The hell is 'Bussing?'

As Jacob made his way to the skate park, even from just a minute or so away you could hear the people, hollering as someone did another trick, or finally managed to do the first-ever trick of their life.

Making his wait between the opened two gates that lead to the skate park, they were used to keep out kids during the night, some still tried to sneak in, but apparently, the older teens had made some sort of 'Night Watch' to try and help kids stay out, even going as far to help them if they had no place to go for the night.

Jacob had never had an interest in any of this, but he could skate. Something he picked up while he was enlisted. He couldn't do any tricks, but he couldn't deny it was an easy form of travel, especially when you have a dog pulling you along.

A few people waved as Jacob entered, familiar to him as he's helped them before, walking up to a rather lanky-looking kid who was in all forms of protection. ''David, you seen Sam around?"

The guy who was wearing a thick layer of plastic around his ankle was damn near shaking on top of the scooter he was on.

''Yeah man... Watching over some kids on the halfpipe was thinking of heading there myself."

Jacob watched the kid for a long moment before patting his shoulder. ''Just take it easy David, and approach it at your own pace, no need to rush.''

David's hands only tightened on the bard to the scooter, his shaking not as bad as before. ''I know, I'm just jealous of the other kids..."

Jacob nodded his head. ''Aren't we all? Some of the kids here defy gravity, but each and every one of them started from the same place. Eating dirt each time they got knocked back down. Just take your time, and do YOUR best, not their's. No one wants someone else out of you kid." He ruffled David's curly hair before walking deeper into the park, heading towards the end where he would find Sam on the halfpipe.

Soon he saw a tall dark hair teen standing with his arms crossed, watching over people as they fucked around on the halfpipe, he looked ready to bolt.

Looked like Sam was on 'Life Guard' duty.

A lot of kids would use the halfpipe, if someone fell, it was hard for others to stop if they got in their way, the bigger kids, much like Sam were standing around, some even up on each side of the halfpipe to catch kids that had their board slid from beneath them.

Walking up next to Sam, Jacob called out. ''Making sure no kids are running around the pool?''

''Har Har, hey Jacob. You got a delivery for one of us?"

''Somewhat, Daisy made brownies. Looked like she was ready to make quite a few, take some kids over to get some, run up some to the others in the building who can't make it down. Stay around a bit until she gets a call, Twister's at the vet.''

''Bussin' ass brownies and I get to see Maria? I knew today was going to be a good day.''

A look of confusion appeared over Jacob's face. 'What the fuck is bussing mean? Whatever.'

"That all you needed Jac?"

''Leave your number with Maria, I'm getting a phone."

''About damn time man, hope you know I never actually text words and just send funny pictures.''

"Yeah, got enough cash last night to finally get one, thought about just sending it to Jessica, but honestly I need to get a phone, anything I have leftover I can send to her.''

There was a nod from Sam, most people knew Jessica, as she was the 'Donation' girl, anyone who knew these streets knew Jessica.

She was on the governing council for this area, and through her, a lot of places got what they needed, and a lot of places got fixed up because of her. The money was a bit dirty, being as a lot coming from a lot of things, some not quite legal. It was still money, and she made sure it was spent doing what people needed around here. She was actually the one who got the Skate park up and running.

Kept a lot of kid's off the street during the day, giving them something to do.

''What were the bastards slingin'?"

''Professional grade Narcotics, mostly military issued. Starting to wonder how the hell these assholes are getting all this stuff.''

Sam exhaled a big breath. ''Beat's me bossman. It makes no sense, I've been trying to have a few of us poke around and find out some information, but nothing so far.''

Jacob shook his head to that, place was bad enough without professional shit coming into play. ''Just be careful, I don't want to find another dead kid."

Sam's face hardened to that, being reminded of the chaotic time when Jacob first came around.

Jacob's been a friend to everyone, and a straight demon to those who fucked around. It used to be real bad, most people in this area were people too old to do anything, to young to get involved, or already in too deep to change.

Jacob was the security of this place, it took almost two years for it to settle down with him busting his ass off, but they finally got a decent system.

Jacob was the 'Muscle' really, not just because he was some sort of military badass, no it's because Jacob was smart, from street smarts, to book smarts, to military smarts, he had it all in his head.

He used every ounce of his head, which doesn't mean he wasn't good at busting faces in, Sam knew better than most just how good Jacob could beat someone's ass.

Jacob had even taught people how to defend themselves.

Aside from Jacob being the muscle, Sam and his 'little' group were the informants, few care too little about the kind of information they talk about around kids, and all the kids answer to Sam and his close friends, who reported to Pops, Jacob, and Jessica. Pop's being Sal, as a lot of people looked up to the older guy, sort of the 'Default' leader to everyone in the area, also the owner to the apartment he stayed in with a lot of the older community.

''We always are Jacob, see you later.'' Sam waved at him as Jacob began to walk away. After having been around Jacob for so long, Sam knew when Jacob was going to head off on his way.

Jacob walked from Sam, getting a few goodbye waves and hollers as he left the skate park. Making his way towards the nearest bus stop that would lead him Uptown, to the much nicer, and safer part of the city. There were no good stores for getting a phone here in the 'Hovel' of Freeport.