
Lozen had other plans entirely; she began searching earnestly for something else, as she rummaged through cabinets and drawers, shelved neatly in the infirmary. Moments went by, before Lozen smashed a box filled with medical supplies, there scattered on the ground were surgical coverings and ointments, then she picked up a substance wrapped in tiny pouch, there was a look of recognition on her face as Lozen opened up the tiny pouch, a powdered substance colored milky white was uncovered.

“What is that? And how did you know it was there?” asked Ersa, she being curious.

“This here, dear Ersa . . . is opium. How is it that you do not know of it?” replied Lozen, her eyes were wild, glistening with expectation. It had been so long since she had tasted the highs of opium, it was one of her many addictions.

“Yes, I know of it. Opium is an addictive drug, made of dried latex obtained from immature seed capsules of the opium puppy. How did you know it was there in the first place?”