
But just before he entered, he heard a message...

[Congratulations to host for becoming Qi Foundation realm-initial(1) cultivator]

[Every second the host lives, 50 XP is gained]

[Host: Qiao Yang

XP: 0/256000

Cultivation Realm: Qi Foundation realm-initial(1)

Storage: Hypervelocity Ghost Sniper (unlimited ammo but needs energy), 10 X Resource bots, 4 X Soldier bots (Gun users), 4 X Soldier bots (Sword users),

Equipped: Hypervelocity Ghost Sniper

Skills: Sniper Lvl 1(3/10)

Selected base: None]

He could sense his dantian and his meridians becoming bigger with different colors(elements).

Anyway, he focused back on the task on hand.

The place where the treasure, was located, was in a cave.

The cave entrance was 10 meters high and 15 meters wide.

As soon as Qiao Yang entered the cave, he was consumed by darkness.

Qiao Yang paused.

'I forgot the bring a torch....'

Qiao Yang cursed himself for it but...

[Would the host want to activate Nightvision?]

Qiao Yang stopped and after a moment, he said yes.

Suddenly, the whole cave lit up.

But it did not look like a cave at all.

It was more of a corridor and was huge.

It 100 meters in height and 200 meters wide.

' was so small from outside...'

The walls were smooth with beautiful designs of Chinese mythological creatures and grey in color, the floor was wood in dark red color, and the ceiling was white just like white jade.

Qiao Yang heard a rumbling noise and looked back to see the entrance close.

Qiao Yang was shocked when he read the three messages for the system.

[Name: Cosmic stone

Grade: Rare - 7]

[Name: Elven wood

Grade: Rare - 6]

[Name: White jade

Grade: Rare - 7]

When Qiao Yang saw this he was shocked.

'The person who lived here must so rich...and powerful'

Qiao Yang's shock to joy.

He told 9 of his resource bots to start gathering these materials.

The 9 bots started their work, immediately.

Qiao Yang was extremely excited but at the same time confused.


'Does that mean...the person who built this place was an elf...?'

Qiao Yang started to become excited. After all, it would be his first time meeting another race member.

Qiao Yang shook his head and calmed himself.

Whatever came, he had to prepared for it.

'System, how did you know what cosmic stone was?'

[It is one of the rare materials in outer space]

Qiao Yang nodded.

He started moving forward but even after he walked for 10 minutes, he didn't see the end.

'Just how long is this thing?'

Qiao Yang walked for another 15 minutes but didn't see the corridor end.

Just when Qiao Yang was about to turn, he saw a door.

The door was closed.

Qiao Yang walked and stood right in front of the door.

The door was brown and 3x2 meters in dimensions.

It just looked like another door except for its size.

But he saw it differently when he read the message...

[Host, the treasure seems to be in this door. The system advises the host to be on alert upon entering]

Qiao Yang focused on the door through the scope of the sniper and with his left hand, he opened the door.

He entered the room quickly and looked around for danger.

But what greeted Qiao Yang was a grey room.

And in the center of the room, was a floating object.

'Is that it?!!'

Qiao Yang looked like he was about to explode with excitement.

Just when he was about to forward, the system said:

[Host, please be careful and look down]

Qiao Yang stopped at looked down.

What Qiao Yang saw, shocked him to the core.

A huge skeleton of a beast lay down on the floor.

It was at least 150 meters in length and 100 meters wide.

Qiao Yang could not imagine any beast this huge.

But what he saw next completely dumbfounded him.

[Divine Dragon Bones

Grade: Legend - 9]

[Divine Dragon Scales

Grade: Legend - 9]

Qiao Yang went in shock.


'Legend quality....9?!!!!!'

A dragon, a real dragon.

And its bones were of legend quality.

Qiao Yang's eyes went wide open.

Of course, this would anyone's reaction after seeing a 150 meters long dragon skeleton.

'System, tell the bot to collect the bones and scales'

[Yes, host]

The last resource bot came out of the system's storage and jumped down.

While the resource bot was collecting, Qiao Yang looked at the egg.

'So that is a...dragon egg. Right, system?'

[Affirmative host]

Qiao Yang saw a small path leading to the egg and started walking on it.

But the moment he stepped on the path, he felt some pressure on him.

The closer he was to the egg, the pressure on him would increase.

'System, how do I make it my pet?'

Of course, Qiao Yang would not let the opportunity escape through his hands.

[Host's cultivation realm is too less to make it a pet, but the host can make the beast a family member]

Qiao Yang thought

'Okay. How do I do that?'

[Host has to put one drop of blood and give it a name]

'Is it a male or female?'


Qiao Yang was surprised.

He had always read that about male dragons only, but the dragon in front of him was a female one.

While gritting his teeth, Qiao Yang continued walking one the path.

Qiao Yang's Qi was depleting very fast, but Qiao Yang still held on.

Although he reached the egg with a minute or so, it felt like hours.

Qiao Yang sat down to catch his breath.

Just walking to the egg took all his qi, and willpower.

After resting, Qiao Yang made a cut on his right thumb and dripped it on the egg.

The blood which dropped on the egg was absorbed.

Qiao Yang had already thought of the name for the dragon.

Qiao Yang said, "From today onwards, your name is Mei Ling."

Instantly, the pressure on Qiao Yang vanished as if it was never there.

The egg, which was floating, suddenly flew around Qiao Yang and Qiao Yang felt it was very happy.

The egg flew into Qiao Yang's arms and slept.

Qiao Yang removed his mask and smiled while looking at the egg.

Suddenly a feminine voice said, "Hello, human."

Qiao Yang froze.

'Who is speaking?'

"Please do not be scared. My name is Draconia. I am one of the members of the divine dragon race."

She paused here and Qiao Yang quieted down and started listening.

"We were once a very prosperous and powerful race. Divine dragons are the god of dragons and any dragon with this bloodline will be respected. But once a terrible calamity struck and many dragons of different races were killed. Only me and my husband of the divine dragon race survived and lived through it. The Dragon Empire's new ruler wanted our support to support his kingdom. But we knew that he just wanted our bloodline. So we rejected and escaped his kingdom. He became furious and declared us as traitors. He placed a bounty on us and many dragons went after us. We escaped all of them until the ruler was the only one left. My husband told me to escape and sacrificed his life to fight the ruler. But the ruler did not die. I searched many worlds for a safe place for me. I found this place and settled down here. I was an Eastern divine dragon and was welcomed here as a mythological creature. I met many famous and powerful people, made friends with them, and enjoyed life. It was only after one thousand years later, I got to know I was pregnant. I gave birth to a daughter but unfortunately, I couldn't raise her as I only had one year left to live. My daughter was about to wake up when you came in. I am telling you this to ask you for a favour. Please raise my daughter well and take revenge for me and my husband."

At this point, the voice vanished and only silence remained.

Qiao Yang stood in the grey room all alone.

Although he only listened to the voice, he felt he had experienced all the emotions the dragon felt through its journey.

Unconsciously, tears fell from his face and fell on the egg.

The egg woke up and became sad and tried to console Qiao Yang.

Qiao Yang smiled at the egg and said, "Sleep Ling'er. I am fine."

The egg accepted Qiao Yang's words and went back to sleep in his arms.

Then Qiao Yang shouted, "I, Qiao Yang, swear upon my blood, cultivation, and soul, that I shall do my best to raise Mei Ling and take revenge for you, Miss Draconia."

Qiao Yang's voice echoed in the corridor.


At the same time, in the heavenly palace.

"Someone made a life and death oath!!"

"What?!! Which race is it?!!"

"The human race!!"

"What! A human made an oath?!!"

"How long has it been since someone made the oath? And a human one at that?!!!"

"Don't ask me, man! I don't know."

Chaos reigned in the heavenly palace.

After all, when a person makes a life and death oath, that person has to complete it or face something even terrible than death.


Oblivious to this,

Qiao Yang was returning back to the exit.

But he did not see the female spirit in the room.

She gave him a smile that carried a thousand emotions and vanished into thin air.