Destiny is sometimes inevitable, it could find you in the deepest of oceans or the highest of mountains, but surely when it does find you there'll be no means of escape.

The new day was bright, the sun was in the blue sky, and few clouds were on sight as rays of light illuminates the damp reserve. The golden sunlight breaks through the broad leaves of the tall mahogany trees, hitting the green grass, birds chirping in short sharp high pitched notes of simple melodies fills up the air.

Chilton darts through the trees, her aloof jet black hair was flown back as she breaks through the wind. Every muscle in her body felt numb, but she didn't mind that. Her almond brown eyes gazed around the shrubs like eagles, searching drastically for its prey. Beads of sweat flew down her caramel skin, moving in time with her heartbeat. As her heart thumps faster with each breath.

She reaches for arrows from her quiver which hung at her back, with the nock ends protruding above her right hand shoulder, and then she began placing it between her bow. The thrill of a chase was on; the numb feeling of hunting.

A brown blur flashed by her in a great fury, a deer was hopping, running for its dear life, trying to escape the inevitable allure of death. Chilton’s fingers linger on the strings as she prepares to fire, “bull's eye!” she exclaimed, as the arrow pierces through the thin air, finding its landing, impaling the head of the deer; its lifeless body crumbled to the ground.

“That was a beautiful shot. Good job little sister,” said Chilonis, her older sister, they had almost the same delicate features and petite figure, which they had gotten from their mother.

“Can't you see how big it is, sister?" said Chilton, with excitement on her face. “Its the biggest kill yet, she continues.

“No it isn't. Mine is.” replied Chilonis, and Chilton knew there was truth in that, so it wasn’t a surprise as the day prolonged, as Chilton saw what her sister caught, which was the biggest kill of the day. Chilonis wasn't nicknamed the Black Falcon for nothing, she was the greatest hunter and archer there is; her peculiar skills had yet to surpass her reputations.

She could hunt down preys from many miles away with just her bow and arrows.

The city of Potnia Theron was a hunting ground for many archers and hunters alike, because of the wildlife and its environment were filled with Mother Nature in abundance. It stood in its own territory separated by its nearest neighboring city called Ishtar, by the slippery and tall Black mountain.

The architecture of the city blended with nature and forestry, making it seem like one entity, the residential houses were made with mud bricks and terrace tiles for roofing. There was vividness of the sigil; green flags with the symbol of the crescent moon and a stag, resonating on streets and public buildings, that created a catching scenery.

It was ruled and secured by the Regent Arachidamia II; she was a just and fair ruler without any alternative fault. She was also the rightful heir and mother of both Chilonis and Chilton.

The siblings headed back to the temple close to the palace in which they resided, the palace was positioned at the center of the Potnia Theron, in the city’s capital Tiberianum, next to the major towns of Nerva, Trajan and the temperate Antonirim, and it was used to house only the royal Regent, her mate and children too.

The prey caught according to traditions was to be sacrificed to the patron and goddess of the hunt, Artemis, which was widely worshipped in the city. They believed her to be the one true goddess who protects and provides wildlife to sustain the people. The prey was secured and carried urgently by the male servants, to the Temple of Artemis; the temple was harmoniously erected with clay-brick walls. Doric columns and elongated arches and a marble carved dome at its epicenter, it stood brilliantly in the midst of well-tended gardens around it.

Its interior showcased the adventures of the goddess Artemis shown in mosaic windows, above strings of light penetrated the window, giving the temple a grandeur of a dramatic effect. The goddess’s statue which was made of marble, and stood at the rear end of the ceramic tiled room in which she stands bold and fearless with a bow and arrows to symbolize her hunting characteristics, there was a fawn by her side, leaping in glee.

“Hail the goddess of the hunt!” chanted worshipers loudly. The sacrifice took place in the temple, and the priestesses sliced the necks of the deer, watching the blood spill at the feet of the statue.

The High Priestess stands at the front elevated stage of the wide hall, wearing a white flowing gown, with a tattoo of the crescent of the moon embalmed on its chest as she performs the rights of the hunt.

Chilonis and Chilton kneels before her, the blood of the prey is drawn into a golden cup, which was said to have been touched by the goddess Artemis herself. The Priestess then dips her index fingers into the cup, rubbing the blood from the cup on the foreheads of the sisters.

“According to our traditions!” the Priestess shouts, her voice echoing throughout the room. “These two fierce archers have brought us the largest prey. And therefore they will represent the whole city of Potnia Theron in the tournament of the Heraen games!” she said. “Go forth and bring us victory.”

After the sacred ceremony was finished the duo was summoned by the Regent Arachidamia, their mother. In the palace where she was, they went straight through to her throne room, a place that had been previously forbidden for them to venture towards, they met their mother deep in thought, and she stood facing the large window directly displaying the whole city.

She turned back as she heard the echoes of her daughters footsteps fill up the room. The Regent was mostly frowning. AA sadness that was brought upon by the tribulations of ruling and the loss of her husband in the ruthless battle of Gerioha in the past. She never got over the death and neither did her children, because they seem to always want to follow in his previous path.

