CHAPTER 21: "Lonely porter"

The players of Thunder World arrive at the Stockholm DC Club and they all enter the club as if they were presidents, at that moment the technical director sees them and says to them:

- welcome! it's a great pleasure to meet you my name is Arthur and I am the technical director of Stockholm DC... Rubencho it's a great honor to meet you since I saw you play in the City Cup I wanted to meet you in person, as you know I am the son of Mr. Davis the best friend of your grandfather, I want you to have a game with my team I just want to see you in action-.

- it is a great honor to play soccer with you... I already want the game to start - the two shake hands and then Arthur tells them:

- the game will be tomorrow for today, you can visit the facilities and notify me if you want to take any player with you, I will be glad to do the paperwork-.