Chapter 26

''Zac Efron is so hot'' Leslie squealed pointing to a picture of him in a magazine

''Let me see''

We flipped through the pages, giggling at hot models. We were passing time at the food court in the mall trying to catch up

''These boys are so sexy'' I sighed

''I know''

''But! They have nothing on Drew''

I flipped my hair in pride

''You have problems'' Leslie joked

''We have to admit it my boyfriend is hot. Its just that scar in his eye that ruined everything. I wish I knew what happened'''

''Maybe you should ask him''

''He's been acting really weird lately like he's avoiding me''

''Maybe he is''

I threw my remaining chicken bone at her

''Ouch!'' She exclaimed

''Not helping''

''Sorry. Have you talked to him about it?''

''That's the thing. Anytime I try to talk, he behaves weird''

''When did this start?"


''Maybe he's nervous about dinner or you're just paranoid''

''Possible. He's coming over today though''

She wiggled her eyebrows

"Dick appointment alert"

''You whore''

''I wanna go get another soda'' Leslie said shaking her empty can

''Give me your phone''


''I wanna play games''

''Download them in yours''

''What's the use when you have them?''

''You spoiled child''

I smiled when she gave me the phone. I always get my way

''I'll be right back''

She stood up and went to the line. I played games for a while till I saw a message

I didn't mean to pry but the name attracted me

Drew: thanks a lot for yesterday. Can we meet up later in the evening?

No no no. Breathe. Just breathe

Maybe its another Drew she knows. My mind couldn't help but go back to when she stole Eric from me. How could I forgive her so easily? What if this was her plan all along?

I quickly closed it when she came back

''Got it''

She took the phone from me and drank her soda


''What's up?''

''You'd never betray me again, would you?''

''No. Why are you asking this?''

''Nothing just making sure''

I'll take her word for it. Like I said, maybe its another Drew

''So uh have you talked to Drew before?'' I asked her

''Yeah. Once''

''Oh. What did you guys talk about?''

''Nothing really. He asked me for help on something''

''I see. Did you guys by any chance exchange numbers?''

She dropped her phone and faced me

''Hold up. Why so many questions?''

''Just curious'' I replied

''Stop. Its weird''

''I have a right to know''

"You're making it look like I'm doing something wrong. Is this because of what happened with Eric?"

''What? No''

Yes it is actually

''Why then?''

I sighed

''I'm sorry. I don't want us to fight''

''Me neither. I won't betray you again I promise' '

''Pinky promise?''

''Girl, we're seniors now''

We laughed

I checked my time, it was 2:05pm. Drew is supposed to come over by 4pm and the drive from the mall to my house takes about 30 minutes if there's no traffic

''Let's go'' I told Leslie

''Oooh you have a date with lover boy'

''Shut up'' I blushed

We grabbed our stuff then proceeded to leave the mall

I turned back when I saw a set of a gold necklace with a wristwatch on display

It would look perfect on Drew

I showed it to Leslie

''What do you think?''

''Its cool. I'm sure he'll love it''

It said $200 on the price tag. I entered the store and paid for it

''I'm sure he'll love it'' Leslie said as we made our way out of the mall

''I hope he does''

''I can already see it. It'll be like 'oh Drew look what I got you' then he'll be like 'thank you so much my love' and y'all will start the baby making process''

I used one of the shopping bags to hit her

''You're crazy''

''You're the crazy one, using a bag full of $100 shoes to hit Me''

I missed this. I'm so glad we could be friends again


''Finn is so stupid''

''I know''

''I hate adventure time''

Gerald rolled his eyes

''At least its better than the barbies you watch''

"Aren't you supposed to be watching things like Game of Thrones or something?. I'm really starting to question your sexuality'' I told him

Gerald and I were watching TV in our private cinema room. This idiot could watch whatever he wanted. instead he chose adventure time. It isn't even a real movie

The maids brought food for us frequently. Another lazy Saturday

I was just passing time till Drew gets here


"Come in"

The butler came in

"Miss Bella"


"A boy named Drew is here to see you"

"Bring him in"

He bowed then left

"So how's he preparing?. Dinner is tomorrow you know"

"I know"

I got up and went out of the room

"Leave your room door open" he yelled

I shook my head

"Hey" Drew greeted as we entered my room


I sat on my bed and brought out my books

''We have history, math and English homework. Which do you wanna start with?'' I asked hin

He didn't answer. I was about to ask why he didn't reply till I felt his lips on mine. I giggled

"I think we should study first" I spoke

"Or we could do something more fun"

He tried to kiss me again putting his hands in my top. I turned my head

"Studying is fun" I said

He straight faced me


I laughed at his facial expression

"When we're done, we can make out for as long as you want. I promise"

"Sounds good. Hurry up then"

We got to work. I taught him all he needed to know especially in math. Turns out he was lost. I'm glad I got to help him cause our mock exams are coming up next week. Two hours later we were finished.

