Blake's Party

Valentina's POV

It was only the forth day of school and everyone was talking about Blake. Apparently she was really a big deal here. I was hearing all kinds of things, but the main thing was Blake's upcoming party. She is turning 17 next month in September. I agree... she's something, but I wasn't sure if that was am asshole or just annoying. I don't know why I'm even thinking of her.

Oh wait, I do know! Its cause she hasn't shown up for the last two days of school, and I highly doubt she was sick.

To make matters even annoying, I was assigned an English assignment with her that's due in two weeks.

Thankfully besides gym and English, those were the only two classes we had together.

It was lunch time now and I looked around to see who I can sit with. I saw Macy sitting by herself, but for some reason she has been really quite since her encounter with Blake.

Something told me that I shouldn't go over there. It looked like people were avoiding her for a reason.

I decided to take a deep breath and ignored my gut feeling. I wanted to find out what she was going to say. Blake and I have a project together, and I wanna know if I should be worried.

Blake didn't seem like the type that did their homework.

I placed my trey on the table that Macy was sitting down at. Her head raised up and her eyes meet mine. She seemed a little shock and confused, but didn't say anything.

Her trey was in front of her and it didn't look like she ate anything.

I gave a small smile and sat down.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" I asked trying to be friendly.

She tried to speak, but didn't say anything, and instead nodding her head. She looked down at her trey and played with her smashed potatoes.

I noticed a few bruises along her jaw.

I gasped automatically thinking the worst.

"Macy, what happened to your face?!" I whispered, making sure no one else heard me.

I reached up to touch the side of her face, and she flinched, pull back instantly.

"I'm sorry but can you please tell? That doesn't look good, were you in a fight." I know Macy and I have not known each other for that long, but I think we could be decent friends at least.

Macy placed a hand on the side of her face. "Its nothing. just... just leave it alone please," she whispered back.

Before I can say something else, she picked up her trey and walked away. I watched her dump her trey and leave the cafeteria, leaving me alone at the table by myself.

When Macy left I noticed a pair of greens eyes watching me from the end of the cafeteria.


As soon as our eyes made contact, Blake left the cafeteria. I shook my head, becoming annoyed by her.

I knew she wasn't sick.

I looked around, noticing some eyes were on me. I felt so out of place right now. This year feels like it might go really slow.

I heard some foot steps behind me, and then stopped. I looked up, seeing the red head girl who stole my schedule!

My mouth was slightly opened as I watched her sit down. Her brown eyes that were still clearly contacts stared back at me.

It was like she was watching me like like some animal at the zoo. Her red hair was up in a bun today, and during the starring match, I noticed she had a few freckles around her nose.

After a minute or two her hand reached into her jacket pocket and pulled something white and crumbly out.

She stretched her arm handing it to me across the table.

My schedule!

I took it, mumbling a thanks and placed it into my bra for safe keeping.

"I'm Zane," she tells me confidently.

Before I can stop myself I ask, "Is that your real name?"

She chuckles and nods. "Yep and before you ask, no this is not my real colored eyes."

She points to her eyes and gives me a smile.

"Oh okay." I answer lamely. I guess she must wanna be friends, I think. But I feel like there is so much more to that.

"So, is Macy your friend?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I think so, why?"

Zane smiles and shrugs her shoulders like I did. "No reason." She takes her hand and runs it through her bun, trying to redo it.

My eyes narrow at her response and I didn't understand why this weird shit keeps happening to me.

I decided to ask her something that has been really on my mind lately.

"Who is Blake exactly? Why does everyone keep talking about her?" I ask curiously.

I was missing something and I wanted to figure it out.

Zane rested her head in her hands and gave a little smirk, " She's just really popular, a little intimidating at times, but means business. She's one of those people that are really nice but can be really evil if you go on her bad side."

I nodded that makes sense so far. I think that would explain why Macy was acting like that.

"Did Macy get on Blakes bad side or something?" I waited for her to answer my question, but she looked down at her shoes inspecting them.

I slowly tapped my fingers on the table, slightly annoyed. She was acting like Blake and it was getting on my nerves.

"Can you answer me or not? Please?" See, I can be polite even though I feel irritated.

Zane looked up at me and smirked. "What was the question?"

My fingers stopped tapping and I looked at her in disbelief. I shook my head and took a deep breath.

She was too much like Blake. I suddenly gasped and looked at Zane.

"Zane... what's the real color of your eyes?"

Sensing what I was getting at, she stood up and left, leaving me at the table stunned.



