
And whatever you do, do not, and I mean do not stare at their legs for too long. . .”

As they made their way through the vegetative arc, they found the interior so different than the other enchanted parts of the forest. For one the interiors had a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, with tall trees that possessed broad leaves and thick wide branches which held a collection of native huts above the soils, while the winds shifted through the leaves and the ferns and grasses on the ground. The rustling of wandering little petals of flowers and dried leaves was all the sounds that could heard in this enclosed portion of land which made the space look more or less bigger than a village square, at its corners and sides were fences weaved neatly with vines and broken tree branches.

“There's no one here!” exclaimed Joanne, her face filled with a twang of disappointment. “Why did you even bring me here? Is it to teach me inner peace or to view the shitty scenery?”