Becoming a Father

Qiao Yang came out of the cave.

He looked back at the cave and bowed.

"Miss Draconia, please rest in peace with your husband. I shall not forget our promise."

After saying those words, Qiao Yang started moving towards the factory.

Qiao Yang said, 'System, show me my status'

[Host: Qiao Yang

XP: 50000/256000

Cultivation Realm: Qi Foundation realm-initial(1)

Storage: Hypervelocity Ghost Sniper (unlimited ammo but needs energy), 10 X Resource bots, 4 X Soldier bots (Gun users), 4 X Soldier bots (Sword users), Elven Wood, Cosmic Stone, 6000 X Divine Dragon Bone, 30000 X Divine Dragon Scales, 1000 X High-Tier Spacial Crystals.

Equipped: None

Pet: Divine Dragon(Mei ling)

Skills: Sniper Lvl 1(3/10)

Selected base: None]

'System, if my pet hunts a living being then will I get the XP? What are spatial crystals? What does High Tier mean? And what does selected base mean?'

[Host, if your pet kills any living being, you will get XP. Spatial crystals are exactly what it sounds like. They contain the space law. Laws are the properties that make up the world. If there is fire, there is a fire law, if there is time, there is time law, and so on. Each law can be learned through absorbing the crystals or by sensing them in the world. Spatial crystals are important to host, as they will help in making warp devices or teleportation devices. There are 6 types of tiers - ultra-low, low, mid, high, ultra-high, and extreme. Host is very lucky to get high-tier spatial crystals. As host knows that there is a range for the sniper to recharge or the bots to work. When host selects base,

the bots can work anywhere in the lower heavenly world or the sniper can recharge anywhere in the lower heavenly world]

Qiao Yang was surprised and got excited when he heard warp devices.

After all, he was not from the same era as the system.

He did not know that selecting a base was that important but he became happy a few moments later.

Although he might not select a base for quite some time, he knew which place he's going to select as the base.

He wraps his arms around his little "sister", wears the mask, and continues on his way back.

(Author's note: "Sister" in this sentence means Mei Ling as he adopted her as a family member)


In the Qin Residence,

Qin Yue'er, who was sitting in her room, looking completely different.

She was now in Core Realm-intermediate(6).

She was 175 cm tall. She has tall and slender legs, white jade skin, red hair that looked like it was on flames, purple eyes, a beautiful face, and a body that will even make immortal fairies go green with envy.

She had strong fire and strong thunder innate attributes.

While she was cultivating in the Blood Refining Pool, only 5% of her bloodline was unlocked yet she reached Core Realm. This just shows how thick her bloodline is.

When Qin Xiao heard about this, his face went red with excitement.

It was the first time he had been so excited. It even took him 30 minutes just to go back to his calm and stone face but even still, a hint of excitement could still be felt.

Qin Yue'er wore a simple dress yet, the simple dress brought out her beauty even more.

She was planning to go to the forest but she was informed by Xueli that the aura of the treasure had suddenly vanished.

Qin Yue'er was shocked.

She asked Xueli, "Who obtained the treasure?"

Xueli replied, "Young miss, we do not know. Maybe an expert from another country may have also sensed it and obtained it."

Qin Yue'er thought, 'It couldn't be him, could it?... Nah not possible. He is very weak compared to the other experts that went there'

So she did not think about it much.

Right now, she had to find out more about "silversurfer".

She went to her father's room and knocked.

"Come in."

Qin Yue'er came in and closed the door.

"So I how can I help you, my dear Yue'er?", Qin Xiao asked and smiled.

Since hearing Qin Yue'er had unlocked her bloodline, he was always in a happy mood.

"Father, I want you to look for a person.", Qin Yue'er said while blushing slightly and displayed Qiao Yang's handsome photo while his hair was fluttering.

"Ooh! Is he your lover?", Qin Xiao said with a teasing smile.

Qin Yue'er looked down and blushed so hard that her hair color and face were almost the same color.

"S-stop teasing me, father. Just look for him, okay!", Qin Yue'er told her father very quickly and left the room.

Xueli, who was standing outside the room, saw Qin Yue'er walk past her very fast and heard a laugh from inside the room.

Xueli, who had never seen clan leader smile much less laugh, was dumbfounded.

Xueli went in shock and was still with her eyes wide.

After a few minutes, Xueli realized that she still standing in front of the clan leader's room, so she went to her quarters awkwardly.

Qin Yue'er reached her room and closed the door.

She jumped on the bed and buried her face in the pillow.

"Stupid father", she said softly.

She looked out of the window and wondered what he was doing right now.


In the Beast Mountains,

It took 30 minutes to reach the factory.

The place looked like a small village.

Wherever Qiao Yang passed, the soldier would salute him.

Qiao Yang had things to do right now.

First: Get clothes like a cultivator

Maybe he will wear the black long coat and the whole set when he becomes popular and strong.

But for now, he wanted to stay low-key.

Thankfully, one of the animals killed was a blue silkworm.

The blue silkworm made blue threads of silk.

But this silk was special as it was flexible and had defensive properties that could be used in armors.

Using the special silk as one of the materials, the system made a blue-silver robe that had defensive properties and was flexible.

He also told the system for 100 gunners, 150 sword users, 100 resource bots, and 100 large solar-lunar panels.

He also got to know that Ling'er would absorb the corpses of the animals killed. Qiao Yang was thankful for that because he did not want to deal with any rotting corpse.

He felt as if Ling'er would hatch in one or two days and he was excited about it.

Qiao Yang also tried the antimatter pistol and it satisfied with its performance. Qiao Yang might even kill a core realm advance with the pistol.

He wanted to increase the firepower for the pistol and his sniper with the dragon bones but he would have to buy a more advanced factory for it.

So he would wait for it.

He had one more thing to do - he had to gather more information about this world.

He remembered the card the girl gave to him.

'Maybe I can use that card to ask the girl for more information about this world'

He kept thinking about what to do when he heard a crack noise coming from the egg.

It took Qiao Yang 1 whole day to finish all this work.

Now the egg was half the size of Qiao Yang by sucking all the corpses of the animals.

Just when he turned, something hugged him and said, "Father!"