"We're done" I announced

He didn't even let me complete the sentence before he grabbed me

After about thirty minutes of kissing, sweet talks, more kissing I finally remembered something

I pushed him off me and turned him to my side so I could straddle him

''Why'd you stop?" He asked

''You'd never cheat on me would you?"

''Hell no. Why would you ask that? "

"Because we haven't talked about what kind of relationship we're in"

"I thought we were exclusive. Aren't we?"

"Yeah. I was just worried"

"If there should be anyone worrying about the other cheating. It should be me"


"You do have a reputation"

I punched his shoulder

"Ouch! What? Its true"

It is actually. I couldn't stay with a guy for too long. My longest relationship lasted a month and I still cheated. I get tired of guys easily that's why I'm scared. I'm afraid karma will come back to me. I don't want it to cause I really like Drew.

"It isn't true anymore"

"I'm sorry. We're exclusive right?"


"So you won't cheat on me?" I asked again

"Nope. You're everything a guy could ever want and more. What else do I need?"

I guess that made me feel a little better.


"Scout's honor. You have to promise too"

"I promise"

"Cheating in my dictionary involves talking to boys unnecessarily, flirting, hanging out with guys without my permission"

"I get it. Same goes for you"

"No problem"

"Since that's settled, let's continue from where we stopped"

He pulled me back in for a kiss. His hands squeezed my butt as we slowly made out

Our heads weren't even moving, out tongues stayed in the same position rolling over each other

That's how nasty it was

I could already feel the warmth in between my legs

*knock knock*

''Who in the world?''

We quickly fixed ourselves just in case it was my parents

"Cover your neck. You have hickeys"

I hurriedly wrapped a handkerchief around my neck

"Come in"

The butler came in. All that fuss over nothing. I'm really starting to hate the sight of this man

''How can I help you?"

"Mr Damien is here to see you"

It can't be

"You mean Damien Taylor?"

He smiled knowingly

"The one and only"

I screamed running down the stairs. There he was standing in front of the door with his arms wide open. I jumped on him and engulfed him in a tight bear hug.

Damien is the ex boyfriend my mom was talking about. He's a very popular actor and model. He relocated to France(he's from there) to study that's why we don't see each other anymore


"So good to see you mi amor. How have you been?"


"I missed you"

"I missed you too"

Someone cleared their throat behind us. It didn't take a genius to know it was Drew

"Damien, this is my boyfriend Drew. Drew, this is my old friend Damien"

"Ah boyfriend? He'll be gone by next week am I right?"

He laughed

"No. I'm actually serious this time"

Damien blinked in shock

"Oh I see. Uhm its nice to meet you"

They shook hands. The veins coming out from Drew's hands showed he was gripping Damien very tightly.

"I just came to say hi. I'm just coming from the airport" Damien said

"How was your trip?"

"Fantastic. I'll come see you another time"


"Goodbye my love"

We pecked each other's cheeks which was our form of saying goodbye then he left.

"Who is he?" Drew asked. The look on his face was not a good one

"An old friend of mine"

I left out the part where he's actually my ex boyfriend.

"Doesn't seem like just a friend to me. He kissed you on your cheeks and you let him"

'He's French, that's how they act"

"We already talked about this. How would you feel if I did that to another girl"

Well, he does have a point

''I'm sorry. It won't happen again"

He ran his hands through his hair

"Forgive me" I batted my eyelashes at him

"Of course"

"Now give me a kiss"

He bent down to kiss me. Fuck his height, making me feel like a midget

"I'll see you tomorrow"

"sure babe"


We hugged before he left

I closed the door behind him with a smile on my face

Let's see what tomorrow holds