
Joanne’s body first felt numb and nibble, so numb that she could barely feel her own skin, there was only the thumping of her heart to show that she was alive. She glanced around and saw only darkness, a thick nothingness, which was before she pushed away the blanket that covered her sight, and then a bit of light dimly showered in, showing the iron corners of the interior carriage.

“I died.” Joanne whispered to herself, like she was unsure of what had occurred and needed to voice out her thoughts for assurance. “How am I alive. . .?” she asked, before hushing, as the memories flooded her, of the Fountain of Youth running through her veins, she remembered that she couldn't die, not yet at least. Then anger swelled in her heart, furiousness devoid of direction, her anger was looking for something to latch onto, then it did, she resorted to feeling of betrayal.