“I’ve never been embarrassed of you, my child. It’s just that I see you holding so much potential. I swear I do not like perceiving alcohol on you, It’s always breaks my heart to, but I can never be embarrassed of you. I wouldn’t dare replace you with the finest of rubies, not even the stars. I only do what I do, to fulfill a promise I made to your parents, to protect you.”
“Why don’t I believe you,” sassed Joanne, clearly unconvinced. She shuddered as a chill of cold gushed around her. Tiny droplets of rain drizzled on her skin as she glared at Sylva. “Do you think I want to be this way? Do you think I want to numb my senses with alcohol? Do you think that I want to be broken? That I've worn my pain on my sleeves for too long? No!—no! I can't control it. Do you remember how I saw them—?”
“—you don't need to say it, my child. I was there. . .” mumbled Sylva, before her voice trailed off.