
“Are you angry, dear Ersa? Do you need a breast milk you big baby.” chuckled Lozen. “I'm just messing with you, that’s all.”

“You're just annoying. And might I add a narcissistic jerk,” said Ersa, feeling a bit frustrated.

“Oh! Grow up, I barely understand the words that come out of your mouth sometimes,” said Lozen.

‘That's because your brain is . . .”

“Let's go in, we're wasting time. You could get your fill of abusive words later,”

‘Promise me something before we go.’ said Ersa, with a hint of sincerity in her voice.

“What is it now, are we going to sing a lullaby before we go in and kill people.’ asked Lozen.

“Kill people? We're not killing anybody . . . I repeat we're not killing anyone. It's an infiltration mission, we only kill the Lamia, that's all—Nobody else. Not even the guards or staffs of the palace,’ explained Ersa.

“Okay, no killing. So what's the promise you want me to take?” asked Lozen.