“Okay. Will the ‘Immortals’ be coming with you?” asked Pantea Arteshbod, trying to change the topic, to better ease stiffened tensions. The ‘Immortals’ were a covert spy network controlled by Rode, their outreach extended to all cities and realms, bringing in whispers and silent truths; it held tremendous advantages in finding out anyone’s secrets.
But Rode only grunted loudly, leaving the unanswered question to freeze in the air.
The Regent became annoyed; she had to snuff out her daughter’s rudeness before it became too late. “I asked you a question, young lady.” she asked sternly.
“Why do you care, mother?” barked Rode, her voice was whiny. “It's my group of spies not yours, must you always butt into my fucking business?!”
The Regent suddenly felt nauseated, but she decided not to pursue the battle of words this early morning, “I just asked you a question, young lady. No need to get snappy at me,”