The other sun at the right was a lot smaller than the remaining, it seemed to gleam a reddish radiance, blinking infrequent light in little sequences. The white clouds held tiny specks of gems that shimmered and refracting different colors of light, making it seem orangey in one part of the forest, while another part looked reddish, but the whitish glow of the conventional sun still plummeted to the grounds in volumes.
“Welcome to Sanul Gaia!” bellowed Sylva theatrically, like an on stage magician. “Whoa!” was all Joanne could conjure from her lips.
Suddenly, a giant; huge, pale and ugly made its way over trees in long strides before it walked over Joanne and Sylva’s heads, causing vibrations and minor tremors on grassed grounds as it did, the giant didn’t seem to see them as it strolled away.