Feelin' Good

He began to rise, groaning as if on instinct as he raised a hand to his face. Rubbing at it as he tried to rub the sleep from his eyes. Turning in his bed before he got up, he had fallen asleep yesterday still in his clothing, still having a single flip-flop hanging from his foot somehow he kicked it off. He stood, he shot up with force as he almost fell backward before he caught himself, using the ceiling to hold himself.

''Damn, guess I woke up on the good side of the bed today, let's hope I don't feel the pain all day, or ever again." He stumbled forward into his bathroom, tossing off his clothing before he began to run the bath.

As he heard the water running, he felt something building. ''Yeah yeah, hold on man." He stood there naked, having a firm grasp of his dick, something he was proud of and he thanked his parents for to this day...

Was it weird to thank his parents for being hung? Whatever.

He lifted the lid, and the seat up, he wasn't a savage, aiming at just the right spot he began to piss.

Releasing a sigh as he leaned back, continuing to piss, the act so ingrained into his muscles, he could most likely do it drunk off his ass and drop-dead tired.

Wait, didn't he do that just a few days ago? Whatever.

As he finished, he wiggled it twice. He then stopped, staring down at it for a bit before he wiggled it once more before flushing the toilet and using his index finger to pull the lid and seat down.

Going to stand in front of the mirror in his naked glory, still waiting for the bath he began to examine himself, at first he had to squint a bit before he blinked a few times, a brow-raising.

''Hot damn, I can see!''

An exaggeration for sure, he could ALWAYS see, but usually, it'd be rather blurry, but as of right now he could see perfectly. High Definition eyesight, raising a hand to rub his hand along his growing beard.

''Damn, is this how I look to people? No wonder I get bitches."

That brought his thought to Daisy, the old sweetheart. He and the old man joked last night, but Daisy was actually someone who lived on the first floor of the apartment they stayed in.

Low-income apartment, a somewhat rough neighborhood, but this apartment, the school grounds, and a few stores down the street were classified as 'Holy Ground'.

A place where you don't fuck around in, the old man, Sal was his name was someone who helped Jacob by taking him in when he was down on his luck, and in return. Jacob offered his 'Services' which really was just a fancy way of saying he went around beating up people or ending them.

He looked to the rubber duck on the counter a moment before he waved a hand, sending it into the bathwater. Seeing it completed filling he turned the water off and slid in. Despite his large frame, he was able to slowly sink down into a comfortable laying position, letting his body soak and relax.

He groaned out as the near-boiling water loved on him. ''Man, the best few thousand I've ever spent to get a custom bathtub so I could actually enjoy stretching out. Bless be the to Japanese."

He began to stretch, pops and cracks coming from him.

He had a 'Friend' in the construction business, doing all he needed to get a better bathtub in. He heard from him that apparently, Japanese people had large bathtubs.

Maybe he should go taste some foreign cuisine? Heh.

After a while he began to scrub down getting all the dirt and grime, there was some bit of real foul-smelling black tar-like substance, he labeled it off as just some dried tar that got on him or something, he never knew it smelt that bad though, having found it near one of his scars across his chest, and some on his leg.

Once he finished bathing he got up, taking a quick rinse shower to get off anything that clung to him in the bath before he got out. Drying himself off he kicked the clothing he was wearing along the floor into the corner next to the hamper.

The room was actually pretty clean despite his rougher appearance.

Getting some clothes on he wore a simple white t-shirt, some blue jeans with a belt.

Pulling on a jacket as well, he slid on his flip-flops as he made his way out into the kitchen.

Sal had just finished cooking, placing a large plate for Jacob on the counter and taking his own to the living room.

Jacob gave a nod to the old man before he began to eat his food, more so inhaling it than anything. It didn't take him long at all to eat, once he finished eating he put on his holster for Kindness and grabbed his wallet, taking some money from the stack he put it into his wallet and put his wallet into his inner jacket.

As he left the door he called out. ''Heading out Sal! Remember! Internet people are coming around noon!''

''I got it, Jacob, can you grab some beer on your way home?''

''Yeup!" Jacob closed the door behind him, locking it as well as he began to half jog down the stairs towards the first floor. Feeling rather good, none of his wounds were bothering him, no headaches, and his eyesight was great, today was looking up.

