Chapter Five

Keeping an ear out, I found a place to lie down with Fyssi, who wrapped around me like a warm blanket. She covered my head with her wing, making sure I was completely secluded and protected from anything. *Good night, little one* Fyssis voice floated through my mind as I fell asleep. What felt like minutes but could be hours I heard a slight thump above my head which turned out to be Aeros thumping Fyssi's wing. *Little one, it is time to get up.* groaning I cracked open my eyes and tried to focus on anything. "What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes as I sat up.

"Just after four am, we have breakfast here when you're ready." Kayda's voice rang out from the other side of the campsite. Wincing as I removed my hands from my eyes, I glared at the ground "This is too early." grumbling, I stood up and made my way towards Kayda. "How long of a walk is it to the Dragon City? and why can't we fly?" I looked around "There is a magic barrier that protects the city. This stops everything except for ground entry at the gates." Aeros answered. "Which are monitored twenty-four hours a day by both bondmates and their dragons." Kayda finished, "That doesn't answer my first question. How long does it take to walk there?"

"It will take twenty minutes, so we need to get moving shortly," Aeros said as he made his way to Ladon. Nodding slightly, I made quick work of breakfast before heading over to Fyssi, who looked like she was also finishing her breakfast, which was a handful of deers that the dragons had caught for themselves. "I think it is time to go now." I told them before making my way to Aeros, "Which way do we go?" he pointed towards the left side of him "That way. Come on amica mea, walk with me." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and walked towards the Dragon City.

After the twenty-minute walk, I could see the beginnings of the wall that surrounded the city. It was beautiful; they were 60 metres high, brilliant white, and had dragon script etched into the walls. Pax cinium, tranquillitatis Hope. "Peace, Protection, Tranquility and hope, is that the motto of this place?" smiling slightly, Aeros looked down at me " Yes, amcia mea, That inscription is the promise made by Ladon and I to keep this place safe and to offer protection to those who seek it." Aeros then looked over to the gates I recognised Ryuu as one dragon on duty giving Ryuu a smile I saw a young woman dressed in dark brown leather armour with knee-high black boots. She had long amber hair that was tied up in a high ponytail, she had her helmet tucked under her left arm.

"Who is that?" I whispered to Aeros causing him to glance over, "that is Annabella, Those on the guard call her Bell for short. She is Ryuu's Bondmate" He explained I nodded slowly before the enormous gates opened slowly allowing us to walk through on the other side of the gates left me in awe. There were huge Camperdown Elm trees planted every 30 feet making one vast canopy of leaves that drooped towards the ground the pathways were made of pebbles each path leading to a different building. In the centre of the city, there was a small castle-like estate.

*Little one, I am going to find my coniunx I haven't spent time with him alone since we found you and brought you here.* Fyssi's voice rang through both mine and Aeros's mind before she walked away towards what looked like a dragon house. "This place is beautiful," I murmur and looked at Aeros "How come no-one knows about this place? It's not even on a map." Aeros chuckled softly "Amica mea, this place is protected by the magic that flows through the earth." I grinned slightly

"Come with me I want to show you something," Aeros said grabbing hold of my hand and pulling me towards the estate. "This is where we will live, I heard you talking with your mother back at the pack and I wanted to show you this," He handed me a photograph of two people who look remarkably like myself "This photo is of Maribel and Frederick Winters. They founded this place and helped make it what it is now. These are the two people who dropped you off to your pack all those years ago. If you would like, I could help you find out who your birth parents are."

I snapped my head to him so fast I thought I would give myself a whiplash "You know who these people are?" I asked hopefully causing him to chuckle "Yes amica mea, I did. They were my grandparents. As a bondmate, we live as long as our dragons do. They lived to be over 4,000 years old before passing in their sleep at the same time as their Dragons Batair and Tullia." he looked down at the photo and sighed "I'm so sorry." I whispered and placed my hand on his shoulder in comfort.

"It might take some time, but I could ask my parents about it when I next see them," Aeros said as he put the photo away. "Come on, I will show you to your room." With that being said, he motioned to the stairs, and we walked to the first floor. "Here is your room, It is right next door to mine If you need anything amcia mea, please don't hesitate to knock." after he said that he did something that completely shocked me, he kissed me on the forehead before heading to his room. "wow," I whispered to myself before I headed into the room "Oh my goodness." The room was amazing. The walls were a light grey, with a black queen-size bed with black drawers and matching bedside tables. On the floor was a dark purple rug and a clam chair in the same colour beside the window. There was also a bookshelf filled with books.

Walking over to the bookshelf, I looked at the titles before settling on the History of Dragon City moving to the clam chair I sat down and read.