Chapter 36

"Alright guys. Let's get to work” Mr Henderson said

I tried my best to focus on the lesson but the events of last night couldn't let me be. I kept thinking about how his arms roamed round my body starting up fires in places I could never imagine.

"Everyone tear out a piece of paper"

The sounds of groaning teenagers filled the room followed by the tearing of sheets from books. I took my time to analyse him today, looking all professional in his blue shirt and black pants.

It's hard to believe that this was the same man that pleasured me through the night

"Do we have to sir?"


I smirked. They call him sir. I call him John. If only they knew

"I want you to write about the most memorable day of your life" he instructed " you have” he checked his wrist watch ''exactly 30 minutes"



"Why is life so unfair?" I asked my brother as we lay on his bed

He just received a death threat this afternoon after school in form of a letter in his car

“Everything will be alright in the end" he said

How can he be positive at a time like this?

"And if it isn't?"

"Then it's not the end"

End of flashback

I smiled to myself as I wrote

The most memorable day in my life was the day my brother died, for even in his death his memories are kept alive. I feel every day is memorable for me. I get to see pieces of him everywhere, in my dreams, in the classroom, in a crowd full of people, even in the nights when I look at the sky. He's always there.

I got up as soon as the bell rang. Annabelle and I linked our arms together as we made our way down the hallway

"So... Annabelle started


"Notice how Mr Henderson couldn't keep his eyes off you?" she wiggled her eyebrows

I rolled my eyes playfully

"Please don't start"

We mistakenly bumped into someone. It was Jomar

"Hey guys" he greeted

"Hi" we waved at him and passed him

"Jomar likes you too. If it doesn't work out with Henderson, you can also go after him you know"

“What do you mean?"

"Henderson's about to be a priest in 4 days. He can't change his mind"

That is true. I heard the priests leave tomorrow for their camp.

If that is the case then where do I stand?