Two days passed and Reimon recovered from his injuries and the training sessions at Thunder Camp were more demanding than ever. Arrived the day, in the AFTC Bruce tells Mr. Freddy about what Diego had mentioned to them about the Zero Zone when hearing this the president decides to investigate about that mysterious guy to know what was the real reason why that organization was created; on the other hand in the Zero Zone, Zed was leaning in his armchair observing a photo that he had in his hand when suddenly appears the mysterious person of long hair saying to him:
- Sir... the team is ready and it's time to leave.
- All right... prepare my place and I'll catch up with you- the mysterious guy leaves and Zed stares at the photo, revealing that the photo was a picture of him with Rubencho's grandfather:
- I hope I'm right and that's the solution you promised me... Ruben...".