Finishing The Damn English Project

Valentina's POV

It was early Saturday morning and I was over at Blake's house. She picked me up and basically forced me to come over.

Every time I was around her, I was always nervous. Now I was sitting on top of her bed in her almost full black room, sitting next beside her.

We were finishing up the project. She was really creative. She told me about her dreams to take over her fathers tattoo studio.

Her father was a huge deal in the community I found out. He was a very built respected man, who owned several tattoo shops. He was very intimidating but very kind.

I could see the resemblance between him and Blake. He had bright green eyes that matched Blake's.

Blake had three tattoos of her own. One was her mom's birthday, one was a tattoo of roses with an eagle inside it, and she had wild spelled out on her fingers.

I personally admire people with finger, face and neck tattoos; because you must have a lot of faith in your job finding abilities.

The tattoos looked really cool on her and gave her an edgy look. I didn't have any tattoos, it never even crossed my mind.

I didn't realize I was starring at her until she smiled at me with her white straight teeth, catching my attention.

I looked away nervously finishing my writing.

10minutes later, we finished.

I grabbed my book bag I bought and got ready to leave, "Where are you going? You barely stayed." Blake stayed.

Today she wore grey sweatpants and a black muscle t-shirt. The shirt exposed her muscles very well.

I felt tongue-tied. I really wanted to leave so bad. i was still thinking about her like crazy, and I didn't wanna feel these confusing emotions.

I still didn't like Zane, the ride in the mustang was uncomfortable as fuck.

"I….have to go home. So bye!" I gave a quick wave and try to make a fast exit.

Blake quickly got up from the bed and closed the door before I had a chance to escape.

"Why cant you just talk to me?" She asked quietly. This was deja vu all over again.

I tried to study her face to see if she was up to something.

"This just seems wrong." I started to say. Blake's face immediately changed. She looked pissed.

Scratch that; she was pissed.

I held my hands up in defense. "That's not what I meant, its just that I'm having doubts about my sexuality."

I starred at her door that she was blocking. It was clear to me that I wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

Blake crossed her arms and leaned on the door. "I can help with that," Blake suggests.

I glance at her, realizing that she didn't hold a smirk on her face. She was actually being serious.

"No thanks," I respond a little harsher than intended.

Blake stood in front of me, her height clearly above mine. "Why did you say it like that?" she demanded.

I kept quiet and took a step back. I wanna leave so bad. I didn't have a good feeling about this.

Blake followed my steps, as I continued to back up. My back slipped from my fingers, and Blake kicked it out of the way.

"Answer me!" she shouted.

I put my hands on her chest and gave her a push.

All I could think about was what Macy told me, Brian and even Zane. I was not about to get myself hurt by even a player.


My back was against her bedroom wall, I hated being cornered like this. I suddenly had an idea, trying to fake left and run right.

It didn't work.

Blake caught me and picked me up by my waist. I struggled in her arms as she tossed me on her bed.

I landed on my stomach and flipped over. Blake moved fast on top of me, holding my hands above my head.

"If you answer me, then I'll let you go, okay?"

I stopped struggling. After all, this girl has a six pack and she can do a way more damage than me, I nodded, agreeing.

"I'm having thoughts that I may be bisexual." I answer telling half of the truth.

"Oh," Blake ran her fingers through her long hair and sat up on top of me. "You could always try out new things with me?..." she laughed a little.

The tension in the room was still tight. Her smirk was back as well.

I let out a deep breath and decided I would just tell her. "I heard things about you." I tell her.

Her smirk quickly disappears and she gives me a blank look, "So?"

"I like to make my own conclusions, but it seems like you have quiet the reputation." I continue honestly.

Blake got off me, but her green eyes stayed glued to mine. "Once" she placed her face in her hands and looked at me bored.

I stayed laying on the bed, trying not to think how good it smelled. Like fresh vanilla and dark chocolate.

Blake didn't seem to care but she was interested anyway.

"Well Brian and Macy told me-" I stopped when I heard a laugh.

Blake held her stomach as she continued laughing. "Those idiots?!?"

Her laugh let down a little bit. "You need to get more friends, they are some of the few who hate my guts."

That made perfect sense to me, Macy tired to warn me in the locker room and Brian told me about Blake in Spanish class.

I knew Blake had plenty of people who liked her but in wasn't sure it was for good or bad reasons.

She seemed very dominant and certain to make sure I would be able to talk to her.

She laid on her back, placing a hand on mine.

"Look, I try to be the best person I can be, alright? I don't know what they told you, but they don't know me for me."

I frowned slightly. " Brian says his known you almost your entire life," I said confused.

"Well he sucks, don't listen to him, what else did he tell you?" she asked annoyed.

"That you're a player and fucked multiple girls," I looked at Blake to see her reaction. I studied her face to see if it could be true or not.

She smiled a bit and shook her head.

A few girls maybe, but I'm not banging the entire female population of our school." she responded confidently.

I felt my nerves go down a bit. She seemed okay, and I was pretty sure I could learn to trust her.

I sat up suddenly, letting go of her hand, I had flashbacks of Macy sitting in the cafeteria with a slightly bruised up face.

I hugged my knees to my chest, not even bothering looking at Blake. "Did you do something to Macy?"


I turned around to see Blake starring back at me, she was clearly in deep thought. Her green eyes darken a little, and she was still laying down starring back at me.

"Maybe," that was all she said.

So, that must be a yes, I thought. I waited to say more, but she didn't say anything.

"I really have to go. "I said to myself more than her.

Blake got off the bed and extended her hand towards me. Helping me up. I grabbed my own bookbag and made my way downstairs.

Blake led me to her car and I got in. These next minutes were probably gonna be awkward.

Blake put the keys in ignition and slowly backed up out of the driveway.

2minutes in the drive she glanced at me smiling.

"What?" I asked curiously. She had a small smile on her face as she drove.

"You think you may like me?" she asked, "Like even a little?"

I thought about it for a second and said "No"

"I'm not even gay," I told her for the 30th time. Blake gave me a side eye and smiled even bigger.

I let out a breath, "Okay well I could be bisexual," I agreed.

She didn't say anything else.

She pulled up to my house and unlocked the doors. Just when I was going out she held onto my arm stopping me.

"I'm pretty sure you've heard already, but I'm having a party next week at my house. Its going to last all night long, its going to be crazy."

I looked at the ground, feeling my heart pound. Was she going to ask me what I think she will?

" I would love for you to come. We could get to know each other even better." she winked at me and waited for my response.

I wasn't sure or anything if it was a good idea. I think I was starting to like her, but I remembered that she still never answered any of my questions concerning Macy. I stepped out of the car and faced Blake.


"Great, so I'll see you there cupcake." Blake interrupted. She closed the door and pulled off.

She pulled down the window and waved at me as she left.

I stood there for a minute trying to process what just happened. On one side I was thrilled, but then again, I felt like there were plenty of things I should know that I still don't.

I looked up at the empty street and turned around to go inside the house.

I had some outfit picking to do.