Easily, and quickly getting down the stairs he walked down the hall towards Daisy's apartment, knocking on the door.

After a while an old lady opened the door, a smell of brownies wafting from the apartment behind her. ''Jacob dear! Thank you for coming, come in, let's get you a brownie before I tell you what I need help with.''

''Never say no to free brownies.''

Don't take brownies from strangers' kids, and if you do. Make sure it's from a sweet old lady everyone knows. Worst case? You get high, but at least they'll taste amazing.

Thankfully Daisy was no stranger, as Jacob was no stranger to her cooking.

Walking in behind her he closed the door behind him, just to have a cat sitting on the counter as they entered the kitchen, a thick-haired white and gray cat greeting Jacob with a loud meow. A little chubby for a cat their size, but Jacob felt if he lived with Daisy, he might be a little chubby too.

He scratched beneath the chin of the cat, grinning. ''How are you Cinamon? Watching the house?"

Daisy was separating a few brownies from the large pan she had made. Handing one to Jacob to eat while she wrapped the others for him to take for later.

''Here you go Jacky, something for the road.''

''The road? Another grocery run?''

''Not today, actually I need you to take Twister to the vet today for his check-up, could you do that for me?''

''Of course, not like I work, feel I need the exercise just as much as twister does really.''

He head into the living room, to see a medium-size rottweiler, showing off for why they call him twister as he was twisted on the floor like some sort of twizzler while he snoozed. Made no damn sense how the dog found it comfortable, but he did. The dog also enjoyed aggressively twisting in the grass out back behind the apartment near the playground.

Grabbing the leash off a hook in the living room he clipped the collar, the sound brought the dog immediately to life as he shot up, his little nub of a tail moving rapidly.

Jacob reached down, scratching the dog between the ears. ''Mornin' Twister, ready to see that pretty vet nurse?'' In response, he got a bark causing Daisy to laugh. Jacob began to head out before she called out.

''Can you send Sam my way if you see him? Tell him I'll give him some brownies for his siblings if he runs up a few to the others in the building.''

''I'll stop by his hangout."

''Thank you, sweety!''

There it is, the sweety from an old woman that made you feel warm and proud for no reason, and Daisy was already warm and homey already, the way she said Sweety made everyone love her.

Heading out with Twister, a quick walk and he was at the vet clinic, entering in, there were a few people sitting, but a woman behind the counter looked up as Jacob entered. Her brown eyes widened as she smiled, standing from the counter.

''There's our little Twister!''

She came around the counter as she came to kneel before Twister, ruffling his ears and rubbing at his cheeks. The dog seemed more than happy with the attention. His feet alternated as he tapped in excitement.

Jacob? Enjoying the view of the woman bust, she was beautiful. She was white, he skins a warm color, long dark brown hair pulled back in a ponytail wearing the usual attire for being the 'Face' of the clinic, due to the warmer weather she was showing off a bit of bust.

She was a kind woman, her name was Maria and she loved animals, with a slender waist and ample rear and a pair of double D's, she'd be the perfect wife material.

"Don't mind me, just enjoying the view.''

There was a snicker from an old lady who was holding a cat, shaking her head.

Maria laughed as she stood up, hugging Jacob, she was pretty tall for a woman who is 5' 10' but she was still short compared to Jacob.

''It's good to see you, Jacob, you look good, smell good actually.''

Jacob hugged her back, giving her a little lift caused Maria's smile to grow wider as he looked down at her. ''Trying out some new products, Ally recommended them, said they make the hair feel soft, body smell good, something something. You know how she is.''

Maria giggled as she reached up, no boundaries seeming between the two as she ran her fingers through his hair. ''Oh, it really is soft! I'll have to call her tonight.''

She stepped back from Jacob, still grinning up to Jacob as she took Twister's blue leash.

''Actually, I'm heading to go grab a phone, plan to get everyone together for dinner later tonight so I can give everyone my phone number, you in?"

''You know it! Please tell me we can eat at Joe's place? Pretty please!''

''Where the fuck else would we go out to eat? Can you let Ally, Stephan, and Harriet know?''

''Yeah! See you later tonight Jacob.''

She waved as she took Twister to the back with that he walked out of the vet, turning left he began to walk down the street. The Apartments were only a quick five-minute walk to the clinic, and if he kept walking about five he'd end up at the skate park, where Sam and his buddies would be.