“No! Pardon me my lady. I meant only high status women of Ceres, not strangers for alien cities,” the guardswoman paused, “but I can get your request to my supervisor, we'll be able to sort everything out it'll just take a few days.” said she, she tried to find common ground.
“I don't have a few days!” barked Rode. “Now is the fucking time I want to go past the route to Juventas.”
“I'm sorry my lady, we simply can't allow that. It’s against the City’s laws,” replied the guardswoman calmly, although she said sorry, her face never imitated it, it was still quizzical.
Rode was relentless on causing a scene, but Tiki was quick to stop her tantrum, he knew how badly her anger could make her act, and it always turned out badly. “I have another way,” whispered Tiki to his sister, his eyes glinted mischievously. “We were trained as spies after all, weren’t we. So what’s stopping us from sneaking into the city ourselves?”