
“Don't you dare lay your hands on him!—” shouted Chilton, she resented the idea of someone being physically abused.

“Chilton, stop this nonsense at once!” said Chilonis, she had to be the voice of reason. “It's their traditions we have no right to interfere,”

“But sister!—”

“I don't want to hear the half of it, Chilton.” commanded Chilonis.

Anger swelled up Chilton, there was so much injustice that she wanted to correct, so much contradicting traditions that had no point, but her sister wouldn’t care, she thought, she mumbled inaudible cursed words as she walked away still very annoyed. After a few minutes, the tensed atmosphere seemed to calm down for just a bit, Dacio found the archers a warm bed in which they both lied in, after a while they were sound asleep.