, yes. That was an accident, a terrible one. My condolences.” I nodded. “He came to see me two weeks before he died telling me to come meet you today, a week after you received your letter. I’m just here to make sure you know how important this is to him.”

“He didn’t tell you what it was all about?”

“No, he didn’t. But I do know that whatever this is, he wants it for you badly.”

“I know, I just don’t get the adventure part and everything.”

“I understand but you just have to trust him. He was a good man when he was alive and I know he has a reason for his actions. Just respect his last wish and go for it.”

I nodded. He stood up and swept the invisible wrinkles in his shirt that looks like they might rip off anytime soon because of his protruding belly.

“I hate to leave you now but I have to go. Make sure to go there okay? It’s really important to him.”

“I’ll be there. Thanks for coming.” I said.


“McKenna ma’am, we’re here.” Dimitri said pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Ohh, sorry. I was lost in my thoughts.Thank you.”

“No problem, Ma’am.” I looked at him raising my eyebrows making sure he got the message.

“No problem, McKenna.” He smiled at me.

“Good. See ya, Dimitri.” I said and got out of the car.

I looked at the house, I must say, it’s magnificent. Honestly, I feel like I shouldn’t call myself my father’s daughter because looking at things now, I barely know him. I know nothing of his business, his houses, his achievements and his hard work. I’ve always loved being so invisible that I hardly even know anything about my family. They chose to respect my choices and gave into everything I wanted, especially after the accident.

I took a deep breath before making my way to the door of the house. As I placed my hand on the knob, I felt a presence behind me. I immediately turned around to see who it was and it turned out to be someone I didn’t even expect to be here.

What on earth is he doing here. How did he know my father’s house? I kept asking myself as I looked at him in shock.I kept gaping like a fish opening and closing my mouth as I stared blatantly at him.

“You do know it’s rude to stare, right?” He said with a smirk.

“What in heaven’s name are you doing in my father’s house?” I asked him with so much hate in my voice.

“What can I say, my father-in-law loved me.” He winked and made his way in leaving me confused.

What in the world is Jason doing in my father’s house?

How can he just show up after he left me when I needed him the most. The way he acted just now shows how much of a jerk he is and I never even realized it until now. Why would Dad invite Jason on his adventure. I know he was my boyfriend but none of my family members ever really liked Jason. That was one of the reasons why I left with him.

“What are you doing outside by yourself?” A voice came from behind making me jump up in fright. Eric came to view looking rusty as usual.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s okay. I was lost in my thought, that’s all.”

“You’re just like he described.”


“Your father. He’s always talking about you. He was so proud of you.”

I don’t even know what I did for him to be proud of me. I was the only one that gave them problems all their lives. I was the one who had to drive at night and have an accident which took all my memories, I was the one who disobeyed them and went ahead to study pharmacy when I knew nothing about it all because I wanted to prove a point, I was the one who left home for my boyfriend who later left me when I needed him. So why is he proud?

“I know what you’re thinking, just know he never saw it that way. He was really proud of the woman you were growing to become. Your mom and him both.” He said and tapped my shoulder.

“Let’s go in now. We have an adventure to begin.” I wiped the tears that managed to escape my eyes.

“Someone else is here. What’s he doing here?”

He shrugged;

“I’m only here as a guide. I don’t know anything at all. My job is to make sure you do what he wants you to.” He said and went in.I followed him in and was marveled by the elaborate and exquisite style. The house screamed wealth and power.

We made our way to what I’m guessing is the living room. The living room had floor to ceiling windows. There is a big couch that placed in the middle of the room with a golden glass table in its center.The enormous shining crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling is probably the most expensive thing in this house. Classic and elegance would be the word that describes this place.

We walked a little further into the room and saw Jason sitting on a love chair placed beside the couch. He sat like he was the owner of the place.

“What’s he doing here? He’s not supposed to be here.” I asked Eric.

“He came to see me. He said he was your boyfriend so I invited him.”

“What? Why? I never told you I had a boyfriend.” I said.

“But I am your boyfriend, babe. Don’t worry, Eric. She’s just surprised to see me.” He said as I looked at him. He left me, now he’s doing this.

“Can you kindly give us a minute, please?” I said to Eric who looked confused but nodded all the same.

“What the frack are you doing? We broke up, you left me.” I said.

“Aww, my baby still doesn’t cuss. I missed you.” He said trying to peck me on the lips.

“Get the hell away from me, you craphead. Leave now. You left once so why did you come back?”

“I didn’t leave you, I went on a journey and I couldn’t ask you to come with me because you were busy mourning your parents.”

“What about the voicemail you left me?” Was I even supposed to ask that. I mentally face palmed myself.

“I didn’t want you to worry. I felt like it’s better you think I’m breaking up with you instead of leaving you without knowing when I’ll return. Believe me, Baby.”

“You still left, idiot.”

“I know, I’m sorry. I love you so much, McKenna. I thought I was doing what’s best for us at the time.”

“Were you really? Why not tell the lady the truth, man?” I heard the voice. That deep, sexy voice that involuntarily sends chills down my spine.