She was tall and elegant, her gown which was cascading, blue as the night sky, it came flowing down while separating at her waist, due to her curvy hips. Her long jet black hair was worn backwards, showing her black eyes. She was a skilled Archer and could pick out a long range prey or enemies even in the dimmest of days.

She moved slowly, her step calculative and gracefully, the eyes of her female guards The Order of the Hatchet elite guards moved with her, they've sworn to protect her even with their life. Yaa Asantewa the city's General stood at the right side of the Regent's throne with her hand on her sword; she stood averaged height, slim figured with her deep green eyes that could pierce through your soul. She also had a cheery personality when she's not on duty or in battle.

“You disobeyed me children. You both disregarded everything I’ve taught you since you were mere babies.” said Arachidamia. Her tone was harsh but with a shaky voice, sending waves of fear down the spines of her two daughters.

“We had to mother! We couldn't just sit idle while an opportunity like this approaches,” replied Chilonis, choosing her words with care.

“Do not test my patience child. I specifically told you not to partake in the trials for the Heraen games. I had strictly forbidden it,” said the Regent. “The tournament is filled with dangerous things and people and might as well cost you your lives, she stares in their direction with certain suspense.”

“But mother! We have weighed the dangers of the tournament, and we still want to represent this great city, just like you and father once did, replied Chilonis, still cautious so as not to further provoke her mothers wrath.

“Dont you dare bring your father into this! blasted Arachidamia sternly, her temper rising with every lasting duration of the conversation. She tried as much as she could to keep herself from exploding with anger.

The Heraen games was a big tournament organized in honor of Hera. it consisted of two warriors from each great city or land, they'll have to battle and search frantically for the Urn of Nike which would be hidden and protected by great monsters who wouldn’t hesitate to kill younglings.

The duo would have to survive through a rough and rigorous terrain, fend food and resources for themselves, while battling with other competitors. They would simultaneously look for clues on how to find the Urn of Nike. The first group to successfully find and return the urn will be crowned victor, and would be rewarded as the greatest warriors of all the lands. It sounded easy talking about it, but it's as deadly and formidable as it gets, a curse followed all the losers of this tournament, which brings death as the competition ends, so its either winning or dying.

“I and your father almost lost our lives while participating. We fought till our last breath to overcome the endless terrors and horrors of that horrendous tournament, its the kind of event that scars you for the rest of your adult life.” she says while reminiscing the days of her youth. If you think . . . If you ever think Ill allow you to set your scrawny feet on those nightmarish grounds, then you do not know who your mother is.

A sound of silence then befall the highly ornamented room, You’re awfully quiet, Chilton. This is unlike you, don’t you have something to share after showcasing such erratic behavior of disobeying your Regent? interjected Yaa Asantewa, her voice whispered across the room.

All eyes gazed towards Chilton; she held her face up as she always did, she stood quiet as she searched for words that could better sway her mother to her course. Great Regent! Mother! she begins, bowing down in courtesy. It was of her behavior to be the callous and rebellious child, but her show of respect was astonishing to all present. She radiated with a confidence and spoke with a passive-aggressive tone, while trying to establish her message.

“We have come not as your daughters, but as Archers of the city of Potnia Theron. Because of our traditions and laws which was handed to us by our foremothers ages ago, passed down by generations to generations before us, since the ancient times that our patron goddess Artemis walked the realms. Our traditions dictate that those with the biggest prey would have to represent the city of Potnia Theron in the Heraen games and this is what we have done, said Chioma. I and my sister had caught the largest preys in the whole of this city; therefore, its our right that we represent this city. We shall go and there's nothing you can do about it!” she ended with a tone of arrogance.

The throne room was so quiet that it was just the thumping of hearts and the whispers of breaths that could be heard in the silence, Regent Arachidamia walked in a slow, eloquent catlike manner, to where her youngest daughter stood, she could see a reflection of herself in Chiltons brown eyes, before she slapped her hard, the noise resounding even beneath the room and into the empty halls, which lay besides, everyone including the royal guards were astonished beyond comprehension, they never thought such family brashness would be showcased in public, but they simply watched as the Regent went for another attack, before being stopped by Chilonis, who couldn’t possibly stand by any longer without butting in to save her sister from her mothers anger.

“Stop mother! You know deep in your soul that she's right,” said Chilonis, with a sense of urgency in her voice, she was holding her mothers right hand now, trying to end this dispute.

“The stubborn fly that follows the corpse to the grave shall itself face death. If this is what you both want, then I shall not hinder in any longer. Then let it be known,” said the Regent, with a booming voice of authority, while her hands were on both of her daughters shoulders, That this two Archers will represent us in the Heraen games. So as it is declared shall it be done. She whispers softly to their ears only, Prepare yourselves then, my daughters. You both shall journey to the city of Juventas at the breaking of dawn, to bring honor to the city of Potnia Theron and the goddess of the hunt Artemis. Then the Regent moves to seat on her throne.