The night was still dark, the moon glowed not too dimly, there still wasn't any hint of a storm coming, but this peculiar fact wasn't on Chilton's mind as she woke up. Beads of sweat, moist and glistening were etched on her skin, and a mild headache pounded on her skull, blending with the wild unbelief of her recent dream.
Such a worrisome burden was too great to hoard alone, and for a while, she thought earnestly of waking her sister up and telling her all that had occurred, as she snored softly, not having a bit of care in the world. That thought too left her, as soon as she saw something bright gleaming through the window to the front yard, deflecting light from the moon through its sharp metal surface. Quickly she rushed out of the bedroom immediately, her feet was light and swift, the front door was bolted from the outside, but moving back, she rammed recklessly into the door, but it didn't budge, she tried harder again, till it flung open to a frantic scene before her.