Chapter 27

"Fuck this, you're supposed to be with me" Damien screamed banging his fist on the dinner table

"He's right" my mum replied

"She's with me and there's nothing you can do about it" Drew said

"I can't do this" Steve sighed standing up. "Just make sure you boys don't break anything. I'm out" He left to go upstairs

Gerald looked at everyone taking a sip of his wine enjoying the drama

My mum was fueling the fire.

I held my head in my hands confused as hell. Where did it all go wrong?

Oh. I'm going a bit too fast, aren't I? Let me go back so you can see what happened

*tape rewinds*

"You're stupid"

"I'm serious"

I was in my room receiving spa treatment from the maids while talking to Leslie on the phone

"Do you have to be so extra Leslie? Be careful don't destroy my nails" I warned one of the maids

"Sorry ma'am" she apologized

"Stupid maid. Sorry babe, you were saying?"

"What time is Drew coming over?"

The time was 5:30pm

"In about an hour"

"I wish you the best of luck"

I laughed

"Thanks. I'm gonna need it"

"Anything new?"

"Damien is back"

She squealed loudly

"Adonis himself is back. Oh my God I'm dying"

"Stop exaggerating"

"Does Drew know about him?"

"Yeah. They met at my house yesterday"

"Whoa, how did that happen?"


"Does Drew know you both had an affair before he went to France? "


"Are you gonna tell him?"

"Do you think I should?"

"Of course. You're not supposed to hide things from each other. He's still gonna find out anyway Its better he hears it from you"

To be honest, I'm kind of scared to tell him. I don't know how he's going to take it. I don't want him feeling insecure or anything.


I'll tell him"


"I have to hang up now"

"No problem. Tell me how it all played out tomorrow. I know you'll be exhausted tonight"


"Bye. Love you"

"Love you too"

I hung up and continued receiving treatments.

After they were done, they started my make up which took about forty five minutes or more. I wasn't keeping record anyways. When they finished, they brought out various dresses for me to choose from.

"What do you think Maria?" I asked her. I was confused on which dress to pick and since she's the closest maid to me, I decided to ask her

"I think you should go with blue ma'am"

"Why not red? Red always looks perfect on me"

"Red is too flashy which doesn't make sense since you're having dinner in your house"

Hmm. She does have a point

"Alright then. Blue it is"

"Thank you miss Bella"

Yes. Its a privilege for me to take her opinion which means she has to thank me

I got dressed, took a few selfies to post on Instagram then went downstairs to the dining table. Everyone was already seated. My mum kept looking at her wristwatch

"Its 6:25pm, he isn't here yet"

I rolled my eyes. Here goes my mum, always looking for faults

"It's not 7:00pm yet" Steve replied

"At least he should be here earlier if he's serious about her"

If Drew was here earlier my mum would say something slick like he's eager to have free food or something.

I shook my head. There's nothing anyone can do to please my mum except she has special affection for that person already.

I rushed to the door when I heard the bell ring. My breathing got stopped at the sight of Drew.

He was dressed in a white button up shirt, black jeans with a pair of corporate shoes. He held a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine in his hands. His usual rough hair was neatly done today. He looked so hot I felt like jumping on him right now.

I didn't even know I was zoned out till he snapped his fingers in my face

"Yeah? Oh hi"

"What is up with you? I've been calling your name"


"What are you thinking about?"

"How I'm gonna pounce on my boyfriend when this is over"

I looked him up and down seductively. A slight bulge in his pants could be noticed

He cleared his throat

"This is highly inappropriate. I have a boner when I'm about to meet your parents"

I giggled

"Its not my fault you look hot"

"You look beautiful baby"

"Thank you"

He gave me a short kiss

"These are for you" he said handing me the flowers

"Thank you"

"The wine is for your mom"

"Aw, you didn't have to"

"I want to make a good first impression"

The wine was St Lauren. The last time I checked the price it was 160 dollars

"I really appreciate this"

"I just want them to like me. I don't wanna lose you"

He looked so vulnerable right now, my heart broke at the sight

"They will. Let's go"

We went inside. My mom looked him up and down with distaste.

"Good evening Mr and Mrs Martins" he greeted

"Good to see you again kid" Steve said standing up to shake Drew's hand

"Likewise sir"

I ordered one of the maids to put the flowers in a special vase in my room

"This is for you ma'am"

Drew gave my mum the wine wrapped in a red ribbon

"St Lauren? That's quite cheap "

"Sarah" Steve warned

"I'm just saying"she waved him off "Have a seat Drew"

"Thank you ma'am"

Drew sat beside me after greeting Gerald. I rubbed his thigh trying to calm him down.

"So Drew" my mum started as we ate. I knew she was about to say something nasty

"Any plans for college?"

