Chapter Four

I don't know how long I sat at the river, however, as I sat here I pondered about what Marie had told me but it also filled me with more questions like who was the pair that dropped me here? What does the Amulet mean? and why should I trust the Thunder? Reaching down into the bank, I grabbed a stick and drew aimlessly in the dirt. In the hopes of just forgetting everything that was happening, I let my mind wander and my eyes glaze over.

*Trust the Thunder* there was that sentence again but this time it repeated itself and was getting louder and louder. Suddenly my eyes sharpened and I could see what was around me, however, it was not the forest that surrounded me, instead; it was white clouds and the sky. I could hear the beating of wings all around me looking to the right of me, I tried to see anything through the cloud I was in.

*ROAR* The sound that shocked me to my core was that of a dragon. This caused me to flinch and closed my eyes when I opened them back up I was once again surrounded by the forest except for this time there were people here. "Blaire? Are you okay?" The bell-like voice of Kayda. "There are Dragons," I whisper, my eyes wide and breathing slightly heavy. "You've seen the dragons?" Aeros voice rumbled as he knelt down to look at me. I looked into his eyes and nodded "They were huge, There were Three Red Dragons, Two Gold dragons, One Silver dragon and Four Blue. I think they're heading here. What are we going to do? My pack is still expecting the Kumori Pack."

Aeros and Kayda swapped glances before looking back at me "We think it is time to go, They are after you. We need to leave now so that they will leave the pack here in peace." Kayda's voice held a bit of concern. Aeros picked me up and while Kayda and he walked further into the forest away from the pack lands. "Wait! We have to tell someone, you cannot just kidnap me." I thrashed around, trying to get out of Aeros's arms "Put me down!" I felt air surround me for a second before I felt the ground connect with my backside, causing me to hiss in pain.

"They're here," Aeros whispered to Kayda, who immediately grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet while partially standing in front of me. "Blair, please stay behind me." She whispered looking around I noticed they both had identical swords, The gold inscription on the handle read Confidunt in in tonitrui There's that saying again. One by one, the dragons I saw landed in front of us. As soon as the Silver dragon landed, Aeros and Kayda both dropped into a kneel.

"Ladon, I am glad you're here, This is Blair. She is the one we have been looking for. The one they kept from us." Aeros motioned to me, causing the dragons to all turn their head and look at me. *Young Blair, I am pleased to have you back where you belong.* A melodious voice drifted through my mind. Jumping, I turned towards the dragons in confusion "What was that? Who was that?" Kayda laughed "That was Ladon, He is the king of dragons and Aeros bondmate." I looked at her confused "What is a bondmate?"

*A bondmate is when a Dragon and human and or shifter are bonded at birth, Aeros and Ladon were born at the same time and bonded together, However, even though all dragons have a bondmate, not all Humans or Shifters have a bondmate.* An unknown voice entered my mind this one was soft and feminine looking at the dragons I tried to find which one it was that was speaking to me. *My name is Fyssi I am the female gold dragon and your Bondmate.* I looked towards the gold dragons to see one of them had a more slender head and two horns rather than a beard full like the other gold dragon. "I do not understand." I looked directly into her yellow cat-like eyes.

*I will explain when we all get home.* Her voice echoed, and both Aeros and Kayda stood before making their way to a Red dragon and Ladon. "Quickly Blair, Hop onto Fyssi we have to go." Fyssi came forwards and laid down which made her back about two inches taller than myself. "I believe I might need a lift. The highest thing I've been on is a horse, and they had a saddle." I turned to Aeros, who was trying not to smile, but you could see from his eyes that he was finding this hilarious. "Come on, Amica mea. I will help you up." I felt my cheeks heat as a blush formed hearing him call me my love.

*He will not tell you, but I will. Bondmates often have those in their world as soulmates.* Fyssi's voice floated through my mind. *I suggest you hold on tight.* a sudden updraft accompanied this, and we were in the air. "This is beautiful," I murmur as I take in the clouds that surround us and the others who have joined us in the sky. "wait till you see the grounds were we stay at?" Kayda yelled over the wind I looked towards her to see her dragon looking towards a blue female dragon. *The Dragon that Little Dragon Kayda is riding is Brantley he is her Bondmate and the Dragon he is looking at is Ceindel. She is one of the strongest water dragons we have ever come across. Brantley is the strongest Fire-breathing dragon, his fire is not red, it is almost white because of the heat he can produce. They are what the humans lovers and the shifters call soulmates.* Fryssi explained without being asked, but I appreciated it.

*It will take us nine hours to get to Crepnia, home of the Dragons. I suggest you get some sleep.* Ladons voice drifted through my head sighing i leaned up against Fyssi's neck which warmed me up I let a yawn slip from my mouth as my eyes drifted shut. I was jolted awake though by everyone landing groaning I rubbed my eyes to bring some sort of focus back *Good evening little one* Fyssi chuckled "ugh, where are we?" I groaned "We are on the outskirts of Crepnia, We will have to walk from here." I turned around to see Aeros walking towards me from Ladon. "How did you like flying?" smiling I looked at Fryssi "It was amazing, I didn't think I was going to like it but it was very freeing." Fryssi looked down at me *I am glad you enjoyed it, little one*

"I think we should stay here for the night Aeros, give Blair some time to understand what's happening maybe we can send Tatsuo, Ryuu, Demma and Ryoko back to the Dragon City. Brantley, Ceindel, Landon, Aidan and Fryssi can stay to help us here." Kayda's voice echoed from the other side of the field. Three of the blue dragons looked over at us *They are Ryuu, Tatsuo and Demma* Fryssi introduced *Eva has already headed back to the City while the other Red dragon is Aidan he will be staying. The Gold Dragon that was travelling with us is Ryoko, but we will talk about him more later.* I nodded slightly before turning back to Aeros.

"Im fine with sending the Dragons back, I just want to sleep." I then moved towards the tree line, looking for somewhere to lie down that would not be too uncomfortable.