Chapter Three

When I came to I realised I was not in my bed but someone else's, I cracked my eyes open slightly so that I could see through the blinding light that filtered through the cracked blinds. The room I was in had light grey walls and an enormous window covered by a maroon curtain. Making a move to sit up, I felt a heavy thing slid down my hip to my thigh. "What the hell?" I mumbled and looked down to see an arm. A male arm, following the arm back up to the body, I tried to get a look at the face that was laying down next to me. However, he must have been a stomach sleeper as his face was turned away from me. Slowly, I stood up from the bed and made my way around to the man. Getting a better look at his face, I gasped softly. It was Aeros.

"You know if you take a picture it will last longer." His voice thick from sleep causing me to jump slightly "I-I am not staring." stuttering slightly made me cringe I moved away from the bed and turned towards a door. "Where are you going?" a hand wrapped around my wrist. freezing me on the spot, "I-I want to find my parents. I mean Alpha Dion and Luna Marie" I whisper and the hand tightened slightly. "Why?" His voice dropping into a deep, almost growl like voice I felt a shiver run up my spine from either the dominance in his voice or the fact that I enjoyed how his voice sounded.

"Even though they hurt me with keeping secrets about who and what I am, they still raised me and I have more questions than I do answers at the moment," I whispered and turned to look at him. His eyes showed worry and confusion, but his face was practically unreadable "Do you want me to go with you?" He asked, and I smiled "I barely even know you? I still don't even know how I ended up in your bed, let alone why you want me." I unwrapped his hand from my wrist before making my way to the door I saw earlier. "Besides, if I need you, you will probably magically appear wont you?" he chuckled slightly

"Like a magician with smoke." with that being said, I left the room and went to search for the Alpha and Luna of the Magistone Pack walking down the many corridors of the castle before I made it to the Alpha and Luna wing. Standing guard outside their door were two of the pack members, Alex and Terrance were dressed in the sky blue attire that is the Guards uniform for the Magistone pack. "Is the Alpha and Luna in?" I asked Alex, and she nodded "Yes, Princess Blair." I nodded before stepping towards the door only to be stopped by Terrance "The Alpha and Luna do not want you in here, they request you wait in the grand hall for an audience." his voice sounded calm and polite but I also knew he was the most dangerous one on the guard and would not hesitate to take me down if I presented a threat.

"Fine. Please tell them that this is important and needs to be dealt with now." I turned on my heel and made my way out of the wing. Looking down, I realised I was in the same clothes as yesterday. "Now, I got to get changed before this happens." I changed my course from the grand hall to my bedroom, grabbing the closest pair of jeans and a tee-shirt I quickly got changed before making my way to the grand hall again. "Man, I hope this ends today." I whisper to myself as the doors came into sight..

Without acknowledging the guards standing duty, I pushed open the heavy wooden doors and stepped into the grand hall. Sitting on their thrones were the Alpha and the Luna, I noticed that the throne which I used to sit on was removed from the room. "Alpha. Luna. I see you are just wiping from your life then." I sighed "Before that happens. I would like some questions answered." I looked both of them in the eyes however they couldn't look me in the eye. They both remained silent, not looking at me or each other. "Fine. I will find my answers elsewhere." I growled and turned around before walking to the doors.

"Blair! Wait!" My Moth- I mean Luna Marie called out. I stopped walking and turn back around. "No matter what you may think now, you will always be my daughter." She started and stood up. "Please come to the gardens this afternoon and I will tell you everything." I nodded once before walking out the door and decided to go to the training room. i probably spent three to four hours just hitting a punching bag over and over well at least four punching bags as I would break them now and then from hitting them to hard. When I looked up and zoned back in, I looked over at the clock that sat on a table it read three fifty pm, "Well time to go meet Marie." I mutter I unwrapped the tape from my hands and fixed my hair into a high ponytail. I made my way to the center of the Garden and saw Marie sitting on the white steel frame bench.

"hello, are you going to answer my questions now?" I ask softly as I sat next to her. Marie closed her book and looked up "I was wondering when you were going to show up or even if you would show up." she looked like a mother who was about to lose her child and I didn't understand it."I am sure you have questions but please, let me talk first." She placed the book on the bench and turned to me completely. "You were such a cute baby, with your honey-blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. They brought you to us when you were barely a month old. You were wrapped in a dark purple blanket and you had this." she reached into her dress pocket and pulled out an amulet and handed it to me, The amulet was a silver pentagram and wrapped around the pentagram was a gold dragon, there was and inscription etched into the amulet "Confidunt in in tonitrui." I looked at her confused "Trust in the Thunder? What does that mean?"

She smiled slightly "I believe Aeros will help you understand. I am truly sorry for keeping this from you. You should have been told a lot sooner than this." Marie stood up and moved towards the entrance of the castle "I will have the servants pack your things for when Aeros decides to leave." frowning, I stood up and walked in the opposite direction towards the running river in the forest to the right of the castle. "Trust in the Thunder. What Thunder?" I mumble to myself.