"Yes ma'am. I'll like to study here"

"What are you planning to study?"


"That's a menial course, don't you think?"

"I think its fine" Steve said eyeing my mother

"No, its not. Why not something more professional? Like engineering or medicine or even biochemistry"

"If that's what he wants then leave him"


We ate in silence for a while. Drew and I held hands under the table. I noticed that his legs were shaking from agitation. Occasionally, I would circle my finger round his hand in order to calm him down

"Why do you have a scar on your eye?" My mum asked

This woman hates peace, doesn't she?

"I got into a really bad fight and the guy cut me with a knife"

"I'm sorry to hear that" Steve apologized

We all apologized

"Thank you all" Drew smiled

"I'm not. So, you fight?" My mum challenged him

Can I cover her mouth with duct tape?

"Only to defend myself ma'am"

"I see. What college do you plan on going to?"

"Anyone in town"

"Why? You don't want to school abroad?"

"I would love to but I can't afford it"

"Meaning you're poor?"

"Don't answer that" Steve ordered

Drew chuckled

"Well I won't say I'm poor cause there's food on my table anytime I'm hungry. I have a mother and sister who love me. I have an amazing girlfriend. I mean if you have all that, you're richer than you think. Sure there's no extra money to flaunt around but life could be worse"

My smile could not get any wider. I am in awe of you, Drew. He squeezed my hand under the table.

My mum was shocked. For once, she didn't know what to reply

"I like this kid. If you can defend yourself I'm sure you can stand up from my daughter anytime. High five"

Steve and Drew high fived

"I think you're good for my sister" Gerald said

"Thanks bro"

They did their man handshake

Before my mum could respond, three butlers came in. They weren't ours but I knew who's they were.


Who invited this guy?

Not long did Damien follow, dressed in an armani suit. How fancy.

My mum stood up to hug him

"Good evening everyone" he greeted

We all responded to his greeting

"I invited Damien. Hope you don't mind" my mum looked at me

Of course I do but I forced a smile. I could see Drew's expression change when he laid his eyes on Damien. This is not going to end well.

"Of course I don't"

"I brought presents for you from France ma'am" he said

The butlers were all holding gift bags.

"How sweet of you"

"Also for Bella, Mr Martin and Gerald"

"Just send them to the store room. How's your dad?" She asked

She had a flirty tone to it. Steve cleared his throat and adjusted his tie

I eyed them suspiciously. Something's going on and I'm not sure what it is.

"He's very fine ma'am" Damien replied

Maria came to direct them where to keep the gifts

"Have a seat Damien"

Damien sat on my other end

"Hey Bella"


"You look beautiful"

"Thank you. You look nice too"

He tried to kiss my hand but I smoothly snatched it away without seeming to rude

"My boyfriend won't like that"


Drew smiled and squeezed my hands

"You're so gonna get it when we're done. You're not gonna be able to breathe by the time I'm done with you" Drew whispered

I giggled and bit my lip in excitement

"Looking forward to it"

The maids served Damien his food then we started eating

"Damien, what are you studying again? " my mum asked

"Mechanical engineering"

"Brilliant. Drew here wants to study economics"

Damien laughed choking on his glass of wine

"That's so freaking simple. Where are you gonna find a job with a decent pay"

"See, that's what I said"

"What do you even see in him?" Damien asked me

"What do you mean?"

"He basically has no future. He has nothing to offer you. He's probably with you just for your money and the reputation he can get from you"

"That's not true" Drew replied. By his tone, you could tell he was getting angry

"Fuck this, you're supposed to be with me" Damien screamed banging his fist on the dinner table

"He's right" my mum replied

"She's with me and there's nothing you can do about it" Drew said

"I can't do this" Steve sighed standing up. "Just make sure you boys don't break anything. I'm out" He left to go upstairs

Gerald looked at everyone taking a sip of his wine enjoying the drama

My mum was fueling the fire

I had my head in my hands confused as hell. Where did it all go wrong?

When I couldn't take their arguing anymore I screamed

"STOP!" I screamed

Everyone was suddenly quiet.

"You guys are acting so freaking immature right now. Damien I'm with Drew now okay? I don't even know what to say. I'm out of here"

I stood up and went outside banging the door behind me. I paced up and down trying to calm myself but none of it worked. I screamed out loud in frustration. This is the worst dinner ever!

In less than a minute, Drew came out of the house as well.

"Bella" he called

I stopped and turned around

"What?" I snapped

"What did he mean by you're supposed to be with him?"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Yes you do. He can't just say that for no reason. What are you hiding from me?"


"Bella stop"

"No, you stop"

"Just tell me the truth"

"We had an affair. Is that what you wanna hear?"