CHAPTER 20: "Heading to the final"

The next day Rubencho was with Diego and while they were walking towards the Thunder Camp Rubencho was telling him: - remember the promise we made... we are so close to win- at that moment some little kids missed the ball catching it and Diego returned it with a pass making them very happy and thanking him, after this the kids kept on walking while the young man kept on saying: - wow... to think that we are so close to the goal, although soccer is already recovering its joy and its smile, don't you think so?

- Wow... to think that we are so close to the goal, although soccer is already recovering its joy and its smile, don't you think so? - hearing this boy's face looks guilty, Rubencho noticing it asks him:

- is something wrong with you?

- I know we are very close... but I feel guilty, I even hurt almost the whole team and Reimon is recovering because of me- the two young men arrive at the Thunder Camp, Rubencho puts his hand on his back telling him: