Chilonis (18) and Chilton (16): An act of teenage rebellion propels two archers and sisters, Chilonis and Chilton to go against their mother’s (Regent Arachidamia II) will. To accomplish their intense desire to enact revenge against the perpetrators of their father’s death, the sisters have to strive to participate in the Heraen games. Choice of weapons for both sisters are daggers.

Rode (17) and Tiki (17): An obsessive adrenaline addict, Rode, convinces her womanizing twin brother, Tiki, to forgo their home city Ishtar (patron goddess Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty and procreation) of which their mother (Pantea Arteshbod) is Regent, and to put their lives on the line to participate in the Heraen games to prove their resilient warrior-like superiority and win for city and glory. Rode uses a stainless sword called 'Mercyless', Tiki uses sharp daggers.

Joanne (18): Joanne is a drunk, orphan and Regent of Juventas (patron goddess Hebe, goddess of youth, wine-cup bearer and youth). She’s also a fanatic lover of wine and parties and tries to juggle her inner demons from the death of her parents at an early age, and the heavy burden of ruling a city. Choice of weapon are broken shards of glass

Lozen (19): Lozen is a hot-tempered imprisoned warrior, whom after escaping the ‘Dungeon of Mouk’ finds herself in a forest. Her choice not weapon is her fists or sword.


POTNIA THERON: This is the City of Wild life reserve and Skilled Archers. Characterized by its great forestry and architecture that blends with nature.

REGENT: Arachidamia II. She is a loving mother of sisters, Chilonis and Chilton, widow and a fierce protector of her kingdom. She is beloved by her subjects.


PATRON GODDESS: Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt, the Moon and Chastity)


ISHTAR: This Is a city of passion and love. It possesses the greatest spy network in the realm named the 'Immortals'. Characterized by it’s aesthetics and flowery beauty.

REGENT: Pantea Arteshbod. A widow (wears a veil to hide her beauty) she’s mother of twins, Tiki and Rode.


PATRON GODDESS: Aphrodite (Goddess of Love, Beauty and Procreation)


JUVENTAS: This is a city of youth, of drinking and partying. In this city the party never stops. Also it has the largest army and workforce of all major cities. Characterized its antique and regal aarchitecture.

REGENT: Joanne of the Arc. She’s a drunk teenage ruler that’s addicted wine. She throws feats parties every night for the whole city. She uses broken shards of glass to defend herself.


PATRONN GODDESS: Hebe (Goddess of Youth, Wine-cup bearer, and Fountain of Youth)


POLIAS: This is the city of female warriors. Its a technologically advanced Haven. Characterized by its metallic architecture and impenetrable city walls.

REGENT: Nakano, sister of Lozen, daughters of Nakamura. She’s a ruthless warrior , that only fights to kill.


PATRON GODDESS: Athena (Goddess of Wisdom, Courage, Arts and Crafts).


BELLONA: This is a city of conquerors and colonizers. They invade cities, capture the male children and use them as slaves. Characterized its Desert environment and it has the strongest army of the realm.

REGENT: Durga. She has ten mates and twenty children. A brutal warrior and blood thirty ruler. She tears her stomach when pregnant to give birth.

CITY GENERAL: Tomorrow Gozen.

PATRON GODDESS: Enyo (Goddess of War, Destruction, Conquest and Bloodlust).


ATHAN: This is a city without religion. Where runaways, convicts and the banished come to stay. It is ruled by a council, chaired by Romee, adopted father of Kant.