So Confusing!!!.

“Dixon, what are you doing here?” Jason asked.

“Considering I have this, I’m supposed to be here.” He showed us the letter he was holding. It looks exactly like mine. Even from where I was standing, I can see my dad’s handwriting clear as the day. I seriously don’t get why dad will want Dixon to be here.

“You have no business here, Get the fuck out.” Jason yelled.

“That’s where you’re wrong. I have every right to be here. Greene’s is s major stockholder in the Wright’s company, so stop lying to the young lady and tell her the truth.”

“Fine, I’ll leave but this is not over. Watch your back, Greene.” Jason said and left. I stood still in my spot wondering what on earth just happened.

“Hey, are you okay?” He placed his hand on the small of my back and led me to a seat nearby. I nodded still in daze.I asked after I finally calmed down.

“How do you two know each other?” He looked at me dead in the eye and shook his head.

“You won’t like the answer if I told you.”

”Just tell me.” He sighed.

“He’s my cousin.”

“Your cousin? He doesn’t have any family members left, how is he your cousin?” He smiled sadly.

“He lied to you. Trevor ran away from London when he was 17, we tried all we could to make him come back home but to no avail. We decided to let him do whatever he wanted. I never knew you two dated. Was he your boyfriend you said left?”

“Who’s Trevor?” I asked confused.

”The guy that left just now. He’s Trevor. Trevor Scott.”

”That’s impossible. His name is Jason McClain, he was my boyfriend.”

”I’m not surprised, the guy has always been a selfish prick. Look, Princess, he was lying to you.”

”No, you’re the liar here. You don’t even know him.”

”Princess, I have no reason whatsoever to lie to you. As soon as I walked in and heard all what he was telling you, I knew he already crawled deep into you. Did he tell you his parents died cause of him?”

“No, he never told me that, he only said his parents are dead and he had no family member that wanted to take him in.”

“That’s exactly what he’ll tell you. He’s a jerk. Let’s go, Princess.”


“I’ll tell you all you need to know, promise.”

”Okay.” Even though I’m still confused as hell, I’ll let it rest for now. I nodded before letting him help me up.

We made our way to the back of the house where the garden is located.

The garden is really beautiful with different kinds of flowers planted in it. Lavenders, roses, daisies, dandelions and lots more that I can’t really see from here.

”Took you guys long enough. Where’s your boyfriend, McKenna?” Eric asked.

”He left.” I said before taking my seat next to Dixon. Eric pulled out a red envelope and showed to us.

”Found this on the table. Here you might want to read it.” He passed the letter to me and I immediately opened it.

Dear sweet McKenna,

I’m assuming you’re here right now and you’re reading this. You might be a little confused so I’ll clear everything up as much as I can.

Dixon is one of the shareholders in our company. A major shareholder, I mean. He’s the main reason why you’re here today.

Eric, my lawyer, will be there to put you through everything. He has the real project.

Just know that I’m only doing this because I think it’s the best for you right now. Thanks for doing this.

Everything I do is for you, baby girl. We all love you so much.

With Love,

Your Hero.

I raised my head to see them both looking at me carefully. I handed the letter back to Eric who took it without saying a word.

”He said you have what we came here for.”

”Yes, I do.”

He placed his briefcase on the table and brought out a brown envelope.

”Would you rather I read the whole thing or I just summarize his words for you?” Eric asked.

”Dad loves to beat around the bush, so I’ll rather you just go straight to the point.”

”Okay then. Well, apparently he wants you guys to date.”

I immediately choked on my spit. I looked at Eric like he’s crazy.

”What? Are you sure?”

”Yeah, that’s what it says here. You two have to date each other for a year. He believes you guys are soulmates.”

”That’s ridiculous. Why would he do that? What if I was still with Jason or is it Trevor?”

”Who’s Trevor?”

”It’s a long story, Eric.” Dixon said.

”Well, it says here that you should cut all ties with your significant other.”

”How can he say that! I mean I know he can be a little too much at times but this is like overall much. Dixon, say something.” I shook him as he seemed so lost in thought.

”Did you even hear anything he said?” I said. He chuckled.

”I don’t see anything bad in it, Princess. I mean you’re single, I’m single. It makes perfect sense to me.”

”What on earth are you guys saying? I just got out of a relationship with your cousin. Even though I still don’t get that part. Now, y’all want me in another relationship? Not happening.”

“Why? You’re still in love with him, ain’t you?”

“I was with him for two years. You don’t expect my feelings to just disappear.” I said throwing my hands all over the place in frustration.

”Yeah, we can’t help that, can we?” He smiled but his eyes weren’t shining like they used to when he smiles or laughs.


”Are we done here, Eric? I have a dinner date tonight.”

”Well, I think so since she doesn’t agree.” He nodded.

He stood up adjusting his suit. He looked at me one last time and left.

I felt a little pang in my chest as I watched him leave. He looks so... disappointed and rejected, I mean I practically just rejected him. I do like him but I love Jason. He’s my first everything.

”It’s not mandatory, you know. He just wants what’s best for you. You may choose not to do it.” Eric said breaking my thoughts.

I groaned and felt the headache from earlier getting stronger.

”How can Dad do this? What if I was still with Jason?”

”Well, he said here to leave it to him whatever that meant.”

I feel so confused. Everything seems so tangled. I had a boyfriend when my dad prepared this and I can only go along with what he left behind. I can’t even ask him anything.

“An advice. Just so you know, your father is not the type to just do things cause he feels like it. He always have a reason. If he wants you to date that young man even when he knew you have a boyfriend, then I suggest you do the math. I’ll be leaving now.” He tapped my shoulders twice and left.

What he said was true. Dad is a thorough businessman, he never acts without reason. There’s something fishy going on, I can feel it. This is definitely a mystery. But the question is what’s the mystery exactly?

I’m beginning to doubt everything I believed in. Jason or is it Trevor turned out to be Dixon’s cousin when he told me he had no family members left.

I don’t know what to even believe anymore. I have a lot of thinking to do but that’s for another day. I need my bed right now. I stood up and made my way out of the house.

I met Dimitri at the entrance of the house. He got out to open the door for me. I got in the car as he ran to his own side of the car.

”Where to now, McKenna Ma’am?”

”Home please.” I said as I closed my eyes. He started the car and I felt the car move.

I opened my eyes and leaned my head back on the headrest. I let out a sigh as I remembered all that happened this evening.

I’m not even sure what to believe anymore. Everything is so confusing. My ex is back, my dad wants me to date his business partner who I find attractive.

I just can’t wrap my head around everything right now. My eyes shot open as I realized something.

I never told Luke anything. He doesn’t know what’s going on. He may know something, how could I forget?

”Dimitri, on second thoughts, can we go to Luke’s place?”

”Okay, Miss.” He said.

Luke will definitely know something. Something is not right, I have this weird uneasy feeling about what happened today. I’ll have to get to the bottom of it.

”Luke should be able to help.”I said as I closed my eyes one more time.