I looked up at the house in front of me with mixed emotions.

It was Blakes house .

She didn't show up to school for another day and I was not about to do the whole project by myself.

Mr. Coleman the English teacher told me Blake's address, because just like everyone knows, Blake is not sick.

Apparently she has a record of doing whatever she wants and getting away with it.

This is just great, I thought. My partner is delinquent.

Her house was gorgeous, the lawn was mowed and bright green. The house itself was a baby blue color with red shuttles.

I rang the doorbell and waited.

Nothing happened.

Well I tried, I tell myself, turning around to leave.

"Hey, its you, Macy's friend," a voice said behind me.

I turned around to see Zane in an oversized t-shirt with her red-hair messily hanging over her shoulders.

However what caught me off guard was her green eyes.

She must have forgotten to wear her contacts today.

She noticed me starring and smiled. "I'll go get Blake for you." she said.

"BLAKE!" she yelled, not moving an inch.

i flinched slightly and started regretting coming here. Maybe i was a little bit of a teachers pet, and oh God... Blake is gonna think I'm some sort of stalker.

My mouth felt dry and I didn't know what to say.

Another pair of green eyes popped up behind Zane.

Zane pointed at me and walked away.

Blake looked at me a little bit confused. Her brown hair was out and curly. She didn't have any makeup on, but I never recall ever seeing her wear any.

Not that she needs it.

I still didn't know what to say, my mouth felt like it was holding sand.

There seemed to be a little awkward moment, and I found the courage to say something.

"You haven't been at school for some reason, and we are assigned a project together that is due within two weeks and I really wanna get started on it," That sounded way more confident than I thought.

Blake scratched her head and I looked up, clearly uninterested.

"Cant you do it yourself and put my name on it?" she said with a sheepish smile, still looking up.


"I may be new to the school, but if you think you are doing not shit and going to let me carry all the weight you have another thing coming."

Blake looked shocked at first, but regained her composure. "Chill cupcake, I have a party coming up and I have some planning to do."

I took a slow breath and rolled my eyes. "Stop calling calling me Cupcake, my name is...."

"Yea, yea... I know what your name is." Blake smiled. "Its Spanish right? The language you cant speak?"

Oh no she didn't. I did not come here to be insulted, that's for sure.

"" I said through clenched teeth.

Gosh why are people so ignorant. Just because I am Spanish doesn't mean I can speak it. I was born in America not Spain for fuck sakes.

"Fine....lets go up to my room." Blake said starting to walk away.

I wanted to object so badly, but I figured either way I really didn't have a choice.

I closed the door behind me and followed her through her house. I saw Zane sitting down and talking on the phone at the table.

She spotted me and smirked.

I looked away and followed Blake up the stairs to her room. Her room was huge...which isn't a total shocker.

"I have a question. Who is Zane? Is that like your sister or something?"

Blake sat down on her queen sized bed laid back, starring at the ceiling.

I looked at her sprawled over her bed, feeling awkward . The room was mostly black and pretty clean.

I felt weird standing by the door and looking at her.

I froze, that didn't seem right. Zane was at least 5 foot tall. But Blake on the other hand was 5 foot 6.

"Is that even possible?" I said aloud.

Blake stared at me with darken green eyes, "Yep."

She looked like she was examining me. Her arms were slack between her legs as she looked up and down my my body.

I felt a little uncomfortable, but I guess it solved the puzzle of why Zane wears least I think.

I felt way too uncomfortable at this point, I wanted to leave and maybe try another time to finish the project.

She made me nervous when I was around her, and I didn't know what to expect.

"I think I'm going to go." I started. "I forgot my phone at the house and my dad will get very worried," I lied, but I hoped she bought it.

I started to open the door when it was suddenly closed from behind me.

Blake looked down at me, putting both arms on each side of my head. "Okay, I guess I'll see you around. And one more thing Val-en-ti-na."

She leaned closer to me. I held my breath feeling a little scared.

"If you ever talk to me like that again, you'll regret it. Understand?"

She was definitely very intimidating.

She let her hands slip slowly away when I nodded my head.

I opened her room and left quickly as I could. Why was my heart racing so much? I felt so scared and curious.

Why was Blake like that? Did she just threaten me? Maybe she did something really bad at Macy and that's why no one would sit with her.

I wasn't sure, but I groaned thinking of the fact I would have to see her again in school and outside of school if she didn't show up.

At least I only have gym and English with her, I thought. I took a bus home, with nothing on my mind excepts for Blake.