At last Rubencho had arrived at the field and the first half of the fight was over, at that moment the young man said to Diego:
- Your fight is with me!
- The coward appeared... another one to defeat, look at them, they are all hurt, they can't even get up... your arrival won't make a difference.
Rubencho doesn't answer him lifting the young man from the floor and takes him to the bench saying: -I'm here... you have done well- Valentina is very happy to see the young man giving all his effort to be able to heal them all, this time the young man didn't wear the goalkeeper's uniform but he put on one of the front having the number 21 on his jersey, everyone was impressed to see this change the determined young man asks everyone:
- I need you to help me one more time... do you have any energy to spare? Everyone was ready to help him, then he looked at Wilbert and said: "Do you think you can continue to protect me?
- Do you think you can continue protecting the archery?