Luke's Opinion.

We arrived at Luke’s house exactly 20 minutes later. I immediately got out of the vehicle after asking Dimitri to leave, I plan on getting a ride with Luke later on.

I pressed the bell and waited for a response.

”Who’s there?” I heard the voice of the security guard

”It’s McKenna. Is Luke home? I need to see him. it’s urgent.”

” Yeah, Sir Luke is in. I’ll let you in now.”

”Thanks.” I heard the door click open and I made my way to the house.

Getting to the front door, I knocked. His housekeeper Vivian, opened the door.

”Hello, McKenna. It’s been such a long time. How’re you doing?” She asked engulfing me in a bear hug.

Vivian was Luke’s nanny since he was a kid. After his parents passed, she decided to stay back and take care of Luke till she’s up for retirement. She’s a very loving woman.

”I’m good. How’re you? I hope Luke doesn’t stress you?” I asked as she released me.

“Ohh, you know how the guy is.” She said chuckling.

”I know you guys are talking about me.” I looked up to see a shirtless Luke with his sweatpants dangerously low on his hips.

“Should I be worried you ain’t wearing clothes?”

”I’m wearing clothes. What do you call these?” He said signaling to his sweat pants. I folded my hands and raised my eyebrows at him.

”I’ll leave you guys to it. McKenna dear, don’t leave without saying hi, okay?” Vivian said.

”Of course, I won’t.” I smiled at her and she left. I raised my head to Luke.

”Do you have a woman here?Cause I have something very important to talk to you about.”

”There’s no one here right now. Is everything okay?” He said ushering me to the living room.I followed him and sat down on the couch immediately folding my legs.

Not much have changed since the last time I came here. A few more paintings have been arranged all around the house. Luke loves art. He paints and collects as much paintings as he could find.

”So what’s the important thing we have to discuss?” He asked. I handed him the letter my dad mailed to me a few week ago.

“What’s this? It’s not a love letter, is it?” I rolled my eyes.

”Just read it, will you?”

”Okay, fine. Sass queen.” He whispered.

” I can hear you, you know.” He stick his tongue out making me roll my eyes.

”When did you get this?” He said still reading the letter.

“Two weeks ago. Did you know anything about it?” He shook his head in negative.

“Sorry, baby girl. I didn’t know about it. But if you received this two weeks ago, then you should’ve gone there right?”

”I have, actually. It didn’t clear up anything, just made it more messed up.” I sighed and leaned back on the couch.

”In what sense?” He asked. I went ahead and told him all that happened today. He listened carefully and occasionally nodded along the way.

”I knew it! I told he was weird. He always acted sketchy and weird. I don’t get why you didn’t see it.”

”See what exactly? So you actually think Jason is hiding something?”

”Yes, don’t you? It’s super obvious, why else would he lie to you about his name knowing fully well who you are?”

”I’m sure he had a reason for doing that. Jason loves me.” Luke looked at me like I’m a lost cause.

”Are you still in love with him? Despite everything, he did to you.”

”I’m going to give you the same response I gave Dixon,” I sat up, squared my shoulders and cleared my throat, “Yes, I’m still very in love with him. He had a good explanation for leaving. I told you what he said, didn’t he?”

”Jesus Christ, McKenna. What in the world is your problem? The guy dumped your ass with a voicemail and he came back two months later to tell you he went on a fucking journey and you believe him? Wake up, girl.” Luke said.

”He didn’t want me to worry especially since I was mourning my parents. What exactly don’t you get, Luke?”

He is clearly frustrated with me now, I can see that. He always tugs on the roots of his hair when he’s frustrated which he’s clearly doing now.

”Don’t do this to yourself, McKenna. You’re clearly seeing signs that that guy is deceiving you. Why won’t you accept the truth?” He said.

”BECAUSE I LOVE HIM.” I screamed. Luke looked at me shocked.

“What part of I love him don’t you understand? He left, yes but he’s back now and he wants me back. So why can’t you be happy for me for once? This was the exact reason I left.” I said with tears clouding my eyes.

”You know for someone who’s really smart, you’re a dumb ass.” He said shaking his head.

”It’s clearly I’m not wanted here. I came because I needed your advice but you clearly don’t care.” I said packing my bag to leave.

”I honestly don’t get the advice you wanted me to give you. You should know I’m not in support of that your so called relationship. Your father left you something to do, a wish he wanted you to fulfil, his dying wish McKenna and you want to throw that away cause of that bastard that left you?”

”You know, I’m not surprised you’re still single. No woman will want to be with a man who doesn’t think logically. Dad knew I loved him and he came up with that useless scheme. I don’t care anymore. Will you take me home now?” I asked him. He sighed and nodded.

”I hope you don’t regret this someday. Even if you don’t love Dixon and even if you’re in love with Trevor or Jason, your father’s last wish is important. You may never listen to him when he was alive but you should at least listen to him this once. I’ll be back, let me go change.” He said and left.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres. Love never fails. I know deep down in my heart that I love Jason but what Luke said is true. I never really do what my dad wants me to.

I always rebel in one way or the other, but I love him.

”Let’s go.” I nodded and followed him out. We got to his car and got in. Luke set out of his house.

”Are you mad at me?” I asked him. He turned to look at me and smiled.

”Now who will become my favorite niece in the world if I get mad at you?” He said. I laughed alongside him.

”I’m sorry for what I said though. You’re very lovable and you deserve the best woman who’ll make you happy.”

”Ohh, I know right? My very own personal Beyonce.”

”Still very much in love with Beyonce uhnn?” I jokingly asked.

”Till death do us part, baby girl.” He said and I laughed.

I’m glad we’re okay. Now I just have to decide and see what I want.