Chapter 27

19 more days to go…..

And you’ll be left in the dust

Unless I stick by ya

You’re the sunflower

I think your love may be too much

‘Sunflower’ blasted through my airpods as I made my way into school

“Hey” a body blocked my view

It was Annabelle

“Hi…..” I said awkwardly

It sounded more like a question that a friendly greeting

“Did I do something?”

What do I do at a time like this? Act dumb. Yeah that’s right. Fake it till you make it, yeah?

“W-what a-a-aare y-you talking a-a-a-bout”

Damn Ruby! Can you be any more obvious? I stammer whenever I’m under pressure or in awkward situations. It was a really bad trait that Rainer and I suffered from.

“Really? You know exactly what I’m talking about. You’ve been avoiding me for two days straight. You won’t talk to me, you leave the room before me, and you go to class without me. You even avoid eye contact with me. Look, you’re doing it again?”

“Pftt….doing what”

“You’ve got ten seconds to tell me what’s wrong or else I’ll scream”

I tried to escape but she blocked me. I tried again but she blocked me again.

“Don’t even try to run. Running is prohibited in the hallway and you’re in enough trouble already”

Dang! She’s right.

I was so nervous that I was sweating


Oh no. Ruby think


What am I gonna do?


What the fuck am I gonna do?”


Oh no. It’s the moment of truth


I can’t tell her. She’s gonna kill me for invading her privacy.


Well, it wasn’t really an invasion of privacy. It was just a coincidence.


I’m doomed. I could just faint right now and fake my death


They might even play Cardi B’s album ‘invasion of privacy’ at my burial. That’ll be lit


Goodbye world



“I overheard you and Sister Martha’s conversation in the room” I blurted

Annabelle blinked in shock


More silence

Her cheeks turned a very slight shade of red. She’s….embarrassed?


“I am so sorry. I didn’t know I was going to hear it. I should have left but curiosity got the best of me”

“I can explain. Please don’t say anything to the principal”

I held her hands in a comforting manner

“Hey. You’re my friend” I told her “I won’t snitch on you”

she sighed in relief


“Mr. Henderson and I kissed yesterday” I confessed

“What?!” she shrieked “That’s insane”

“I know”

“Well? Spill it. How was it?”

I sighed dreamily when I reminisced about yesterday. The way his kiss sent shivers down my nerves. The way our lips moved together. The fast beating of our hearts

“It was perfect” I said

She opened her mouth to say something but got cut off when her phone rang.

The funny thing is that everyone’s phones rang at the same time.

The hallway became filled with ringtones. One by one everyone brought out their phones and started talking.

“What's going on?” I wondered

Everyone started looking around as if looking for someone. When their eyes landed on me, they started pointing and whispering.

My heart beat sped up. My pulse quickened

This definitely cannot be good

“Why is everyone looking at me?”

Annabelle looked up from her phone with a guilty expression on her face


“What? What is it?”

“Your sex tape has been leaked”

My phone rang too. I brought it out from my bag and saw a message from an unsaved number. I immediately knew who it was

Unknown: “Told you you’ll regret it”


I laid on my bed and stared at the glass rose Rainer got me.

Words couldn’t describe the amount of embarrassment I felt. How am I going to live after this?

How am I going to make it through senior year? These people already judged me from the start now this just made it worse. I cried and cried until I couldn’t no more.

I have nobody to blame but myself and my reckless ways.


“What are you doing?” I questioned

I was already high and waiting on the bed for Bryan. He was busy setting up the camera on his table

“I’m almost done”

“What is the point? Hurry. I’m horny” I whined

I took a long sip of the beer I was holding

“It’ll be sexy babe. We’ll watch it later and I can even masturbate to it” he winked

I laughed

“You’re silly”

“We might even be famous” he joked

I took another sip of my beer. I was high as shit

“Alright babe. All done” he said before climbing on the bed

*end of flashback*

The opening of the door brought me out of my thoughts

“Hey” Annabelle said coming in “I brought you cupcakes”

She held out a box full of cupcakes and dropped it on my table

I smiled in gratitude

“Thank you”

She sat on my bed then rested her head on my lap

“It’s gonna be okay” she said

“I hope so”

I really did. My phone rang again. I groaned

Haven’t I received enough bad news for today? Nevertheless, I picked it up and read the message. It was from an unsaved number

Meet me at the central park at 5. Bring your sketchpad. Love, John

I giggled in happiness. I was confused about how he got my number initially but I recalled the party I went for and what Annabelle explained.

“What’s funny?” Annabelle asked me

“Oh nothing” I grinned “My day just got a whole lot better”

Chapter 22