Chapter Twenty-Four: Seducing The King

The club was loud and scents blended with each other horribly swallowing them whole as though innocent beings. The king couldn't understand how the humans were able to deal with the smell and still enjoy themselves.

Silver nearly backhanded his brother for choosing a wife that came to these types of places, she would be the complete opposite of what was looked upon in the kingdom of Allur. What would he say if she was one of the women that were loose? Would he use her also and then kill? Make it look like an accident?

Silver nearly wondered why he wanted to kill the human boy now because this was something he was not willing to take time to figure out. Maybe choosing a woman within the kingdom was better? He couldn't stand them, yes but they at least knew how to avoid certain places and recoil from the certain stenches.

"You sure you want to be with a woman that you've already used and tossed aside like rag dolls?" his brother asked as soon as they found an empty table and took a seat.

"They at least would know how to behave especially if I decide to control them." Silver responded, giving him a look of disgust.

"Just look around and relax your face, you might draw more attention. Humans pay attention to detail." Sergio said as he looked around for the woman.

He knew that she was here today, he had seen it and he was one to never lose sight of the people who intrigued him. The one thing he hated about this place is that he couldn't catch her scent easily, he couldn't even find her soul's aura easily and he knew that this place was probably meant for people to unleash their dark side.

"And why would you say that?" questioned his brother.

"The humans call this place a club, usually very famous at night to attend, they gather here, dance and drink," Sergio said as he continued to look.

"Why are they dressed in such a manner?" Silver asked, seeing a bunch of women pass him and his brother in clothing that barely covered their assets.

"Will you follow them brother and punish them for wearing clothes that are provocative?" Sergio teased.

"I would definitely punish them..." Silver whispered as he thought of the desires that he wished to unleash. "Maybe let's postpone finding the girl, I want to get to know her world first."

Sergio snorted and pulled the back of his brother's t-shirt, stopping Silver from advancing to the female humans.

He wished to backhand him for being easily drawn in by the sex appeal of a woman, he rarely knew how to not desire what he desired, especially if it could cause trouble.

"How do you not devour a plate of what you desire if it's in front of you?" Silver questioned as he gave his brother an annoying look.

Just as Sergio was about to comment, he caught the sweet scent, her scent. Giving his brother a look, they both stood up and followed the scent. As soon as they were close to it, they caught sight of the human girl with the boy. They danced in a way that was well choreographed and people seemed to be drawn in by them.

"You told me she was a dancer, I am sure you do not mean this kind of dancer?" Silver asked feeling rather annoyed that the property he was supposed to possess was enjoying the company of another man.

"Why would I give you a woman that's meant to draw in men as though she is well-prepared meat?" Sergio growled at his brother, annoyed at the way he thought about his work.

Sergio was never one to make mistakes, ever. He knew his work and always took his time to do it perfectly. Sergio knew that this specific human was different and for some reason sensed as though things would shift once he was king. Forget that was the brother of a king, no, his powers revolved around her as though she was a siren.

Silver could feel the emotions his brother felt, he was slightly annoyed at him for doubting his work but who could blame him. Their mother had instructed them to find a woman that was innocent and pure but strong-willed. He had never expected the woman to enjoy these sorts of places but Silver knew that this was not his world and he couldn't expect certain things to go his way.

Plus if it had gone his way, he would never have expected to find the woman in a club seducing him without realizing it.